Chicken stock soup is a natural remedy. Cook delicious soups on chicken broth: with noodles, dumplings, mushrooms, cheese


Chicken broth surpasses all other types of broths in the content of nutrients and vitamins.

From time immemorial, soups on chicken broth have been used for baby food, and to restore the body after illness, and as a satisfying, but light first meal.

The opinion that healthy and delicious chicken broth soups can only be prepared with the addition of homemade noodles or vegetables is wrong.

In fact, a lot of first courses differ from each other, both in composition and in taste, are prepared on chicken broth.

Chicken broth soup - general cooking principles

The main component of chicken broth soups is, of course, the chicken broth itself. You can cook it using the whole carcass or its components: thighs, wings, necks, backs. But from the chicken breast the broth is not so saturated, it is mainly prepared for the children's table or for those who follow any diet.

You can simply boil the chicken in slightly salted water, or you can cook a delicious and rich broth by adding only a few additional ingredients to the water with meat.

Making delicious soup broth in chicken stock

You need a chicken, you can use it as a poultry, or bought in a store. The carcass is thoroughly washed, the tail and fat deposits are cut off near it, if necessary, the remaining feathers are removed and laid out in a pan with clean cold water.

The only thing that is recommended: if a bird purchased in a store is used to prepare the broth, after the initial boiling of water, the liquid should be drained, and the chicken itself should be poured with fresh water.

After boiling, remove the resulting foam, salt, simmer over low heat for about ten minutes, then add the roots of parsley and celery, carrots, onions. Additional ingredients spread peeled, but not chopped. All components are cooked until the meat is fully cooked, five to seven minutes before the end of cooking, bay leaf, peas of black and allspice and, if necessary, a little more salt are added to the broth. Then the chicken is taken out, the vegetables and roots are thrown out, and the chicken broth itself is filtered through a small strainer.

That's all, the delicious soup soup is ready, the chicken itself can be used to prepare the second or salads, or you can cut into portions and either lay on a flat plate and serve with the soup, or put directly in the soup itself on the chicken stock.

1. Chicken stock soup with homemade noodles

This recipe for chicken broth uses homemade noodles, which is not so difficult to cook. But if you don’t have time or desire to bother with the dough, you can replace homemade noodles with store noodles or regular noodles.


• two liters of broth;

• salt;

• one onion;

• small carrots;

• parsley and dill;

• 130-150 grams of flour;

• 10 ml of water;

• two eggs;

• 15 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

For homemade noodles you need a cool elastic dough that does not stick to your hands. To do this, sift the flour into a large bowl, beat in the same eggs, pour water at room temperature and vegetable oil, slightly salt. Knead the dough.

Roll the dough into a thin layer. The thinner you get, the more beautiful the noodles will be and the more delicate the taste of the finished soup. Dry the rolled dough lightly, then cut it into strips no more than five to six centimeters wide. Fold the resulting strips on top of each other and, armed with a sharp knife with a long blade, carefully chop the noodles.

Spread the finished noodles evenly over a smooth, large surface; it needs a little time to dry.

Cut the onion into small cubes, and grate the carrots. Fry both ingredients in vegetable oil until golden.

Boil the chicken stock, put the vegetable frying and slightly dried home-made noodles, immediately mix everything thoroughly, cook from three to eight minutes, depending on the size of the noodles. The thinner the flour product, the faster it will cook.

Serve the prepared soup hot with plenty of fresh herbs and fresh bread.

2. Chicken soup with dumplings

This fragrant soup with delicious dumplings will not leave anyone indifferent. The composition of the first dish includes white cabbage, if desired, you can not add it or replace cauliflower.


• two liters of chicken broth;

• grows. butter;

• one large potato;

• 200 grams of cabbage;

• small onions;

• salt, greens;

• carrot;

• green onions;

• one egg;

• 30 ml of water;

• 80-100 grams of flour.

Cooking method:

Pass the peeled onion until softened in vegetable oil.

Peel potatoes and carrots and cut into thin strips.

Wash green onions and greens, dry and chop.

Chop the cabbage.

Knead dough for dumplings: mix flour, water, a pinch of salt and an egg.

