Monastic tea: truth or divorce


Monastic tea is a modern drink, around which there is a lot of talk. The composition of the classic drink includes 7 medicinal herbs that have a tonic effect. However, it is necessary to know how to drink monastic tea and whether it really benefits the person.

Features of monastic tea

The main feature of the monastic tea is a unique composition. All herbs from the collection should be grown away from civilization in the monastery. The drink recipe was invented by a monk healer and passed down from generation to generation.

Tea is a general tonic, but it does not help a person to get rid of all diseases at once, its effect is gradual and facilitating. The composition of the classic drink should include 7 basic herbs.

Monastic tea is a fortifying agent that can improve a person’s mood, but cannot cure him of all illnesses.

The tool does not have the magic properties of losing weight. Manufacturers use this deception to benefit from the sale of goods. They describe the wonderful properties of tea and say that due to its use you can lose 10 kg. in one month. But this is far from the case. Monastic tea has diuretic properties and therefore a person can lose weight due to the loss of excess water, but the fatty layers will not disappear by themselves.

Types and composition of monastic tea

Monastic tea consists of 7 medicinal herbs. These include:

  • Hypericum;
  • Oregano;
  • Succession;
  • Chamomile;
  • Thyme;
  • Dandelion;
  • Horsetail.

Each of the plants has its own properties that contribute to the strengthening of the body and its overall improvement.

Also in the composition are fees of 9 and 16 herbs. In addition to the above basic plants are added:

  • Linden;
  • Immortelle;
  • Rosehip;
  • Sage;
  • Buckthorn;
  • Nettle;
  • Elecampane.

Monastic tea is not an independent medicine, but only an additional means to the main treatment. Among the main effects of tea, the following can be identified:

  • Slimming;
  • From smoking;
  • With diabetes;
  • Antiparasitic;
  • Cordial.

Reception monastic slimming tea promotes the activation of metabolic processes in the body and contributes to weight loss due to the removal of excess fluid. With regular use of the drink, the gastrointestinal tract is restored. If you take 1 glass per day of monastic tea, the woman will notice how her appearance and condition of her hair and skin will improve.

Part monastic tea for diabetes Chamomile and wild rose are included. With regular use of the drink with such herbs, the blood sugar level normalizes and carbohydrate metabolism improves.

Herbal tea monastic tea is also used for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The positive actions of the drink include:

  • Sleep improvement;
  • Treatment of arrhythmias and tachycardias;
  • Help in getting rid of depression.

Part of the drink Hypericum, promotes dilation of blood vessels and improves blood circulation. With regular use a person becomes calmer, anxiety leaves.

What is the real use of monastic tea?

A positive result on the human body has a complex of herbs that make up tea. Medicinal plants (chamomile, St. John's wort, etc.) have a multifaceted effect on the body, helping to obtain the desired effect. Tea is able to:

  • Relieve fatigue and improve mood;
  • Remove toxins from the body;
  • Replenish vitamin balance;
  • Strengthen the body, especially the human nervous system;
  • Speed ​​up the metabolism.

Be careful and check the shelf life of the monastic tea. If, after applying it, malfunctions in the body were found, stop taking it.

Monastic tea does not harm the human body, but still there are several contraindications to its use. It is not recommended to drink:

  • Pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • Children under 14;
  • Persons with individual intolerance to the components.

How to take?

To achieve the desired result and increase immunity, you need to properly brew monastic tea. Instructions for use:

  1. In a glass poured 1 tbsp. l collection and poured 250 ml. boiling water;
  2. Capacity covered with gauze. The decoction should receive oxygen for proper brewing;
  3. Tea infused for 30 minutes;
  4. Gauze is removed and the monastic tea is ready for use.

The brewed beverage can be used chilled or warm as desired and preferred. Tea is consumed after meals, one mug per day.

Monastic tea is not recommended to be stored for a long time in finished form. Brew a fresh drink before each meal.

Monastic tea can be brewed in another way - in a water bath. Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Root elecampane and rosehips (20 gr.) Poured 1 l. boiling water;
  2. The composition is languished on low heat for 20 minutes;
  3. Then the monastic tea is added (10 gr.) And left on the fire for 40 minutes;
  4. Tea is removed and cooled to the required temperature.

Take tea after cooking in a water bath should be the same pattern as with the usual method.

The cost of monastic tea

This monastic tea is sold on the benches in the churches. Its cost there is not high - about 300 rubles. The price in the pharmacy varies from 100 to 200 rubles.

The cost of phyto-collection depends on the composition and purpose. Producers of monastic tea ask for it from 800 to 1100 rubles for a 50 gram packet.

You can find a lot of profitable shares to reduce the price of monastic tea. The total cost of collection at a discount is 990 rubles.


Among consumers, monastic tea is very popular. The only customer complaint is the high cost of the product. However, everyone can judge about its effectiveness immediately after use.

Natalia, Moscow:

I love monastic tea. First, it consists of natural herbs that are good for the body. Secondly, the price justifies the effect. Long suffered with heaviness in the stomach and constant swelling. After applying the tea, everything went away. The result is satisfied.

Artemy, Nizhny Novgorod:

Bought tea on the advice of a friend. He is well versed in herbal collections and chooses them with extreme caution. I almost saw a pack, but I don’t see the effect yet. But according to the instructions you need to drink the entire course to get the result. I will do so. I like the taste of monastic tea and its smell is pleasant, and the mood after it always rises.

Anastasia, Vladivostok:

I ordered tea at a discount when I bought myself coffee and did not regret it. His collection perfectly invigorates and tones no worse than my favorite Brazilian coffee, while it does not contain caffeine. After two weeks of taking monastic tea, I felt a surge of strength and vitality. I will still order.

To summarize: monastic tea is not a divorce, but a collection of herbs that strengthen the body. Each of the plants has a certain effect on a person. Before you buy a collection, consult a doctor and find out the cause of your illness, and then drink tea. Be healthy!


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