February 4: what are the holidays today. Events, birthdays and birthdays 4 February.


Holidays 4 February

World Cancer Day

Annually, on February 4, in most countries of the world, the day of the fight against cancer is celebrated. The main task of this day is to attract the attention of the world community to the universal problem. The population of the Earth must know how dangerous cancers are, what preventive measures will help reduce the risk of getting sick with cancer, as well as what modern methods of treatment will help people who are already ill, to cope with this terrible disease. The World Anticancer Union organizes conferences and symposia to discuss the latest advances in medicine that can withstand a fatal ailment. In addition, this international organization organizes educational meetings with the public throughout the world, publishes a huge number of memos, books and magazines on the oncological problem. The World Health Organization insists that the development of cancer is promoted by: bad habits; alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, unhealthy diet and low physical activity. Environmental factors also play an important role. WHO stresses that in cities with poor environmental conditions, the number of patients with cancer is much higher than in rural areas. The WHO focuses on the early diagnosis of cancer, because it is a cure for this disease, but the insidiousness of the disease is that the cancer very rarely gives any symptoms in the early stages. Often, symptoms of cancer speak of a far advanced process, when it is almost impossible to help the patient. Therefore, the main principle of the fight against cancer, at present, is the prevention and early diagnosis of the disease, which is possible only with regular medical, preventive examinations and examinations.

St. Sarkis Day - the patron saint of lovers in Armenia

On February 4, Armenia is honored by St. Sarkis, this holy one is considered one of the most respected saints of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the entire people of Armenia. It is known that Sarkis was born in Gamerek, he lived and accomplished holy feats at the time when Emperor Constantine the Great was ruling. Under the strong influence of the preaching of Sarkis, almost all the warriors were baptized. It is known that in the year 365, during the time of Emperor Julian the Apostate, the Monk Sarkis accepted suffering for Christ. Nowadays, a beautiful legend is known that helps to understand why saint Sarkis is considered the patron saint of young lovers. After the battle, Saint Sarkis and his 39 comrades-in-arms returned with victory and celebrated it in the royal palace. Profusely supper, and taking plenty of alcohol, the winners went to sleep. Meanwhile, the king ordered 40 women to kill all the warriors. Thirty-nine women executed the order, and the brave warriors were killed, and one woman, seeing the face of the sleeping warrior Sarkis, fell in love with him. She didn't kill him, but kissed him. When Sarkis woke up and realized what had happened, he quickly jumped on his horse, put his beloved beside him, made his way through the gates of the city and promptly left the city. After that, Sarkis is revered by lovers, they see him as their patron. People believe that Saint Sarkis will always help and will help young lovers who are looking for protection from him. This holiday has been officially celebrated since 2007. On the holiday night, young people should eat a salty pancake, and expect revelation, which will come in a dream, they will know what kind of bride or groom is destined. The church calls on this day to pray diligently to Rev. Sarkis. Before this holiday you need to keep a five-day fast. On the day of the feast on February 4 in the small center of Armenia, in the sanctuary of Surb Sarkis, it is always crowded. This is where the solemn liturgy takes place. Young people, in pairs or alone, come to church for a blessing.

Maulid an-Nabi - the birth of the Prophet Muhammad

The birth of the Prophet Muhammad began to celebrate only after 300 years after the advent of the Islamic faith. The history of the exact date of the birth of Mohammed is unknown, which is why this day was timed to coincide with the day of the prophet's death, which left an imprint on the style of celebration. In the modern world, Maulid en-Nabi is celebrated in Syria, Tunisia, Morocco and other countries of the Muslim faith. In Pakistan, it is considered an official celebration, which is celebrated within 3 non-working days. According to tradition, Mawlid consists of reading the prayers and words of mentioning Allah, praising the prophet, narration in poetic form, and lectures on the life and birth of Muhammad. On the day of this holiday, all present should express joy because of the coming to our world of the Prophet Muhammad, who is considered by Muslims to be the last messenger of God, the believers offer immeasurable gratitude to God for this, address the Almighty with prayers, distribute alms to the needy and lead pious talks between them. In some Arab countries, Mawlid is very fond of children. Pavilions are set on the holiday, decorated with flags, and sugar figures are sold there, which are called “arusat an-nabi”, which means “Bride of the Prophet”, behind these figures you can see a bright paper fan, and another very popular figure, it is the horseman who holds the sword in his hand.

