The dishes of pink salmon - a great variety of flavors. Recipes for original dishes of pink salmon: first and second, salads and appetizers


Pink salmon is a valuable product and many people know about it.

Most often, the use of this fish is limited to salting and sandwiches. But in fact, from pink salmon you can cook a lot of delicious dishes: first, second, appetizers and salads. The variety will surprise even the most capricious gourmet.


Salmon dishes - general cooking principles

To taste the pink salmon dishes and always turn out successful, it is important to find a good fish.

Preferably, which was not frozen. If you purchase a frozen product, you need to carefully examine it.

The presence of ice, weathered crusts, damaged skin and an unpleasant odor are indicators of poor quality. Also the choice of pink salmon is influenced by the cooking method. If you want to cook the soup, then take the fish with his head.

For salting, frying, baking, you can take a gutted carcass with no extra parts or a finished fillet with or without skin.

What you can cook dishes of pink salmon:

• boiled (in water or steamed);

• baked;

• stewed;

• fried.

The main problem you may encounter is dry pink salmon.

The meat of this fish is capricious in cooking and does not like long heat treatment. Usually it does not take more than half an hour.

Also, pink salmon loves various fatty sauces, butter, mayonnaise, sour cream.

Well, what could be a red fish without lemon? Citrus emphasizes the taste, gives the dish a pleasant aroma.

Recipe 1: Creamy Fish - Baked Pink Salmon

The recipe for the most delicious dish of pink salmon, which is prepared rather quickly and can serve as a wonderful dinner. In addition to fish, you will need broccoli, you can take fresh or frozen product.


• one pink salmon;

• 300 grams of broccoli;

• 250 ml of cream;

• salt;

• pepper;

• pinch of rosemary;

• some oil.


1. We split the pink salmon. This dish can be prepared from pure fillet, pieces with skin, or full-sized portion pieces with bone. Cut as you prefer. Only the cooking time will change.

2. Lubricate the shape, lay the fish loosely to each other.

3. Between the pieces put broccoli.

4. Mix cream with salt, pepper, rosemary and pour pink salmon. Top mold covered with foil.

5. Sent in the oven for about half an hour. Focusing on the size of the piece and the ability of the stove.

Recipe 2: Heh in Korean - spicy dish of pink salmon

Heh is a dish that is prepared from raw fish and is a snack-salad. Spicy, fragrant, with juicy vegetables. Especially tasty is obtained from red fish. Prepare of pink salmon?


• 300 grams of pink salmon fillet;

• onion;

• 2-3 carrots;

• 60 ml of oil;

• 2 tablespoons of vinegar 9%;

• 30 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 teaspoon no red pepper slides;

• salt;

• Korean seasoning.


1. Cut the fillet into strips, put in a bowl.

2. Clean the onion, chop into half rings and send to the pink salmon.

3. Add soy sauce, mixed with half of vinegar, pepper, add Korean seasoning to taste. Stir and leave to marinate for 40-60 minutes.

4. At this time we are engaged in carrots. We clean, we rub on a special grater with straws.

5. Add a little salt to the carrot, vinegar residues, you can also sprinkle with Korean spices. Mix well.

6. Heat the oil in the pan, pour the carrots. Insist half an hour.

7. Combine fish mass with carrots. We mix, close hermetically and send to infuse in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

If you smell the smell of fresh onion, then you can chop it, fry it in oil and send it to carrots. And marinate the fish separately.

Recipe 3: Pita bread roll - a simple and quick pink salmon dish.

A wonderful snack to which absolutely any products can be added. Here is an example of a basic dish of pink salmon, but if you wish, you can add a boiled egg, fresh cucumber, tomato, replace cheese with mayonnaise, add olives, capers and everything in the refrigerator.


• thin Armenian lavash;

• 200 grams of soft cheese;

• 200 grams of salted pink salmon;

• any greens.


1. Spread pita bread on the table, grease with cheese.

2. Sprinkle with chopped greens.

3. We spread out from above thin slices of pink salmon. It is necessary to cut the fish as thin as possible. It is not necessary to put the pieces close to each other, it is possible at a distance.

4. Fold the pita roll. The seam should go down. We roll up our product in cling film or just put in the bag. We put in the fridge for half an hour, in the freezer for 15 minutes.

5. We take and cut into pieces, preferably at an oblique angle.

Recipe 4: Salad "North Pole" - a version of the festive dish of pink salmon

Pink salmon is rather dry and does not have fat layers, so it is great for dishes with mayonnaise sauces. Spectacular, tasty and easy-to-prepare salad will be the guest of honor at the festive table.


• 250 grams of salty pink salmon;

• 3 potatoes;

• bunch of green onions;

• 30 grams of red caviar;

• 350 grams of mayonnaise;

• 50 grams of olives;

• cucumber;

• 2 carrots;

• garlic clove;

• 5 eggs;

• salt;

• 100 grams of cheese.


1. Boil potatoes, eggs and carrots to readiness. All cool, clean and grind on a coarse grater separately. Yolks and proteins are also three in different capacities.

2. Cut the pink salmon into cubes, cucumber.

3. Green onion and garlic finely chopped. Cheese three.

4. Spread layers: potatoes, salt, grease with mayonnaise, then pink salmon, green onion. Make a mesh of mayonnaise, put a cucumber, grated carrots and grease again with mayonnaise.

5. Sprinkle the salad with yolks, encircle the edges with proteins. All grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Sprinkle the top with grated cheese.

6. In a circle of lettuce, lay out the red caviar beads, decorate the center with olives cut in half.

Recipe 5: Fish balls - an interesting dish of canned salmon

Delicate and beautiful snack that is simple and quick to prepare. The dish of pink salmon has an interesting appearance and original taste, moderately spicy. But if you want you can add more horseradish. The recipe contains walnuts and sesame, which can be fried in the pan (separately) in advance so that the taste becomes brighter.


