Marinated onions in pies, salads and hot dishes. Recipes from experienced housewives: how to pickle onions at home


Onions - almost the same component of most salads, dishes and snacks.

Such versatility is provided to him by the taste and structure of the plant.

Onions are used to impart a "volume" to liquid gravy, juiciness fried dishes.

Another great effect is obtained by using pickled onions.

They can accompany randomly dried pilaf, used to enrich the taste of lean fried fish. Home marinated onion is juicy, fragrant, devoid of unpleasant bitterness.

Pickled onion. Basic principles of onion pickling at home

• Bulbs of any size and variety are suitable for pickling at home.

• Onions can be marinated whole, chopped into rings or half rings, it all depends on the method of pickling.

• The main highlight of pickling bulbs is that they have no characteristic bitterness. To get rid of it, before marinating, dab the onions with boiling water or blanch the time indicated in the recipe and only then pour the marinade. The main thing is not to overdo it in hot water, the "overheated" onion becomes soft.

• There are a huge variety of marinades, but they are united by the main requirement - all soluble ingredients must be really dissolved, otherwise the result may be unpredictable.

• With pickled onions you can cook not one original dish, from salads to pies.

• Usually, for each dish, the recipe is marinating, but you can experiment within reasonable limits.

How to pickle onions at home for salads and hot appetizers with and without vinegar

Pickled onion with vinegar


• four bulbs, preferably purple;

• one liter of water;

• four table. spoons of vinegar 9%;

• 1 tsp. salts;

• 1 tbsp. l sugar sand.

Cooking method:

1. Pour boiled water over the sliced ​​onion half rings and hold it for about a minute. Onions must be completely in the water.

2. Flip the onion in a colander and rinse well under the tap.

3. Prepare the marinade by dissolving granulated sugar, vinegar and salt in cold boiled water.

4. Pour the onion into the glass container with the marinade and put into the refrigerator compartment for two hours to marinate.

Marinated onion without added vinegar


• three medium onions;

• 500 ml of water;

• one thin-skinned lemon;

• salt, sugar refined and crushed black pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Fill the onion with lightly warm boiled water and chopped onion.

2. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice, to taste add sugar, salt and pepper, mix everything well.

3. Onions marinated in this way will be ready in half an hour when they are cool.

Chicken liver salad with champignons and pickled onions


• 200 grams of fresh whole champignons;

• one onion marinated for salad;

• small pickled cucumber;

• two boiled eggs, boiled;

• 300 grams of chicken liver, chilled;

• mayonnaise 67%.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the mushrooms and chicken liver in different dishes until cooked.

2. Place the champignons in a colander, drain the water from the saucepan with the liver and cool.

3. Cut the liver into small slices, cut the champignons into thin slices, and cucumbers and eggs in small pieces, squeeze the pickles from the cucumbers by hand.

4. Put all the chopped ingredients in a salad bowl, add the onions, pickled "for the salad", pepper, salt, add the mayonnaise in several separate portions and mix well.

Trout with pickled onions, baked in the oven


• 900 grams of trout steaks;

• three heads marinated without onion vinegar;

• two teaspoons of a mixture of Provencal herbs;

• salt of the salt, coarse grinding;

• ground, preferably by hand, black pea pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Wash pieces of fish with water and dry thoroughly from all sides with a napkin or towel. If the fish is frozen, pre-lay it overnight to thaw.

2. Grate the steaks with a mixture of salt and pepper, and, spreading it on a cutting board, sprinkle the fish profusely with Provencal herbs. Let stand for fifteen minutes.

3. The heat-resistant form or baking sheet should be well lubricated with purified vegetable oil, spread half the pickled onion without the addition of vinegar.

4. Top with the trout steaks and, falling asleep with the rest of the onions, bake the fish at 190 degrees in the oven.

5. After about eight minutes, take out the form, brush with the special silicone brush the top of the preparing dish with vegetable oil and put back another ten minutes.

How to pickle onions at home "Georgian"


• five large onions;

• vinegar;

• coriander;

• carnation;

• Lavrushka;

• cinnamon;

• coarse salt.

Cooking method:

1. Put peeled whole bulbs in boiling water.

2. After a couple of minutes, remove the onions and cut them in small pieces into chilled rings.

3. Dilute with water, based on the ratio of one to one, wine vinegar and pour onion with a solution.

4. At your discretion, add seasonings, salt and refrigerate for four hours.

Marinated fried onion in batter


• five heads of pickled Georgian "onion";

• 200 ml of light beer;

• baking flour.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the beer into a deep bowl and mix it with the sifted flour. Add flour gradually in a small amount, stirring constantly with a whisk, preventing the lumps from sticking. The result is a homogeneous, liquid mass, slightly thicker than bold sour cream.

2. Put the pickled onions in a colander to drain the marinade.

3. Fry the rings, dipping in a batter, in well-calcined refined oil, until a crisp crust.

4. Serve this dish best hot.

How to pickle onions at home in wine "Asian"


• half a pound of onion;

• 100 ml of pink dry wine;

• 75 ml of vodka;

• two hundred gram glass of vinegar, rice;

• four tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Poured boiled water into the glass jar poured into a glass jar and immediately drain the water.

