A pregnant woman has low blood pressure: panic or not? Low blood pressure during pregnancy: causes, treatment and prevention


Pregnancy is the period when the female body, more than ever, care is important.

In this case, special attention should be paid to the health and well-being of the future mother. And the question of the level of blood pressure in this situation is as important as the level of hemoglobin in the blood or proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle for a pregnant woman.

Low blood pressure during pregnancy frequent occurrenceespecially in the first trimester. But this does not make him less dangerous to the health of the future mother and her unborn baby.

Low blood pressure during pregnancy: causes

Even if a woman was not previously bothered by low blood pressure, things can change during pregnancy. This is due to changes in the hormonal background and is considered a normal physiological process, but on condition that the pressure does not go below the minimum limits and does not pose a threat to pregnancy. It is important to remember that the minimum level of blood pressure in a healthy person is 100 to 60. During pregnancy, a deviation from the norm is allowed a maximum of 10%.

Reducing pressure in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy is a process that nature itself has created. Indeed, at this time in the body of a woman new networks of blood vessels are forming, and a little low pressure contributes to this process, since the blood does not damage them so far and without that thin walls.

Pressure may decrease due to endured stresses and experiences, prolonged mental work, overwork, lack of sleep. In addition, low-active lifestyle and lack of fresh air to the body contribute to a decrease in pressure. Therefore, we must not forget about walking on the street, and especially during pregnancy.

However, low blood pressure during pregnancy can be the result of various diseases: gastric ulcer, adrenal or thyroid insufficiency, and even during allergic reactions.

If the pressure drops far below the norm, it is necessary to immediately contact your doctor to take the necessary measures.

If a pregnant woman does not have a tonometer, a reduced pressure can be judged by the following features:

• sudden bouts of weakness and drowsiness;

• fast fatiguability;

• darkening of the eyes, dizziness, fainting;

• ringing or tinnitus;

• dull pain in the back of the head;

• unreasonable nausea and vomiting, especially if the pregnant woman does not suffer from toxicosis;

• shortness of breath and feeling of lack of fresh air.

Low pressure during pregnancy: diagnosis of possible diseases

Constant low blood pressure during pregnancy can face serious complications. Due to the decrease in blood flow velocity, an insufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen is supplied to the fetus through the placenta. In this case, the consequences can be sad, starting with delays in the development of the fetus and ending with fading of the fetus and abortion. In addition, in women with low pressure in most cases, there is a weak labor activity, as a result of which a caesarean section is necessary.

Constant low pressure in a pregnant woman may indicate the presence of certain diseases. To exclude this option, you need to consult a doctor, leading the pregnancy, and tell about your problem. This is especially true in situations where, in addition to low blood pressure, other signs of the disease are concerned.

During adrenal insufficiency, the following symptoms are observed:

• pressure drop below acceptable standards;

• irritability, fatigue, drowsiness;

• loss of appetite, weight loss, impaired stool;

• changes in skin color to smoky or bronze;

• changes in the color of mucous membranes in blue-black shades;

• the appearance of age spots on the skin.

In case of thyroid insufficiency, the following signs are observed:

• pressure drop below acceptable standards;

• apathy, irritability;

• daytime sleepiness and nighttime insomnia;

• violation of the accuracy of movements;

• lack of expression of emotions through facial muscles, "mask" on the face.

These are only two major diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you must immediately go to your doctor, who will give direction to the test and, if necessary, select the appropriate treatment.

Low pressure during pregnancy: treatment

Drugs that can increase the pressure, not so much. The most popular among them are:

1. Extract of Eleutherococcus.

It has been used since the times of the USSR and is able to quickly raise pressure.

Contraindications: causes muscle tone, including the uterus. Therefore, during pregnancy it is prescribed only in cases of extreme necessity.

2. Tincture of ginseng.

The drug is known as a tonic. It is necessary to accept it according to the instruction.

Contraindications: increases excitability, may cause problems with sleep. Not recommended for pregnant women and children up to 12 years old, therefore, it can be taken only after a prescription.

3. Tincture of lemongrass.

An effective tool at an affordable price. Take the tincture you need before eating 25 drops. It is of low toxicity.

Contraindications: do not take the drug during acute respiratory infections, insomnia and cardiac problems.

4. Preparations with dogrose.

There are several types of them, but most conveniently preparations in the form of syrups. No adverse effects were detected, with the exception of dog rose allergy.

