Plots for good luck and luck


Surely you have a friend, a few years in a row, and, probably, from childhood, wearing only one amulet. Over the years, the threads are erased, the material darkens and oxidizes, but the person stubbornly wears an old amulet. If you ask what the reason for loving and caring for a simple subject is, the reason will seem trivial - it brings good luck. In this article you will find conspiracies of amulets and talismans for luck and luck.

Conspiracies and rites, acting and strong: for good luck and luck in everything

Of course, magic, amulet works efficiently and without interruption. Fortunately, ceremonies are held using hands, voices, and faith. These rites are strong and active, limited in duration and need to be repeated.

Prayer for good luck

The simplest strong conspiracy for luck and luck in everything is simple prayer. The peculiarity of the prayer is that it is not tied to the lunar phase - the variable factor of magical success.

A prayer for good luck is spoken daily and everywhere.

“God give me the strength to jerk, and to surrender - give good luck. And I do not get tired of praying until luck comes. Amen".

Cross your fingers: bend your index finger over the middle one and cross. The number of conspiracies is immense: Christian, Slavic, esoteric. They share an important condition. Speaking a conspiracy, put faith and hope into words, and then magic is crowned with success.

Ritual "Treaty with the Universe"

Some conspiracies will require a non-standard attitude and alternative vision.
Particularly popular is the Simoron technique "Treaty of Good Luck with the Universe", built according to the method of absurdity. The very essence of Simorona is in turning the principles of the habitual universe upside down.

Similarly, the “Treaty with the Universe” is a ritual aimed at changing one’s own world perception. Making it, we wonderfully surprise the Universe.
For the plot will require:

  • Paper.
  • Red shoulder strap;
  • Friend (friend);
  • Shaman drum

Prepare the paper. A simple sheet of A4, colored sheet, patterned blank. This sheet - the future contract with the universe. The more imagination you show in the preparation process, the more positive emotions you will receive. And the more positive emotions you get, the stronger the effect produced by the ritual will be.

Be sure to invite a friend (friend). In order for the Universe, having heard such a strange magical call, to be convinced of the seriousness of your intentions, you need a witness. Tie a friend (friend), later - a witness, a red ribbon. Sign the tape by hand "Honorary Witness".

Remembering the first rule of Simoron, - smile and laughter, - proceed to the ritual. The more absurd and more fun the situation looks, the higher the chances of success.

Dance the real shamanic dance. You can even turn on the music, or give the witness a drum, dress appropriately and borrow a tambourine from the local shamans. Surrender to the energy of dance, whirl around the fire, like an ancient tribe calling the sun god. During the ritual, mutter various rubbish under your nose, with a serious look, in order to enter the role as much as possible. The universe will be interested and appreciate the efforts of responsible shamans.

Having danced, having mocked and filled with energy of elements, proceed to the main stage of the ritual.

Busyly (the more efficiently - the more efficiently) you sit down at the table and put a marker on the form of the contract. Let the witness stand in the form of a guard of honor behind you.

Gently print the following lines:

“This Agreement as of (date) is concluded between the Universe, hereinafter referred to as the“ Grant ”and (last name, first name, patronymic), hereinafter referred to as the (Recipient) Recipient. According to the Treaty, the Universe attracts good luck and luck to the Recipient. The recipient undertakes to accept the Gifts of the Universe with admiration and joy, looking with glee and giving thanks. This Agreement is concluded in the presence of witnesses and enters into force upon signature. Amen".

Substitute the signature, and seal the contract in an envelope with the inscription "Postal Service of the Universe." Now you have a personal contract with the Universe. Hide the envelope in a secluded place and do not worry. You will succeed.

It should be remembered: the promises made by the Universe are binding. It is important to thank the Universe for all the little things and the great gifts that it presents to you. Having received a salary increase of two thousand, instead of the desired five, you should not be upset. Thank the Universe heartily and it will still surprise you.

How to talk a thing for good luck?

Conspiracies are very good. But even better - when they are fixed on a certain thing. For good reason, Demi Moore is always wearing the powder box of Marilyn Monroe, Tatyana Bulanova does not part with the white Hippo, and Nicholas II collected horseshoes.

Perhaps these famous people did not know how to talk mascot for good luck in everything. But white magic knows. The number of conspiracies for luck is amazing, so consider the most interesting.

