Balanoposthitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Balanoposthitis called a urological disease, which is manifested by inflammation of the glans penis (balanitis) and the inner sheet of the foreskin (postitis).

Balanoposthitis - causes

In most cases, the nature of balanoposthitis is contagious. The cause of inflammation of the glans penis can be a nonspecific microbial flora in the form of steptococci or anaerobic cocci, as well as pathogens that are sexually transmitted (pale treponema, trichomonas, etc.). Sometimes balanoposthitis can be caused by viruses (for example, human papillomavirus) or fungi (candida).

Without the participation of an infectious agent, balanoposthitis rarely develops. In this case, it can be allergic, toxic, etc.

There are predisposing factors that are of great importance for the development of balanoposthitis. First of all, we are talking about neglecting the rules of personal hygiene, diabetes mellitus, chemical irritants (detergents, lubricants), phimosis, pathological conditions that cause fluid retention in the body (kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, heart failure).

Balanoposthitis - symptoms

Balanoposthitis begins acutely, with a burning sensation, itching and discomfort in the area of ​​the glans penis, with the subsequent development of edema and hyperemia (redness) of the foreskin. The head of the penis is covered with a dirty white coating, sometimes with small-papular eruptions.

If acute balanoposthitis caused by a non-specific infectious agent is not treated, it will become chronic. Also balanoposthitis has all the prerequisites to become chronic in the presence of severe concomitant diseases, as well as in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis, genital herpes, syphilis).

Chronic balanoposthitis is characterized by burning and pain in the affected area, cracking of the skin of the foreskin and the appearance of superficial erosions and ulcers on it. Severe inflammation can lead to inguinal lymphadenitis. Over time, due to scarring of the foreskin, phimosis occurs, which exacerbates the course of the disease.

Balanoposthitis - diagnosis

The disease is diagnosed by microscopic examination of smears from the urethra, as well as by sowing the discharge from the urethra and the preputial sac.

Balanoposthitis - treatment and prevention

A mild form of balanoposthitis can be cured by washing the glans penis with antiseptic solutions (furatsilina, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate).

More serious cases require antibiotic therapy. If the inflammation is caused by phimosis, then the treatment is accompanied by surgical intervention in the form of circumcision of the foreskin, which is performed by circular excision of the foreskin of the penis. This operation allows the glans penis to remain naked when it is calm and when it is in an erection state.

This procedure can be performed both for adults and children. Most often, circumcision is prescribed for phimosis, in cases where it is not possible to expand the foreskin in a simpler way; sometimes indications for it are chronic balanoposthitis, tumors of the foreskin, genital warts of the foreskin.

Circumcision is important for the treatment and prevention of balanoposthitis for another reason. The fact is that between the foreskin and the glans penis there is an accumulation of smegma, in which the infection develops very easily, especially if hygiene is not followed. Circumcision improves penile hygiene, reduces the risk of developing urinary tract infections, as well as the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, and the risk of developing penile cancer.


Watch the video: Balanitis Penis Disorder : causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment (July 2024).