Festival of Violets in Toulouse

Every year on February 4 in Toulouse they hold a festival of violets, it lasts two days. Toulouse is figuratively called the "pink" city and is called the capital of violets. In the capital of violets, participants and guests from all over the world come to enjoy the flower creation and just take part in various rather interesting thematic conferences. There are hundreds of participants at the festival, among them you can meet famous scientists, botanists, as well as manufacturers from France, Switzerland, Hungary, Japan, China, and the USA. They all gather together on February 4 in Toulouse and share their experiences. An outstanding event of this festival is the contest of violets. In addition, they hold exhibitions that amaze the human imagination, there is a fair of flowers and various products, and attractions are held that are associated with colors.

February 4 in the national calendar

Timothy half-symbol

February 4 revere the memory of St. Timothy. He was the disciple of the Apostle Paul and the first bishop of Ephesus. According to legend, in the year 80 he died a painful and painful death at the hands of negligent pagans. It is known that in the IV century the holy relics of Timothy were transferred to Constantinople. The people Timofey received the nickname - half-symbol, because the day of his rainbow is considered the middle of winter. While half of winter was in the background, it was still early to relax. After all, it was not by chance that, in honor of Rev. Timofey, there existed in Russia the concept of Timothy frost; peasants believed that the most severe blizzards and snowstorms began from that day. People put a lot of sayings about the upcoming frost. In the national calendar, the day February 4 is rich in various signs. People noticed that if the glass is sweating during the frost, then it is necessary to wait for warming. If on this day there were patterns on the glasses, it meant that frost and cold would last for a long time. We also watched the sky: if the sun was visible, then spring would come early. The snowfall on Timothy predicted a good grain harvest. Every year, exactly on February 4, beekeepers watched their bees, listened to what sounds omshanis makes. If the farm buzzed almost inaudibly, the beekeepers knew that everything was fine, if there was a disturbing noise, the owners would start worrying. On this day, as well as on other days, "semi-dimes", the peasants checked their bins. The peasants were worried about enough stocks for the next harvest. When the owner saw that the stocks would not be enough until the end of winter, they had to save. In Timofeyev, the day the girls needlewomen were having fun, traditionally rolling down the hill on the Donets, on which they spun flax and wool. It was necessary to trace who would continue to ride; it was believed that flax would be well born of that girl.

Historical events of February 4

February 4, 1717 in Russia there was a code of diligent education of youths

The manual was published on February 4, 1717 by order of Emperor Peter I. Peter's associate, J. Bruce, was preparing the publication. The Code, in fact, was a kind of encyclopedia for boys, and consisted of two parts. In the first part of the book, basic knowledge of the alphabet and writing, mathematics and spiritual instruction were given. In the encyclopedia for the first time the civil Russian language was introduced instead of the former Church Slavonic, besides the numbers were ordered to be written in Arabic style, instead of Roman. The second part of the code consisted of a set of rules of conduct in the Russian noble and intelligent environment. Young youths and girls were urged to learn foreign languages, to possess a sword, and to ride a horse, and girls had to definitely dance properly. A special place in the textbook was given to obedience and respect for parents. The girls had to learn modesty, diligence and in the presence of men in the conversation not to go and to feast without an invitation not to go. Also in the collection was a great emphasis on the rules of carrying state affairs burden. The encyclopedia is written in the spirit of Peter the Great's reforms and transformations, it was strictly prescribed by luxury and nobility not to be proud, only works good for the good of the power. For that time, the book was something revolutionary, breaking old Russian stereotypes and superstitions. In it, appeals were sent to the people to avoid a bad society, rude speech, drunkenness, and to learn European civilized manners of behavior. The book can also be attributed to a textbook on etiquette and aesthetics. The Code had a great demand and success in society, it was reprinted twice, and its popularity did not fall until the 1917 revolution.