Put carrots, potatoes and cabbage into the boiling broth, after five minutes add the onion. Stew for five minutes.

From the resulting dough, form small, not dense balls, you can just scoop out the dough with a teaspoon. Throw dumplings into a boiling broth with prepared vegetables. Boil the soup for literally two to three minutes, then turn off the gas.

Before serving, sprinkle the dish with herbs and green onions.

3. Chicken broth soup with mushrooms and cheese

Fragrant mushroom soup on chicken broth with cheese will saturate and warm on cold evenings. Mushrooms are used in the recipe, but you can replace them with any other mushrooms to your liking. Just keep in mind that when using wild mushrooms, they must first be boiled separately from other ingredients.


• two and a half liters of fresh chicken stock;

• 400 grams of champignons;

• two large potato tubers;

• Bay leaf;

• one carrot;

• bow;

• greenery;

• two 100-gram packs of processed cheese;

• salt;

• two tablespoons of butter;

• black and allspice peas.

Cooking method:

Peel the vegetables, cut them into neat, thin circles.

Wash the champignons, and dry them, throwing them in a colander, cut into slices.

Cut the cheese into medium cubes.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, put onion rings, fry for two minutes.

Add prepared mushrooms to the onion, fry everything together until a blush.

Put carrots and potatoes in boiling chicken stock, cook until tender.

Once the vegetables are cooked, put mushrooms and chopped cheese in the soup.

Add salt, pepper.

Stew the soup over a quiet fire until the cheese is dissolved, put the chopped greens and bay leaf to taste, turn off the gas.

Give the dish a little time to brew, serve with freshly prepared garlic croutons.

4. Chicken soup with rice

Chicken broth rice soup seems to bring us back to childhood to a cozy grandmother's kitchen. A hearty, tasty, fragrant dish, which will not be difficult to cook.


• three liters of chicken stock;

• one carrot;

• onion;

• medium sized tomato;

• a small bell pepper;

• a third glass of rice;

• 30 ml grows. oils;

• four small potatoes;

• greens, bay leaves, salt.

Cooking method:

Put the thoroughly washed rice into the boiling broth, and after boiling again, put the potatoes, cut into cubes.

In a separate saucepan, first fry the onion cubes, then add the grated carrots, chopped pepper and blanched and chopped tomato. Salt, add spices to taste, fry.

Pour half a glass of broth to vegetables, cover the saucepan with a lid, simmer over low heat for about fifteen minutes.

As soon as the rice is cooked, put the prepared passivated vegetables in a saucepan with cereals and potatoes, throw the bay leaves there.

Simmer together for no more than five minutes, before serving, sprinkle rice soup on chicken broth with your favorite herbs.

5. Chicken soup "Vegetable"

This soup is unique in that it can contain absolutely any vegetables. And if you take the broth less than what is indicated in the recipe, you will get aromatic hot, which can be served as stewed vegetables, which will be a great addition to any meat dish.


• 500 grams of potatoes;

• two stalks of celery;

• 150 grams of green beans;

• 300 grams of cauliflower;

• salt, spices;

• two tomatoes;

• vegetable oil;

• two small carrots;

• greenery;

• onion;

• green onions.

Cooking method:

In a saucepan or a thick-walled saucepan, heat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, put finely chopped onions and carrots cut into thin strips. Sauté until cooked.

Add celery rings, green beans and diced tomatoes.

Salt, season vegetables with spices, simmer over low heat until all ingredients are cooked.

In another saucepan, boil the chicken stock, put the diced potatoes and cauliflower inflorescences.

Once the potatoes and cabbage are cooked, combine the ingredients of the two pots in one.

Add spices, chopped herbs if necessary. After five minutes of languishing, vegetable soup on chicken broth can be served.

6. Chicken pea soup with smoked meat

And in this dish on chicken stock you can add not only hunting sausages, but also smoked chicken, pork belly or any other sausage you like. In any case, it will turn out breathtakingly delicious and very satisfying.


• 200 grams of dry chopped peas;

• three hunting sausages;

• onions and carrots - one each;

• bay leaf, greens;

• two and a half liters of chicken stock;

• two potatoes;

• salt;

• vegetable oil for frying vegetables.

