The story of one acquaintance


He met I can say quite by accident. Walking one summer evening in the park with a friend, we met him. He came up to us and asked where the cinema is located in our city. His appearance immediately struck a kind of lightness and ease. So lacking in our local guys.

He looked a little bored and obviously craved attention from us. Lena, my friend, he seems to have liked. I, by nature, more cautious and prudent, was in no hurry to somehow evaluate the stranger. We quickly got into a conversation, and despite the fact that he talked more with Lena, it was clear that he was paying great attention to me. My head ached that evening from a pile of problems all over and I was not in the mood to flirt with a guy. Even so cute.

Our evening lasted until almost midnight, and we managed to show him not only our cinema, but also many local attractions. Having run away to the night shift, Lena left us alone and Artyom - that was the name of this charming guy, who escorted me to my house. It was easy with him and she looked very much like some character of old American melodramas, with his Hollywood smile.

Saying goodbye to me, he somehow looked especially at me, as if wanting to read my thoughts. At that moment, I felt that something was awakening in me and, not wanting to lose touch with him, I left him my phone number. SMSki began to arrive right away, but I was not in the mood for long conversations and, having drunk coffee, went to bed.

In the morning I decided to get up early, because today my girlfriend has a birthday from work, and I have not yet chosen what to give her. I was going to go to the hairdresser, from there to the store and to Anka. But she suddenly remembered Artyom and realized that you could go for an evening with him. I dialed his number - he seemed to be even surprised at my call, but did not refuse to spend the evening with me.

On the way to the salon, I thought about him. Until now, I myself could not understand what was so attractive about him. Charming smile or his hoarse velvet voice? Most likely their combination. Or maybe I was just attracted to everything new. Seeing him a second time, I was much more impressed. He clearly tried to impress me and looked flawless.

Taking my arm, we slowly went to a stop and, waiting for the bus, I just could not take my eyes off it. They simply glowed and it was doubly pleasant to realize that it was I who was the reason.

There were many guests at the celebration, and against their background, Artem and I seemed to be lost. However, the people around us were not so interesting, and we enjoyed communicating with each other. He talked a lot and interestingly about himself, but his main feature that bribed me was that he was an excellent listener.

I firmly felt that with no one person I was so easy, free and at ease. He practically did not drink, he behaved very restrained, but I could not help but notice the interest with which the girls looked at him. Yes, he is insanely beautiful and only at that moment I finally realized this.

When the guests began to disperse, Anka did not look ambiguously at me. She seemed to understand everything, but I did not begin to explain anything to her, postponing a frank conversation on workdays. We said goodbye to her and went for a walk with Artyom in the night city. The night was incredibly romantic - the sultry evening was replaced by warm rain and we rejoiced at these moments as if we were living in the last days. We walked and just looked at each other.

Too much has been said, and now, on this night, the words were superfluous. I did not know what awaited us ahead, although I felt that for a long time this wonderful feeling could not be kept. Artem was supposed to leave by morning train back to Simferopol. We both understood this and from this our attraction became stronger and our feelings stronger. We spent the rest of the night in his room, meeting dawn together.

We have not slept for more than a day. It was the last day of my vacation and, unfortunately, the last day of our meeting with him. Despite the sleepless night, Artem looked cheerful and energetic. There was a sort of regret in his eyes, which, in general, he did not hide. I did not want to let him go, but I could not beg him to stay either.

I don’t know if she loved him or it was just a hobby. And yet I could not see him off at the station without tears. He hugged me and whispered in my ear that this was not the end, that he would call and come again. I knew that maybe we would meet someday, but the feeling that I was losing something irretrievably did not leave me. Not when he got on the train, nor when I cried when I left the station.


Watch the video: A story of one acquaintance by . (July 2024).