How to get out of binge at home: which medicines and methods are effective. Is it possible to get out of hard drinking myself


The most dangerous period in the lives of many people is drunken alcoholism.

Unfortunately, in our country, many had to learn for themselves what it is.

Being in a state of binge, a person constantly drinks alcohol, and can not stop.

He does not go to work, but in the end he simply degrades as a person.

Not everyone can cope with the problem on their own.

When you can deal with binge yourself

A constant craving for alcohol is the main reason why there is binge. Even ancient stories tell us that the problem with alcohol was then. This trouble has come to many families. From conversations with a neighbor or girlfriend, you can often hear that her husband or brother has gone into a binge. That is why everyone who is faced with a similar situation should know how to get out of it and defeat it.

Binge can last from several days to many months. But can all people who drink alcohol go into binge? Alcoholism almost always begins with the use of weak alcoholic beverages, such as beer or wine. A lot of things happen in life, and it is possible that situations may arise that drive a person into this state. He wants to relieve stress and begins to drink actively.

After a while, the realization that you need to do something does come.

There are several signs of a condition in which the body requires a hangover:

1. Diarrhea.

2. Loss of appetite.

3. Vomiting.

4. Severe headache.

5. The occurrence of seizures.

Alcoholism is a diseaseand not just a habit. This conclusion was made by experts in the last century. However, for some reason many still refer to him as an ordinary malaise or as a way to relax.

Being in this state, a person, as never when needs the support of loved ones. After all, getting out of it is not as easy as it might seem. Relatives do not always understand the seriousness of the situation, and they say that you just need not to drink and there will be no problem. However, this makes the patient only worse, he feels guilty and starts drinking again. He does not even think about how to independently get out of hard drinking at home, because no one wants to recognize himself as an alcoholic.

A person may well cope on his own if the binge lasted no more than a week. The main thing is that there should be no poisoning. It is necessary to convince him that he is able to stop. If he sees that they trust and believe in him, this will be the best incentive to get out of hard drinking at home.

All that is needed for this is desire and certain medicines.

Stages of alcoholism

Being in a binge for a long time, common features begin to appear between drug addiction and alcoholism. The development of alcoholism begins in the second stage, and, as a rule, occurs because a person is not able to endure a hangover. For this stage, withdrawal symptoms are characteristic. In this case, the binge will last several days. Stop drinking alcohol only because there is no more money for it.

In between such binges, the patient may take alcohol in small quantities. But the longer it all takes, the harder it is to cope. Because over time, the frequency of such receptions will increase, and the break between hard drinking will be reduced to several days.

In the third stage, even a small dose of alcohol will cause a person to break loose and go into binge. It will be no longer possible to control the dose of alcohol consumed.

At the end of binge, intoxication will occur after 40-60 ml of vodka.

What you need to remove from hard drinking at home

Absolutely every person who is faced with such a problem as binge, is it too early to worry about the question, but how to get out of binge at home.

With frequent and long consumption of alcohol, attachment arises to it. Many alcoholics unfortunately do not even think about the fact that they fell into a vicious circle, from which it is difficult to get out. A person does not adequately assess the entire risk situation, and is not even going to stop. And it all starts with the fact that with the next hangover, he drank another dose of alcohol in order to relieve unpleasant symptoms. Gradually, toxins begin to accumulate in the body, and he tries to fight them on his own. Of course, experts know much better how to get out of this state, but you can try to do it yourself. But what is needed for this?

It must be remembered that being in a drinking bout for a long time leads to dehydration in the body. That is why it is important to return to the body all the fluid that was lost. For this, an ordinary mineral water is suitable.

In order for the metabolism in the body to improve, you need to stay in the fresh air for as long as possible. If you are next to a person who is trying to get out of hard drinking, then in no case do not succumb to his entreaties. It is possible that he will ask for alcohol or try to contact his drinking companions. But this will not help him at all, and the situation with getting out of hard drinking will get rather worse.

The main thing is that you do not need to educate a person all this time. It’s better to prepare a serious conversation, but postpone it for later.

The sequence of actions in the independent fight against binge

The trouble is called alcoholism, not only men but also women are exposed. Moreover, it is worth noting that binge can affect both an alcohol-dependent person and one who does not have such an addiction. Therefore, such people are much more likely to ask the question "how to get out of hard drinking on your own"? Naturally, the first thing to do is, of course, stop drinking alcohol and try to tune in a positive mood.

