Pork Kharcho soup: rich, thick and spicy. The best recipes of pork kharcho soup - an iconic Georgian dish


Kharcho soup is a famous dish of Caucasian culinary specialists, it has successfully caught on with us.

Because of the richness of the ingredients, the combination of herbs and spiciness, it is considered a symbol of health and youth. Real Kharcho is a nourishing, delicious and very tasty dish.

Pork Kharcho Soup - General Cooking Principles

First of all, you need to choose fresh and not very fatty meat. You can purchase ribs.

Pork is washed under running water in one piece.

Traditional Kharcho is prepared in three stages:

1. Cooking meat. The first water is drained, because the meat forms a foam - coagulated protein that needs to be removed. In the first broth there can be harmful substances and dyes added by unscrupulous manufacturers.

2. Laying rice and cooking it for 20 minutes.

3. Adding spices. It is also carried out in three stages. Every five minutes, the soup is seasoned with certain spices.

So that the dish does not pepper, garlic is added at the end of cooking.

Tkemali is added to the original Kharcho soup - a sauce of sour plums and spices. You can replace it with tklapi - plates of sour plum puree, thin and dried.

Do not do without chopped walnuts and pomegranate juice.

In kharcho added lots of green. Bundles of cilantro, parsley, celery are cut and thrown into the soup at the end of cooking and straight into the plate.

1. Classic pork kharcho soup

The dish prepared according to this recipe will delight you with its rich taste, variety of spices and spices.


• 0, 500 kg of pork.

• Four onions.

• Half a cup of long grain rice.

• Two Art. spoons of tkemali sauce.

• 50 ml of fresh pomegranate juice.

• Art. spoon hops-sunels.

• Pinch of coriander beans.

• Three garlic cloves.

• Parsley: medium root and two tablespoons. spoons of greens.

• 5 g basil green.

• Ten black peppercorns.

• Half Art. spoons of ground red pepper.

• One and a half century. spoons of ground paprika.

• Ten walnut nuts.

• One Art. spoonful of cornmeal.

• Three lavrushki, salt.

Cooking method:

Put prepared pork meat in a saucepan, fill it with clean water and put on the included plate. Drain the boiled liquid and pour a new one. Cook over a half hour broth over moderate heat.

Cut the onion heads and fry in sunflower oil and corn flour. Cut parsley root into cubes.

Crush the nuts with a rolling pin and parchment.

Remove meat from broth and cut into several small portions. Rice, pre-washed in running water, fall asleep in boiling broth. In him again put pieces of meat.

We pour in the following spices: coriander, fried onion, parsley (root), black pepper, lavrushka, hops-suneli.

Chopped nuts pour into the broth in 15 minutes after entering the rice. Add tkemali sauce and pour in pomegranate juice. Soup mix.

The time has come to add the following portion of spices: fresh parsley, minced by hand, and red pepper.

We continue cooking for about five minutes.

Add the third portion of spices: salt, mashed garlic, basil. For color add sweet paprika, which also adds to the soup and flavor.

When the dish boils, you need to turn it off and do not touch for a few minutes. Pork Kharcho soup needs a little brewing.

2. Pork Kharcho soup "For the beloved husband"

The dish looks appetizing and amazes with its scorchingly spicy, but pleasant taste.


• 0,500 kg of pork.

• Three onions.

• Art. spoon tomato paste.

• Half a cup of rice.

• Greens and parsley root.

• Lavrushka.

• Art. spoon flour.

• Ten black peas.

• Half a cup of walnuts.

• Half a glass of pomegranate juice.

• Basil.

• Cilantro.

• Two hot peppers.

• One clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

Boil broth with pork, remove the meat, cut into small cubes and send back to the soup.

Add rice and cook for ten minutes.

Grind the onion, parsley root in a blender. Pour into a frying pan and fry in oil. Pour the flour diluted with water, mix everything thoroughly.

