Pancakes on sour cream: lush, scalded, sweet, millet, semolina, silk. Many recipes for pancakes sour cream


In antiquity in Russia, flour dishes were considered an image of peace, goodness, and well-being.

Sacred attitude to flour products passed from clan to clan. Pancakes have always symbolized the sun and the beginning of a new life - spring.

For centuries in the Russian cuisine has been forming a huge variety of recipes for pancakes - simple and complex, quick and with additional ingredients, with various fillings and stuffed.

Pancakes on sour cream - the general principles of cooking

The main ingredients are sour cream, milk, flour.

The dough for sour cream pancakes can be prepared with or without the addition of yeast.

Depending on the recipe, kefir, yogurt, various types of flour and even cereal are added.

Therefore, the taste of pancakes for each recipe will be different, but they will all be lush and melting in your mouth.

Pancakes on sour cream "Silk"

Airy and tender will be pancakes, mixed with sour cream and yogurt.


• Three cups of flour;

• Two glasses of kefir;

• One glass of sour cream;

• Four eggs;

• Salt, sugar;

• Butter.

Cooking method:

Kefir is mixed with sour cream, pour flour and stir until smooth. Beat eggs with a mixer with salt and sugar in a strong foam. Mix the prepared ingredients and fry the pancakes in butter.

Pancakes on sour cream "Red Sun"

Properly cooked sour cream pancakes for this recipe will turn out golden red.


• One glass of wheat flour;

• One glass of corn flour;

• A glass of sour cream;

• Two glasses of milk;

• Five eggs;

• Half a cup of sugar;

• Baked milk.

Cooking method:

Mix wheat and corn flour and brew it with hot milk. Egg yolks are pounded with sugar until white, add ghee, sour cream and mixed with custard flour. Proteins are cooled, mixed with salt and whipped with a mixer in a stable strong foam. Carefully lay out the protein foam in the finished dough and mix with a wooden spoon. Bake pancakes in a greased pan.

Pancakes on sour cream "Skorokhody"

This recipe is for lovers to enjoy rich hearty pancakes.


• Three cups of flour;

• Three glasses of milk;

• One glass of sour cream;

• Three eggs;

• 30 grams of ghee;

• Three table. spoons of sugar;

• Salt;

• One tea. spoon of soda;

• One tea. spoon of citric acid.

Cooking method:

Pound eggs with salt, sugar and melted butter, pour milk into them and add sour cream. Soda is thoroughly mixed with flour and mixed with an egg-milk mixture. It is necessary to ensure that there are no lumps in the test. Citric acid is diluted in two tablespoons of warm water and quickly mixed with the finished dough. Immediately bake pancakes in a greased pan.

Pancakes on sour cream "Millet"

Pancakes on sour cream and wheat flour with wheat flour will be dense and thick. Served with honey, jam, syrup.


• One glass of washed millet;

• One glass of wheat flour;

• Half a cup of sour cream;

• Four glasses of milk;

• 60 grams of yeast;

• Five eggs;

• Salt, sugar;

• Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Stir the millet and flour, pour this mixture with three cups of milk, add sour cream and cook a thin porridge. Heat one glass of milk and dissolve the yeast in it. Beat eggs with salt and sugar in a spongy foam. Mix all the components so that there are no lumps, and put in a warm place for one to two hours. When the dough fits, it is not stirred, but thick pancakes are baked right away, put them on a pre-heated plate and pour over melted butter.

Pancakes on sour cream "Manny"

Sour cream pancakes for semolina are served with sugar syrup or jam, cottage cheese or jam.


• One cup of semolina;

• One glass of sour cream;

• One glass of flour;

• Five glasses of milk;

• 40 grams of yeast;

• Four eggs;

• Fifty grams of butter;

• Salt, sugar;

• Butter.

