Iranian scientist raised patient's nose


An Iranian scientist Iskander Seyfalian, who lives in England, invented an innovative technology that made it possible to recreate the human nose. The doctor has grown the organ right on the patient’s arm using his own stem cells. A British businessman lost his nose because of a serious illness - skin cancer. Now the doctor needs only to separate the new organ and transplant it to its place.

The experiment began by scanning the patient’s face. Having obtained the relevant data of physicians using a unique method, they grew up in vitro the basis of a new nose. Then, making a cut on the arm of the patient, a small ball was placed under the skin, which was supposed to stretch the skin on the arm due to the gradually increasing volume.

Three months later, instead of a ball, the resulting cartilaginous base of the new nose was placed on the arm. Three months later, microscopic blood vessels and nerve endings were fully formed in the nose growing on the arm.

It is known that during the operation, the doctors suggested that the patient adjust the shape of the new nose, since the former was slightly crooked. However, the British refused, saying he wanted to have the same nose as before. Seyfalian intends to continue to work on his discovery, planning to restore other parts of the human body in the same way in the future.