Using a food processor, chop the nuts and peas of black pepper.

Add tomato paste, roasted onion mixture, ground walnuts with black pepper, bay leaf in soup and cook for five minutes.

Hot pepper cut into four parts. Chop garlic with a knife. Chop the cilantro, basil and parsley.

Pomegranate juice pour into the soup and boil a little. Remove from heat, add slices of hot peppers, garlic and sprinkle with herbs.

3. Pork Kharcho soup with smoked ribs and beans

The soup is appetizing and fragrant. A duet of rice and beans gives it an original and rich flavor.


• 0,300 kg smoked pork ribs.

• Onion.

• Half a cup of rice.

• 0.150 L of fresh pomegranate juice.

• 0.500 liters of red canned beans with tomato sauce.

• Garlic clove.

• Cilantro bunch.

• Hot peppers.

• Salt and pepper mix.

Cooking method:

Smoked ribs are loaded into a saucepan, filled with water and cook for an hour. Remove the ribs and put them in a separate dish.

The meat broth continues to boil.

Finely chop the onion and send it to the pan. When the onion begins to caramelize, add rice, washed beforehand. Mix stew for about fifteen minutes and pour pomegranate juice. It should completely cover the rice. Stew until the juice has evaporated by half.

Pour the fragrant contents of the pan into boiling broth. There we also send the beans, preserved in tomato sauce.

Garlic, cilantro, hot pepper pod, chop and pour into a saucepan with soup.

To taste we will add salt, pepper and cover with a lid. Kharcho soup with pork must be brewed for about twenty minutes. Serve the dish, putting a couple of ribs and greens in the plate.

4. Pork Kharcho soup with potatoes

Hearty and easy to prepare dish that is suitable for a family dinner. The soup does not stay in the pan for a long time, as it is very tasty and appetizing.


• 0.600 kg of pork.

• Two potatoes.

• Two onions.

• 0.100 kg of rice.

• Clove of garlic.

• Three ripe tomatoes.

• Hops suneli.

• Mix pepper, salt to taste.

• Fresh basil and parsley.

Cooking method:

Prepare the meat, put in a container with cold water and boil. Take out a piece of pork, let cool a little and cut it into cubes. Boil a new broth, throwing meat there, as boiling to remove meat noise. Let him languish on low heat until half an hour.

At this time, peel and wash onions and potatoes. Chop the vegetables.

Wash rice and add to soup. Pour also potatoes, onions and continue cooking for about half an hour.

Peel the tomatoes and chop them. Extinguish a few minutes, stirring constantly.

Tomatoes pour into the soup, add seasoning, salt and pepper. Cook for another five minutes

Cut the garlic into small pieces. Finely chop the washed greens. Add both ingredients to the soup, cover the pan with a lid and finish cooking. After 15 minutes, soup of pork kharcho must be poured into plates and happy to eat.

5. Pork Kharcho soup "Tasty lunch"

Kharcho is prepared without nuts, but it retains its original taste due to spices and seasonings. Perfect as the first meal of an ordinary dinner.


• Half a kilo of bone-in meat.

• Carrot.

• Three onions.

• Lavrushka.

• Sweet peas.

• Two cloves of garlic.

• Black spoonful of cilantro seeds.

• Four tomatoes.

• Half a cup of rice.

• A bunch of parsley and cilantro fresh.

• Hops-suneli, adjika.

Cooking method:

Put the prepared piece of meat, onion and carrot, cut into four parts, laurel and sweet pepper in the pan. Fill the water and cook the broth.

Peel the onions and garlic, cut into medium pieces, fry in a mixture of sunflower and butter until transparent.

We release the tomatoes from the skin and cut them into small cubes.

Cilantro seeds roast and grind to powder in a coffee grinder or in a mortar.

Strain the broth, remove the meat, and remove all the vegetables.

Pour a cup of washed rice and continue to cook the soup.