5. Caffeine.

Can be taken as part of coffee or in the form of tablets. We must not forget that caffeine excites the nervous system, and its reception in the afternoons can cause insomnia.

During pregnancy, the use of all these drugs is possible only on the prescription of a general practitioner, since only an experienced person is able to adequately assess the situation and decide whether to take this or that drug. In any case, the negative effects due to constant low blood pressure during pregnancy are much greater than from taking medication.

Before taking medication, you can try to increase the pressure in ways that are safe for mom and baby:

1. Coffee.

Usually this drink is not recommended to drink during pregnancy because of the presence of caffeine in it. But in the case of a decrease in pressure, you can still make an exception to the general rules and allow yourself to drink one cup of weak coffee.

If the attitude of the pregnant woman to coffee is categorically negative, then it can be replaced with sweet black tea with lemon.

2. Herbal.

There are many recipes for decoctions of herbs that help to understand the pressure. But because of their composition, many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy.

One of the permitted is herbal collection, which includes fox strawberries, hips, yarrow, St. John's wort and chicory. To prepare, pour three teaspoons of herbs in a thermos with three glasses of boiled water and let it brew. Take the resulting broth to 1 glass for 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

3. Minor exercise.

Of course, going to the gym and races for long distances is contraindicated for pregnant women. But this does not mean that you need to lie on the couch for days without any extra movements! In addition, there is a special gymnastics for pregnant women, which helps to improve the well-being of women and at the same time prepares the body for the upcoming birth. During physical exertion in the body, the hormone adrenaline is secreted, due to which blood pressure rises.

4. Eating foods that increase pressure.

This method of increasing the pressure decreased during pregnancy is not only effective, but also beneficial, since the body receives additional vitamins.

So, what products are able to increase the pressure:

• from berries and fruits: black currant, pomegranate, sea buckthorn;

• vegetables: garlic, onion, potatoes, carrots;

• dairy products: cottage cheese, butter, cheese;

• caviar;

• liver;

• red meat.

5. Contrast shower.

Alternating warm and cold water, you can increase the pressure and at the same time cheer up, without harming your health or the health of the future baby. Mandatory nuance: a douche should end in cold water.

6. Acupressure.

To hold it you need to alternately press with your fingers on the area between the upper lip and nose, and then between the lower lip and chin. To many, this method helps not only to raise the pressure, but also to relax.

7. During a sharp attack of pressure reduction, you must take following measures: lie down and lift the legs, with the head should be slightly below the level of the torso. This will help the blood flow to the brain faster. After that, you need to apply a cold compress to your forehead and massage your neck in the area of ​​the carotid arteries. After such measures, the pressure very often returns to normal. If this does not happen, it is necessary to call an ambulance for hospitalization and further examination to identify possible serious diseases.

Low Pregnancy Pressure: Prevention

As you know, any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with it. Especially when it comes to health.

For the prevention of pressure reduction during pregnancy is to take some simple steps.

1. Organization of the day regimen. In particular, this item concerns a full 9-hour sleep. That is how much time a pregnant woman needs to have her body properly rested and fully restored strength.

2. Immediately after waking up you need lie in bed for a few minutes. It is forbidden to suddenly jump out of bed! This will help avoid dizziness and nausea associated with them.

3. To relieve morning sickness, caused by low pressure after sleep and toxemia, before getting out of bed, you need to eat a couple of crackers, dried fruit or bread crumbs.

4. Under no circumstances you can not refuse breakfast! Let it consist at least with scrambled eggs and tea, but it should be!

In addition, it is advisable to eat several times a day at about the same time. Thus, the body will receive nutrients in time, it will not have time to overwork, and the probability of pressure drop will decrease significantly.

5. Stress state should not be tolerated. or severe physical and psychological fatigue. However, it is not recommended to take any sedative drugs, even if they are based on herbs.

6. You need to try as best you can. less time spent in public transport, stuffy rooms, crowded places of a large number of people, in the heat under direct sunlight.

Instead, it is better to spend more time outdoors, ideally, walks should take place in a park or forest area.

And the last thing: in no case should you skip monthly check-ups at your gynecologist. Only in this way it will be possible to notice the problem in time and begin its solution at the stage of generation.


Watch the video: Complications In The Third Trimester. Preterm Labor. Low Blood Pressure. Repeat C-Section (July 2024).