February 4, 1857 Neanderthal model presented for the first time

In 1856, in Germany, in the Neandertal valley, the remains of a humanoid creature who apparently lived more than 150,000 years ago were discovered. A year later, on 04.02.1857, in Bonn, at a meeting of scientists biologists and physicians, the remains of a found humanoid creature named after its place of discovery - “Neanderthal Man” - was shown. The exhibits were presented by professors Karl Fulrott and Hermann Schaffhausen, but the highest scientific assembly did not realize the significance of this discovery and did not believe Fulrotte and Schaffhausen in the antiquity of the remains presented. Scientists of the 19th century built various hypotheses regarding the origin of these remains, and the most bizarre versions were put forward, one of them argued that the remains of a creature are nothing but a dead Russian Cossack who had a Mongoloid appearance and had congenital malformations. ancient form of a humanoid creature. However, when the remains of such creatures were found in different parts of the Earth, critics had to admit that they were dealing with an ancient subtype of a human being. For a long time, it was considered that Neanderthal is a direct predecessor of modern man, but in 2006, scientists deciphered the genetic code of Neanderthals, and found out that they are very distant relatives of modern man. The same science found that Neanderthals lived for some time together with the Cro-Magnons (a reasonable human subtype). Cro-Magnon people both externally and physiologically were most similar to the modern man and nowadays they are considered to be the direct predecessors of the rational man. However, science does not stand still, and soon the Cro-Magnon may also not be the direct ancestor of man, but by some kind of transferring link or, in general, an independent biological being who has no relation to modern man.

February 4, 1911 concern Rolls-Royce approved the emblem-emblem for their cars

02/04/1911, the Rolls Royce concern, created for its cars a legendary emblem - a figure of a woman with wings. The figure was created by the famous sculptor Charles Sykes and he gave it the name - "Spirit of Ecstasy". The prototype of the statuette was the fashion model Eleonora Thorton, who was greatly revered by the sculptor. Unfortunately, the famous fashion model was tragically killed when the German ship attacked a civilian ship. Previously, the figure for the Rolls Royce car was made from a triple alloy: copper, zinc, nickel. Nowadays, the statuette is made of stainless steel and carefully polished with a powder of sweet cherry stones. By special order, the statuette can be made of gold, silver or platinum, but the happy car owner risks falling victim to thieves who easily break off the figure. Because of such incidents, the Rolls-Royce concern designed a device that hides the statuette inside the kaput into a kind of miniature hatch. As soon as the owner of the car closes the car and presses the car lock on the console, the “Spirit of Ecstasy” statuette is automatically inserted into the hood. Since its founding, Rolls Royce cars have become one of the most expensive and elite brands in the world.

February 4, 1944 scientists have found that the carrier of hereditary information is DNA

On February 4, 1944, the next issue of The Journal of Experimental Medicine was published in the United States; the journal reported on important discoveries in the field of biology and medicine. Professor Oswald Avery and his research group conducted a series of studies in the laboratory of the Rockefeller Medical Institute, in which they finally proved that DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the biological carrier of all the hereditary information of an individual. For the first time, DNA was discovered in 1869 by Johann Misher, but the scientist did not even suspect that he had discovered the basis of human life, he did not understand what for, serves DNA and considered that its purpose is to be a reservoir of phosphorus in the body. Until the 1950s, scientists could not determine the exact structure of DNA, naturally remained a mystery and a mechanism for transmitting genetic information. However, scientists knew that DNA consists of a series of chains, which are composed of nucleotides, but the science could not explain the function of these chains and nucleotides. In 1962, scientists Francis Crick and James Watson conducted a series of experiments, using X-ray data, they proved that each DNA molecule consists of nitrogen compounds that are strictly interconnected. For this discovery, scientists won the Nobel Prize. In our time, in spite of the enormous progress in the study of the structure and function of DNA, a large number of riddles and questions remain to this biological structure.