Cooking method:

Rinse and soak the peas for a couple of hours in cold water, thanks to this, the beans are cooked quickly enough.

Pour vegetable oil into a pan, put finely chopped onion and grated carrots, pass the vegetables.

Pour the soaked peas into the broth, cook over low heat for thirty minutes, then add the potatoes chopped into medium-sized cubes.

Peel the sausage from the film, cut into strips.

After the potatoes are cooked, put the sautéed vegetables and prepared sausages into the pan.

Cook for five minutes, toss the bay leaves and spices if desired.

After seven to ten minutes, you can remove the pan from the heat.

Sprinkle the pea soup prepared and laid out in portioned plates with greens.

7. Charcho soup "Kharcho"

Of course, kharcho in its classical understanding is a soup based on beef broth. But today there are a lot of cooking options for this dish, so kharcho soup on chicken broth is no longer nonsense. Try the easy-to-cook soup, you will definitely like it.


• 2.5 liters of chicken broth;

• two tomatoes;

• one onion;

• 50-60 grams of walnuts;

• greens of cilantro and dill;

• two tablespoons of tkemali sauce;

• half a pod of hot chili pepper;

• three cloves of garlic;

• 20 grams of tomato paste;

• 15 grams of flour;

• half a glass of rice;

• 30 ml grows. oils;

• salt and suneli hops.

Cooking method:

Peel and chop the onion as finely as possible.

Blanch the tomatoes, cut into small cubes.

Chop the garlic into thin slices and chop the chilli.

Rinse thoroughly.

Fry the nuts a little in a dry frying pan and break into small pieces.

Pour the vegetable oil into the stewpan, after it warms up a bit, put the onion, fry it until soft.

Add tomatoes, fried walnuts, stew for about ten minutes.

Pour in half a glass of broth, put finely chopped greens, tomato paste, garlic, hops-suneli and salt.

After five minutes of languishing over low heat, pour in the tkemali, add the chili and sprinkle the flour. Stir well.

Pour the cooked kharcho into the broth boiling on the next burner.

Five minutes of co-boiling and kharcho soup on chicken broth is ready.

8. Soup on chicken soup "Borsch"

You can prepare delicious borsch in hundreds of ways, but this first dish on chicken broth is not only incredibly satisfying, but also light and healthy.


• two small beets;

• onion;

• two potatoes;

• carrot;

• 300 grams of cabbage;

• herbs and garlic to taste;

• Bay leaf;

• three liters of chicken stock;

• salt;

• 10 grams of sugar;

• grows. butter;

• 30 ml of vinegar;

• 30 grams of tomato paste.

Cooking method:

Since the broth is already ready, it remains only to prepare vegetables and herbs. To begin, they should be thoroughly washed, then chopped: chop cabbage, chop the potatoes into bars, grate the carrots and beets, chop the onions into cubes, chop the garlic and greens.

Put cabbage and potatoes in boiling chicken stock. Boil both ingredients until cooked and turn off the gas for a while.

Put onions, beets and carrots in a large pan, fry for five minutes, pour in vinegar, add tomato paste, garlic and a couple of spoons of broth. Salt, sweeten and simmer for about ten to fifteen minutes to taste.

Pour the contents of the pan into the pan, throw a couple of bay leaves and herbs in the soup, cook for five to seven minutes.

Serve the borsch on the chicken broth hot with fresh sour cream.

Chicken broth soup - tips and tricks

• Based on chicken broth, you can cook not only the above soups, but also any others at your discretion.

• The less liquid is used in preparing chicken stock, the tastier and richer it will be.

• Do not neglect fresh herbs; it gives the dish a special summer taste and aroma.

• For cooking soups on chicken broth, you can use both fresh vegetables and herbs, as well as dried foods: tomatoes, peppers, carrots and others.

• Cheese, whether it is hard or processed, goes well with chicken broth, adding it to almost any soup at the end of cooking, you will get a unique incomparable dish.


Watch the video: Episode 154: Southern Chicken and Noodles (July 2024).