In order to independently cope with the problem, there are several methods. You need to start with a trip to the pharmacy for drugs that will help get out of hard drinking.

The following medicines will be required for treatment:

• valocordin;

• any medicine for the stomach;

• soothing pills - motherwort or valerian;

• preparations for the liver;

• Activated carbon

It can be difficult to get out of this state if someone is constantly provoking. Therefore, so that no one bothers, it is better to stay home alone.

Alternative remedies can also alleviate symptoms:

• kvass;

• pickle brine;

• hot broth;

• water with lemon juice.

It is important to choose the right time in order to get out of the binge of the house, this will require at least one day.

Waking up in the morning, you need to immediately drink a pickle or kvass with broth. Then take 4-5 tablets of activated carbon and 20 drops of valocordin.

The next step is eating. You need to try to eat at least a few tablespoons of broth with bread. After that, go to the shower, go to bed, watch TV or sleep.

Lunch begins with taking the same medicines. In addition to the broth, you can drink a mug of tea. Remember that you need to drink liquid throughout the day. Before going to bed, drink medicine again. You can have dinner, but not much. Then try to fall asleep and sleep as long as possible.

Remember! In order to independently get out of hard drinking, drinking alcohol is prohibited, this will only aggravate your condition.

After the first such day, it will be much easier for you. In the following days, drink medicine, drink more fluids, and move more often. All this will help toxins quickly get out of the body.

It is possible that there will be nervous tension, depression. But motherwort will help to overcome nervous tension, it is better to drink it before bedtime, so that you can sleep well. But, in no case do not drink alcohol-based tinctures.

There are drug complexes designed specifically to get out of hard drinking:

1. The powder mixture. It includes zinc, magnesium, calcium.

2. Taurine.

3. Drugs to restore sleep.

But many of these complexes have contraindications, so first you still need to consult a doctor.

Need to get out of hard drinking at home? The doctor advises!

To help a loved one who is in a drinking bout for a long time is simply a sacred thing! The situation is quite complicated and unpleasant. There is a drunk man in the apartment who is having difficulty controlling himself, but what to do in order to help him?

Since a few days after the binge, the person himself no longer wants to drink, but, no matter how he can not stop doing it, you need to help him as soon as possible.

It must be remembered that getting out of hard drinking at home is not medical care at all. There are no guarantees whatsoever that everything will be successful and that a person will stop drinking. Drinking leads to a serious condition in the body. If you can’t cope with it within a few days, you must definitely seek help from a narcologist.

Since the condition has a narcological severity, in medicine there is a whole area that deals only with this. Therefore, it is better to trust the doctor and let him take the patient out of hard drinking. The clinic will conduct a full assessment of the clinical picture. This is the right treatment, where experienced specialists will observe his condition, and in which case they will be able to provide full assistance. After all, you can’t save, especially when it comes to loved ones.

If, after all, you decide to take the person out of the binge yourself, then be prepared for the fact that all responsibility will rest with you. It is advisable that you have at least some knowledge in the field of medicine, in order to measure pressure, to feel the pulse.

But once again it’s worth repeating that only an experienced specialist can provide competent assistance, put a dropper, administer medications intravenously.

Binge - this is a serious condition of our body, and the help of doctors in this situation is simply vital.

To provide assistance on their own at the same high level is not for everyone.

In our country, perhaps, everyone should know how to get out of hard drinking at home. After all, unfortunately, many families are faced with such a problem.

This, of course, does not mean that a large number of alcoholics live among us, but not everyone knows how to control the amount of alcohol consumed.

Seeking joy in alcohol, more often people with a low level of morality, those who are dissatisfied with their lives, or are experiencing difficulties at this stage of life.

Any help provided by you will have a positive result only if the person himself wants to overcome the ailment.

There are many ways to get rid of addiction. But you need to know one important point: if the intoxication was long enough, then you can not abstain from alcohol.

This can adversely affect the body, cause a stroke, heart attack, coma.

In order to take some action, you need to gradually abandon alcohol.

For more effective treatment of binge at home, you can combine medicines and folk remedies.

To prevent such situations in life from happening better, of course, do not drink alcohol at all. After all, there are many other ways that can help relax and relieve stress, and all this, without harming the body.


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