February 4, 2000 return of the miraculous icon "Boris and Gleb" to Russia

The holy miraculous icon of the XV century "Boris and Gleb", was stolen in 1991 in the Ustyuzhensk museum. The miraculous icon began to be considered from 1608, when the holy image allegedly turned away the attack on Ustyuzhna of the Polish-Lithuanian army. It is known from history that brothers Boris and Gleb were martyred by their elder brother Svyatopolk, who saw his brothers as dangerous rivals in political struggle. The Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise commanded Boris and Gleb to be declared holy, and it was ordered to spread this message not only throughout Russia, but also in the Byzantine and Balkan lands.The ancient Russian chronicles tell us about the miraculous healings when addressing and touching the icon of the holy brothers, there is information about the miracles that took place at the coffin of Boris and Gleb. Later, churches and temples were built in honor of the saints. In the 12th century, the large icon of Boris and Gleb was in St. Sophia of Constantinople. In the 13th century, saints Boris and Gleb were painted on the icons and frescoes of Serbia and Bulgaria. The icon of the 15th century was transferred to the Ustyuzhna Museum of Local Lore in 1936, in connection with the closure of the cathedral, where this icon was located. In 1970, the artists of Vologda restored the holy image. In 1991, the icon was stolen from the Ustyuzhensk museum and taken abroad. A criminal case was initiated into the theft of the national artistic heritage, an investigation led investigators to the West German antiquarian market. Soon the investigation came out to the German antiques dealer Mr. Tatunts, who once bought the holy icon, not knowing that it was stolen and brought from Russia. However, Tatunts, by that time, had already resold the icon to one of the antique dealers in Berlin. Long negotiations began, on the return of the shrine to Russia, the German owner of the icon, was asked to redeem the work. Under pressure from the Government of Germany, the new owner of the icon, agreed to donate the shrine to Russia, which took place on February 4, 2000.

Were born on February 4

Clement Voroshilov (February 4, 1881 - December 2, 1969), Marshal of the USSR

Kliment Efremovich was born on February 4, 1881, in a working-class family. I went to work at 15 years old, to the factory. In 1904 he became a member of the Lugansk Bolshevik Committee, where he showed himself as a fanatically-minded revolutionary Bolshevik. Klim organized workers 'strikes, took part in the formation of militant workers' squads, led active underground propaganda, and was arrested many times for anti-government activities. After the 1917 revolution, Voroshilov became chairman of the Cheka for the protection of Petrograd. During the Civil War, Clement was engaged in the formation of special parts of the Red Army. He commanded several armies and armies, took part in the defense of Tsaritsyn, where he met Stalin, they quickly found a common language and became close friends and comrades. During the entire civil war Voroshilov did not show any military talent, but he always warmly supported the party leadership. Since 1919, he has been appointed people's commissar of internal affairs in Ukraine. In Ukraine, Voroshilov was engaged in organizing special units to fight Ukrainian gangster nationalist forces.

Igor Kvasha (February 4, 1933 - August 30, 2012), Soviet and Russian actor

Igor Kvasha was born on 04.02.1933 in Moscow, in an ordinary working family. After graduation, he entered and graduated from the studio school at the Moscow Art Theater, then played minor roles in the same theater for two years. In 1957, Kvasha goes to work at the Sovremennik Theater, in this theater the actor has worked all his life. Igor Kvash is considered one of the founders of the Sovremennik Theater. The actor has played many roles in the theater and in film. He first starred in cinema in 1961 in the film “At a Difficult Hour”, but his first major role was the role of Karl Marx in the film “Year as Life”. Kvasha tried to work as a director, he managed to put on quite a number of well-known theatrical productions. As the actor himself believed, his best work in the cinema was the roles in the films: “The Man from Boulevard Capuchin”, “The Same Munchausen”, “The Detective” and others. For many years, Igor Kvasha was the permanent host of the program "Wait for me." The talented actor died in 2012 at the 80th year of life.

