With just one product, Beyoncé dropped 29 kilos.


American pop singer Beyoncé appeared on the cover of the April issue of Shape Magazine, showing a taut belly and a flawless figure. In an interview, the singer shared her own secret of a slender figure. During pregnancy, Beyoncé recovered by as much as 29 kilograms. And she returned to form in just a few months. Moreover, according to the pop diva, she did it easily and naturally.

One product helped - pizza! Yes, it’s pizza, so all fans of this Italian delicacy can take on advice from Beyoncé and lose weight with pleasure. According to the singer, she got rid of the first fifteen kilograms when she was breastfeeding. This pleasant activity helps to get rid of unnecessary calories. Having listened to the recommendations of pediatricians, Beyoncé chose the natural feeding of the child. The first stage was successful, but there were still fifteen kilograms that needed to be immediately reset.

The singer dreamed of showing herself to her fans three months after giving birth. The task is not easy, but Beyoncé succeeded. She admitted that she does not like fitness and she has enough workloads at concerts. Pizza has always been a favorite dish for Beyoncé and she was able to lose weight, despite the calorie content of this product. The secret is simple - she ate pizza only once a week.

But as Beyoncé herself comments on her record weight loss: “I have appetizing forms by nature, so I have to deal with my figure. I think that staying beautiful and slim is easy - just eat right, respect your body and be happy. ”


Olga 03/25/2016
The elderberry garden, and the uncle in Kiev.