2. Prepare the marinade by mixing rice vinegar, vodka, wine, granulated sugar in a small saucepan, and boil it on the fire.

3. Pour the jar filled with onion with boiling solution, cover with a lid and leave to cool.

4. Refrigerate the jar in the refrigerator for one hour.

"Pockets" of pork with pickled onions


• 600 grams of pork, filet;

• large head pickled "Asiatic" onions;

• one raw egg;

• 6 tablespoons of flour, corn.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the flesh into thick pieces across the fibers. The thickness must be at least one and a half centimeters.

2. Slice the pulp, not cutting to the edge, cut with a knife, so that you can open it like a book.

3. Unfold prepared semi-finished products in this way, beat off on both sides with a special hammer and rub with salt.

4. On one half of each lay out chopped pickled onion and close the pocket.

5. Roll the "pockets" in corn flour, dip them into the egg with a whisk, roll the flour again quickly and fry in the hot, preheated oil, turning it no more than once, until it is reddened.

6. Turn off the heat, cover the dish and leave to stand for twenty minutes.

How to Marinate Onions at Home for Meat and Fish Pies


• one large onion of any kind;

• table. spoon of sugar;

• 1.5 Art. l garden salt;

• 50 ml of 9% vinegar, table;

• 2 glasses of filtered water:

• 60 ml of purified sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the onion into four pieces and chop each into thin strips. Lightly remember hands, set aside.

2. Dissolve the salt and then the sugar in water, add the purified oil, vinegar and boil.

3. In a boiling marinade lay out chopped onions and remove from heat to cool.

4. Pickled onions for the cakes will be ready when completely cool, after about one hour.

Hunchy salmon pie with pickled onions


• 700 grams of pink salmon, frozen;

• one and a half heads of pickled onions for pies;

• half a kilogram of puff pastry;

• 10 grams of fine food salt;

• 3 table. spoons of high-quality olive oil, or frozen vegetable;

• ground black pepper;

• to taste greens.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the skin from the thawed fish, separate the fillets.

2. Choose the remaining small bones from the meat with tweezers and cut it into small, approximately centimeter slices.

3. Add salt to taste, hand-grind black pepper and, having mixed well, pour in vegetable oil.

4. Stir again and put in the refrigerator for one hour.

5. Of the majority of the thawed puff pastry, roll out a thin layer and transfer it to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper moistened with vegetable oil.

6. Lay out the fish stuffing, spread the onion marinated for the pies on top and cover with the second same layer of puff pastry, only slightly smaller.

7. Pinch the edges, the top of the cake can be decorated with the remaining dough rolled up into thin strands.

8. On the surface with a sharp thin knife, make several short cuts and bake at 200 degrees.

9. In forty minutes, the pink salmon pie will be ready.

Canned pickled onions


• small white onions.

For the marinade, based on one liter of water:

• one hundred fifty milliliters of 6% vinegar;

• one and a half table. spoons of granulated sugar;

• table. spoon large, garden salt.

Cooking method:

1. On sterile one-liter cans, lay out the onion cut into thin rings, wholly, and blanched for one minute in boiling water.

2. Add salt to the heated water, granulated sugar behind it and, stirring the ingredients until the ingredients are completely dissolved, boil.

3. Pour vinegar into the boiling solution and fill them with jars filled with onions.

4. Cover with lids and pasteurize for half an hour, and then roll up.

"Red balls", pickled onions, tinted beet


• one kilogram of fine onions;

• large beets;

• half a liter of water;

• 150 ml of vinegar, table;

• one hundred grams of honey;

• two bay leaves and a sprig of thyme;

• 1 tsp. without a hill of salt, or coarse grinding;

• peppercorns.

Cooking method:

1. Bulbs boil water, then dip into cold water and peel.

2. In a boiling water, pour in granulated sugar, salt, a teaspoon of black peppercorns, add honey, vinegar and mix thoroughly.

3. Put the onion into the boiling marinade, bring to the boil and boil it for three minutes over low heat.

4. At the bottom of the dry, pre-sterilized cans, put on a piece of peeled beets.

5. Fill the jars with onions, laying between thyme and onion.

6. Pour over the marinade and cover with a lid, refrigerate.

Cooking dishes with pickled onions. How to Marinate Onions at Home - Tips and Tips

• When adding mayonnaise to a salad with chicken liver and pickled onions, do not put a lot of the salad, and so it is quite sleepy and fat.

• When frying in batter, after dipping in batter, roll the rings in breading of finely ground chips. Onions will not only look original, but also acquire a peculiar, unusual taste.

• When preserving, do not cut the onions too thin, otherwise it will cook and will not be crispy.

• Banks with canned pickled onions after rolling upside down turn upside down and cover with warm things. Just waiting for the cans to cool completely, put them in storage.

• When added to dishes, pickled onions should be discarded in a colander to remove excess marinade, as its presence may distort the expected taste.

• Vinegar can be replaced with natural lemon juice, or with a suitable concentration, citric acid solution to save your dishes from the characteristic vinegar flavor.

• If you want to get a crispy onion as a result, dip it after cold blanching for a while after blanching.


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