Tadeush Kosciuszko (February 4, 1746 - October 15, 1817), a Polish and American military, and political figure, national hero of Belarus, the Republic of Lithuania, Poland, and the United States.

Tadeush Kostyushko is an outstanding person in the history of many countries, as a military and political figure, he is honored in the USA, in Poland, in Lithuania and in Belarus. Tadeusz took part in the war for the national independence of the United States of America, and also actively participated in the national liberation movement in Poland. Tadeush was born on February 4, 1746 in Poland, in the village of Merechyovshchina (now the territory of Belarus). He received general and military education in Warsaw and in Paris. In 1776, Tadeusz went to America and took part in the Anglo-American War, and he took the side of the American colonists who fought for the independence of his colony from England. Soon Tadeusz was appointed colonel of the colonist army, he also combined military activities with engineering. Thanks to him, powerful fortifications were built at West Point. After the war, Tadeusz Kosciuszko was awarded the rank of General of the United States Army. He was allocated a plot of land for the construction of a house and a lifetime pension. But the quiet measured life of him, he became bored and in the 90s of the XVIII century, he returned to Poland and plunged into the Polish national liberation movement. Tadeusz fought fearlessly against Russian troops, sparing neither his strength nor his life. In 1794, Tadeusz was appointed commander-in-chief of the Polish insurgent army, under his command, the Poles succeeded in liberating Warsaw for a time. Nevertheless, the Polish army was not able to resist the regular and numerous Russian armies for a long time and effectively. On October 10, 1794, Kosciuszko’s army was completely destroyed by Russian troops, Tadeush himself was wounded and captured by the Russians. In 1796, Kosciuszko was amnestied by the Russian tribunal and released from custody. Almost immediately, he went to the USA, where he lived for many years, before he died, he returned to Europe.

Polad Bul-Bul Oglu (February 4, 1945 ...), Azerbaijani singer and composer

Polad Murtuza oglu Mamedov (Polad Bul-Bul Oglu), born on February 4, 1945 in Baku, in a family of artists. His father was the People's Artist of the USSR, he brought Polad to the stage for the first time, his son accompanied his father. In 1962, Polad graduated with honors from a music school and entered the conservatory in piano and composition. At the age of seventeen he began to write songs in which a certain propaganda of Azerbaijani music and culture was felt. As a pianist, Polad toured many cities of the USSR and the countries of the world. He is considered the founder of a new variety trend, which unites popular and modern pop music. Polad and cinema did not go around, he starred in several films. The composer wrote beautiful music: symphonies, musicals, music for cinema and theatrical performances. For decades, Polad led the Azerbaijan Philharmonic. In 1982 he received the title of People's Artist of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. From 1988 to 2006, he was the permanent minister of culture of Azerbaijan. Now the famous composer and pianist is on a well-deserved retirement.

Ludwig Erhard (February 4, 1897 - May 5, 1977), a prominent statesman and politician of Germany, a talented economist

Ludwig Erhard was born on February 4, 1897, in Germany. During the First World War, he served in the artillery troops, was seriously wounded. After the war, he entered the University of Nuremberg in economics. In 1925, Erhard received a doctorate in economics. After Hitler came to power, Erhard did not accept the Nazi policy and refused to work for the Nazi regime, for which he was removed from all posts and deprived of work. In 1945, he became Minister of Economics of the Federal Land of Bavaria. In 1947, Erhard led a special commission to prepare for financial and monetary reform. In 1948, Erhard was appointed head of the special department of economic affairs of the western lands. In 1948, a monetary reform was carried out in Germany, which later led the ruined German economy out of deep crisis. By the beginning of the 1960s, Germany was able to cope with the consequences of the war that had been suffered and, among other things, was among the top ten economically advanced countries in the world. In 1949, Ludwig Erhard was appointed Minister of Economics of Germany. In 1963 he was elected Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Erhard worked in this post until 1966. After resigning as head of government, Erhard became involved in parliamentary activities.

Name Day February 4

George, Egor, Ivan, Makar, Nikolay, Timofey, Yuri


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