Cooking method:

On three glasses of milk boil sparse semolina with butter, cool it. In two cups of warmed milk diluted yeast, salt and sugar, poured into semolina, add sour cream and mix well. Beat the eggs with a mixer and add to the finished dough. It is allowed to rise in a warm place for two hours and bake pancakes on a cast-iron skillet greased with fat.

Pancakes on sour cream "Imperial"

For cooking pancakes for this recipe takes a little more time. But the effort is worth the taste of "imperial" pancakes on sour cream.


• One glass of sugar;

• Three hundred grams of butter;

• Seven egg yolks;

• 200 grams of flour;

• Three glasses of sour cream;

• Five egg whites.

Cooking method:

Butter melt, remove the foam, cool. Add sugar and egg yolks, put on ice and beat with a mixer or blender until a white foam appears. Flour is mixed with sour cream, heated and added to the yolk mixture. The proteins are cooled on ice and whipped with a mixer into a thick foam. Stir gently with a wooden spoon, inject whipped proteins into the dough. Heat a cast iron pan and bake pancakes on it. At the same time, the pancakes are not turned over, but only shaken out on the dish.

Pancakes on sour cream "Minute"

Prepare original and unusual pancakes in just a few minutes.


• Three glasses of liquid sour cream;

• One glass of buckwheat flour;

• Two glasses of wheat flour;

• Five eggs;

• Sugar, salt;

• Two Chin. spoons of soda;

• Two Chin. spoons of acid (citric);

• Butter.

Cooking method:

Sour cream mixed with sugar, add salt, raw eggs and soda. Pour some vegetable oil. Wheat and buckwheat flour mix, add citric acid. Mixer or blender, beat liquid sour cream with flour until foam appears. Fry pancakes in vegetable oil.

Pancakes on sour cream "Sneda"

Yeast is added to the dough for these pancakes and baked in a pan without adding butter.


• Two glasses of milk;

• Two glasses of sour cream (sparse);

• Five glasses of sifted wheat flour;

• Five eggs;

• 60 grams of yeast;

• Salt, sugar.

Cooking method:

Dissolve the yeast in the heated milk, add one cup of sour cream and all the flour, mix it well with a wooden spoon and let it stand in a warm place for two or three hours. Separate the whites from the yolks, rub the yolks with salt and add them to the dough, and the whites are cooled and whipped into a strong foam. Sour cream is whipped with sugar, mixed with whipped proteins and added to the finished dough. They bake pancakes in well-heated small frying pans in a dry way (without oiling).

Pancakes on sour cream "Ideal"

On the yeast dough made according to this recipe, pancakes are tasty and rich.


• Five glasses of milk;

• One glass of sour cream;

• Two glasses of wheat flour;

• Eighty grams of yeast;

• Three glasses of buckwheat flour;

• Four eggs;

• Sugar, salt;

• Butter (ghee).

Cooking method:

In five glasses of warm milk, yeast is diluted, two glasses of wheat and buckwheat flour are added, stirred and allowed to rise. Then pour one cup of buckwheat flour and clean again in a warm place for twenty minutes. When the dough rises, "brew" it with one glass of hot milk. Stir, add eggs, beaten with sour cream, salt and sugar. Let the dough settle for fifteen minutes and bake in a hot frying pan, greasing it with melted butter.

Pancakes on sour cream - tips and tricks

• Pancake dough should be stirred with a wooden spoon, not a metal spoon.

• To avoid lumps in the dough, pour the flour into the dough gradually.

• You can heat the milk for the dough not in gas, but in the microwave. So the milk "will not run away", will not curdle and warms up faster.

• To lubricate the pan with oil - peel one potato, cut it in half and chop into a fork. Dip in a plate with poured vegetable oil and grease the pan.

• The dough, kneaded with yeast, is not stirred or shaken before baking.

• To make pancakes juicy and not dry - every hot pancake, taken from the pan, sprinkled with sugar and smeared with a small piece of butter.

• It is better to bake pancakes in frying pans with a thick bottom and walls, since pancakes will be strongly dried on thin frying pans.