Universal plot

Speak for good luck can be any thing. The talisman is a subject that is worn without removing. Ideal gifts and memorabilia. The associated memories and emotions multiply the power of magic. Wooden and silver products: coins, pins, rings, pendants, burned wooden figures, dice. You can even talk rope.

A great option for a universal amulet for good luck is a red thread. Conspired red thread has the strongest properties. Speaking on something definite, we add the power of the plot and the thread. Such a talisman is doubly effective.

It is customary to receive the red thread as a gift, but you can talk to yourself.

For the plot will require:

  1. Red thread.
  2. Candle.
  3. Decorative ornament or bead, put on the thread.

Wait for the favorable phase of the moon. The most successful time is the even numbers of the growing moon. Light a candle at midnight and set it in front of you. With your right hand on the left, tie a red thread. Tie a thread on seven knots, each sentence sentence conspiracy.

  1. The thread is red, the thread is not woven, I implore you to be a talisman.
  2. I charge you for luck, good luck in deeds and aspirations.
  3. I implore you to success, save from mistakes, blemish.
  4. I charge you on support, save from trouble and costs.
  5. I charge you to salvation, from any guard of attack.
  6. I charge you to the defense of the conspiracy I read.
  7. The thread is red, the thread is not woven, I implore you to be a talisman.

Burn the ends of the thread in hot wax and put out the candle with your fingers. Amulet is ready. It will save you from trouble, and if it breaks, it is a good sign. So the thread has saved you from serious trouble. Then the ritual can be repeated.

Plot on the ring

A conspiracy for luck and luck in life can be read on the ring. It is better to talk rings close, then the talisman will work more efficiently.

You will need:

  • Ring.
  • Candle.
  • Mantra.

Choose a moonlit night. Shutter windows, providing darkness in the room. In the background turn on the Indian mantra, Moola Mantra by Deva Premal works well. Learn the simple words of the mantra in advance, put the mantra on repeat.

The ritual is performed on the floor. Fix the long church candle. Light it with a match and wait for the flame to even out. Carefully lift the ring and drop it so that the ring falls exactly on the candle without hitting the flame.

Now bring your hands to the candle, “hugging” the flame so that the fire does not cause harm, but you feel the heat. While the music is playing, look at the fire and mentally send him your desires: good luck, good luck, success in your endeavors. When the mantra begins, close your eyes and repeat the words of the mantra.

Mula-mantra is the strongest mantra of divine energy, originating both in the female and male essence.

The ritual is held until the candle burns out and a little more after. Until the red light in front of your eyes (closed) dissolves in the dark.

After that, put on a ring and wear it without removing it - it is conspired for luck and luck. A nice bonus is that your room is now cleared of all the emotional remnants of the beneficial effects of the mantra.

Hide the candle in a secluded place and do not throw it away for a week.

Coin plot

Conspiracies and rituals for good luck and luck largely depend on chance. To speak with this purpose coin, it must be found by chance on the street. A coin that has fallen up by an eagle needs to pick up and whisper the words above it:

“Good luck brought, bring good luck. Amen".

And put a coin in your pocket. You can also drill a hole in it and wear it around your neck as an amulet.

Good luck in business and work

A conspiracy for success in business should be read with particular precision in words. As things require concentration, so the conspiracy to succeed in business is read, after weighing each word. You can read it and just out loud, but it is better to read on the subject with which the work is accomplished. It can be a pencil, a business card, a key, etc.

First, you clearly pronounce your expectations on a successful conspiracy. Then back them up with a spell:

“It will become the water of the transparent being all pitch. There will be cases successful, affairs will be successful. Amen".

Luck in life

A conspiracy for success in work should be read in the workplace. But first it is necessary to clear this place of negative energy. Rituals differ, but the ritual of exile with the help of a drum is considered to be the most effective.

You will need a small shaman drum. Borrow it from your friends, or visit the Indian store. A drum is a useful thing, useful for many rituals.

So, in the day freed for this purpose, choose a time when there is not a soul around. Take the drum and go around the room seven times. Knock on the drum without stopping. Work out your own rhythm. When you feel that the rhythm is aligned, it will mean maximum matching with the energy field. After seven laps, set the drum aside and read the plot:

“Do not step beyond the threshold of demons, do not step beyond the threshold of failure. From now on, and not to touch the workplace creatures gloomy. Amen!".

The ritual can be repeated at the beginning of each work week.


Watch the video: GOOD LUCK MOTEL AND PLOTS (July 2024).