• 150 grams of soft cheese;

• 50 grams of red caviar;

• bank of pink salmon;

• parsley;

• 1 teaspoon grated horseradish;

• 70 grams of walnuts;

• green onions;

• sesame;

• salt.


1. Open the canned food, if a lot of oil, then it needs to be drained. Knead the fish with a fork to a uniform consistency.

2. Chop a little onion, send to the pink salmon.

3. Add horseradish, chopped walnuts, cheese and salt to taste. We mix a lot, it should turn out plastic, modeling.

4. Take a piece of fish mass, the size of a walnut. We form a pellet on the palm, put a little red caviar in the center, then connect the edges, making a ball. Roll in the palms so that it becomes smooth, then roll in sesame.

5. Similarly, make fish balls from the rest of the mass, put them on a dish and decorate with parsley.

Recipe 6: Ear - royal first dish of pink salmon

After cutting the pink salmon, usually the fins, the ridge, the head and the strip of the abdomen usually remain. If you add to them a small piece of fillet, then you can cook a stunning first dish with pink salmon - the royal fish soup.


• illiquid pieces of pink salmon;

• 300 grams of fillet;

• 4 potatoes;

• greenery;

• bulb onion;

• carrot;

• spices;

• a shot of vodka;

• some oil.


1. Fill fish waste with two and a half liters of water, boil 35 minutes. Do not forget to remove the foam in time. Remove fish products from the broth. Broth salt.

2. Cut fillets into arbitrary pieces, throw in boiling broth.

3. We cut potatoes randomly and ship after the fish.

4. Fry chopped onion in a pan with butter, as soon as it becomes transparent, add grated carrots and cook together until golden brown.

5. Put the roasted vegetables in the ear, as soon as the potatoes are cooked.

6. Next, pour in a stack of vodka, add chopped greens, bay leaf and any other spices at its discretion. Turn off the fire and give the dish of pink salmon to draw for 20 minutes.

Recipe 7: Stuffed pink salmon - a dish with a twist.

This dish is really with a twist, as it contains them in the filling. For cooking stuffed salmon, it is better to use the carcass with the head. But if you could not get a whole fish, you can simply pinch the hole with a toothpick.


• pink salmon - 1 thing;

• 2 small carrots or one large;

• a handful of raisins;

• spices;

• garlic clove;

• 70 grams of sour cream;

• lemon.


1. In pink salmon we cut off the fins, scrape off the remnants of the husk, wash the carcass well inside and out.

2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix it with sour cream, season with spices and lubricate the fish abundantly. We leave for half an hour, right on the table.

3. Prepare the filling. To do this, steam the raisins in hot water for a quarter of an hour, then drain the liquid, squeeze the berries. Three peeled carrots, chop the garlic and mix with steamed raisins. We fill with salt.

4. Stuff the carcass with carrot mix. And cook. This can be done simply in the form, wrap the fish in foil or lay in a sleeve for baking. Choose any convenient option and send pink salmon in the oven for 35 minutes.

Recipe 8: Fish in batter - a delicious dish of pink salmon

Cooking pink salmon in batter does not take much time, and the result will exceed all expectations. The fish turns out gentle, juicy. From a small amount of pink salmon a decent portion is obtained.


• 0.7 kg of pink salmon or 0.5 kg of fillet;

• 150 grams of milk;

• 6-8 spoons of flour / s;

• 2 eggs;

• seasonings, oil.


1. Cut pink salmon into small cubes, about 1 cm each. Sprinkle with spices, mix and leave to marinate.

2. Beat the eggs with salt, pour in the milk and pour in the flour. The dough should turn out consistency sour cream.

3. Dip the fish pieces in the dough and fry in butter. It is important to warm the fat well so that the dough does not absorb it.

4. Put the finished pink salmon on paper towels so that excess oil is absorbed. Serve fish in batter with herbs, vegetables.

Recipe 9: Fish with cheese - a versatile dish of pink salmon

You do not know what hot dish of pink salmon to cook? Make the fish under the cheese! Least time, effort and ingredients. The quantity of products we take at our discretion.


• pink salmon;

• spices;

• lemon;

• cheese.


1. We take out the ridge with stones from the pink salmon, remove the tail with the head and cut it into two fillets. Cut into arbitrary slices.

2. Sprinkle the fish with spices, pour with lemon juice. You can use any other citrus, for example, orange or mandarin. If you have time, you can leave to pickle.

3. We put the prepared fish in the form, sprinkle with cheese and bake until done, about 20-25 minutes. Temperature is 180-190 degrees.

Hunchy salmon dishes - useful tips and tricks

• Red fish loves all sorts of spices: coriander, all kinds of pepper, herbs, curry, ginger. But only in moderation. If you overdo it with fragrant spices, then the taste characteristic of pink salmon will be lost. Season the fish carefully!

• For frying and stewing of pink salmon in portions, it is better to use pieces with skin. It will not allow the fish to fall apart during the cooking process and will retain an attractive appearance.

• To make pink salmon successful, it is better to use high-fat sauces for marinating and cooking. Also, red meat is wonderfully combined with oils.

• If the fried fish turned out dryish, then everything can be fixed. For example, put out the pieces in the cream. Or serve pink salmon with sour cream sauces.

• Pink salmon goes well with sourish foods, sauces. As an addition, fresh and canned vegetables, citrus fruits, prunes, apples, and pineapple are remarkably suitable.

• Roasted potatoes are served to fried salmon. Boiled fish - boiled potatoes. And only mashed potatoes are combined with any dishes of pink salmon, regardless of the type of heat treatment.


Watch the video: 4 Ways To Cook Salmon (June 2024).