Photo recipe: liver in Stroganov style - an old Russian dish. Step by step liver recipe in a Stroganoff: photo


Famous Russian dish - the liver in Stroganov, step by step the recipe of which appeared thanks to the cook of Count Alexander Stroganov, has become popular all over the world!

It was he who successfully combined in the culinary masterpiece the usual offal and refined French serve.

Many believe that the recipe itself is popular, but the dishes in planing are distinguished by the quality of cutting the main product: liver, veal, beef, etc.

The very same recipe remains unchanged for several centuries.

You can purchase any liver for the recipe: chicken, turkey, pork or beef, but remember that the last two species must be soaked in milk before cooking so that all the bitterness will disappear from them!

Ingredients Required:

- 0.5 kg turkey liver;

- 100 g sour cream;

- 30 ml of vegetable or sunflower oil;

- salt and black pepper to taste;

- 1 onion - optional.

Not everyone likes to add onions to the dishes, so we will prepare this recipe for the liver in a Stroganov way without it. If you are his admirer, add sliced ​​vegetable when frying the offal to the pan.

Rinse the turkey liver thoroughly in water and place on a plate. Lightly dry it with a paper towel and remove all the films and strands from the surface of the product - they sometimes come across pieces of bile, which can spoil the whole taste of the prepared dish. Slice each piece of the liver in longitudinal blocks - it is this kind of cutting that is inherent in cooked dishes in a Stroganov style!

In a pan, heat the vegetable or sunflower oil and put the sliced ​​by-product into it.

Remember the longer the liver prepares, the harder it is it tastes. In general, your dish must be created in 20 minutes! Fry the liver pieces for about 10-12 minutes, stirring them from time to time.

As soon as the contents of the pan are ready - add salt and add sour cream of any fat content. Stir. If you have a low-fat dairy product, then you can fry liver slices in butter and vice versa - if you have high-fat sour cream, fry the liver in vegetable fat.

Throw your dish on minimal heat under the lid for another 3-4 minutes, so that the pieces of the by-product are completely soaked with creamy taste, and remove the pan from the stove.

Ready-cooked Stroganov liver, according to the recipe, step by step, lay out on a plate and serve with a vegetable side dish, for example, sliced ​​cucumbers. Do not forget to decorate the dish with fresh herbs when serving.

Good appetite!

Such a juicy and delicate dish with all its great taste is also very inexpensive for your pocket:

- 0.5 kg turkey liver - 60 rubles;

- 100 g sour cream - 12 rubles;

- 30 ml of vegetable or sunflower oil - 5 rubles.

Total: Apart from the usual seasoning, which is often found in any kitchen, 4 servings of liver in a plantation cost about 80 rubles, which is 20 rubles each. for a portion! A great option not only for lunch or dinner, but also for breakfast!


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