Meat cut into small pieces and put in a separate vessel. Pour garlic onion and tomato mixture into it. Season with cilantro, hop-suneli, adjika. Put the mixture on a small fire and simmer.

Combine with broth and boil pork kharcho soup for a few more minutes. Finished dish decorate with cilantro and parsley.

6. Homemade pork kharcho soup

The soup is cooked with a small piece of meat. Georgian salt and utsho suneli will present an interesting flavor to the dish.


• 0,250 kg of pork.

• A quarter cup of rice.

• Bow.

• Half a sweet pepper.

• One pod of bitter pepper.

• Art. spoon of tomato paste.

• Two garlic cloves.

• Half a teaspoon of Georgian salt, dried cilantro, ucho-suneli.

• Q. spoon tkemali.

• According to Art. spoon parsley and cilantro fresh.

Cooking method:

Cut the meat into four pieces, put the bay leaf, add water and boil the broth. Periodically skimmer to remove foam.

Onion cut into half rings, peeled red and chilli pepper - in small strips.

Pour the vegetables into a small skillet and fry slightly. Introduce tomato paste, mix everything and simmer a little.

About half an hour before the meat is cooked completely, add rice to the broth. Stir the soup and cook until the cereal is cooked.

Roasted vegetables shift in the soup and begin to add spices. We fill with crushed garlic, Georgian salt, dried cilantro, ucho-suneli, red tkemali.

Chop the green parsley, cilantro and pour them at the very end of cooking. Give the soup to boil and turn off. When serving dishes on the table put in a plate of chopped greens.

7. Pork Kharcho soup with carrot and cinnamon

Spicy, nourishing, tasty and moderately spicy dish. Enjoy pork kharcho soup with fresh pita bread.


• 0,700 kg of pork with bone.

• Carrot.

• Two onions.

• Three Art. spoons of tkemali sauce.

• A bunch of cilantro and parsley.

• For half a cup of rice and toasted walnuts.

• Young celery shoots.

• Chilli.

• Four garlic cloves.

• Hops-suneli and salt.

• Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife.

• Tomato puree - three tablespoons. spoons.

Cooking method:

Prepared raw meat cut into small pieces. Fry in a pan, adding a little vegetable oil. Care must be taken to ensure that all the pieces of meat are roasted evenly.

Pour into a saucepan, fill it with boiling water, cover and leave to languish for half an hour.

On the cutting board, chop the onion into half rings, the carrot into round plates, and the chilli pepper into rings.

Tie a bundle of cilantro with a culinary thread and cut off the roots. Put them aside, and shred the remaining greens.

Nuts skip through the meat grinder. Celery sprouts and parsley are also shredded.

In the pan, in which the meat was cooked, fry, onion, add carrots and chili pepper. Before the end of cooking, add garlic, chopped in advance, and a pinch of celery.

In a saucepan with broth, pour rice and put cilantro roots on it.

Twenty minutes later add chopped cilantro, celery and parsley.

Next, pour out the crushed nuts, add the sauce and dessert spoon of hops-sunels.

Enter the fried vegetables into the soup and add a pinch of cinnamon.

Then lay tomato puree and salt. It is necessary to remove the sample dishes for salt, and turn off after a minute. In a bowl of pork kharcho soup pour fresh coriander.

8. Soup of pork Kharcho "Hearty"

A large bowl of soup with a fair amount of fragrant pork is a full meal.


• Meat with a bone - a kilogram.

• Two onions.

• A tomato.

• Spoon dessert tomato paste.

• Two or three spoons tkemali.

• Half a hot pepper.

• Half a cup of rice.

• A bunch of cilantro and parsley.

• Celery leaves and stalks.

• Four cloves of garlic.

• H. spoon utsho-suneli.

• Half teaspoon ground coriander.

• Pinch of savory and adzhika.

• A mixture of dry hot peppers.

Cooking method:

Washed pork cut into large pieces. Boil the broth in the usual way, not forgetting to remove the foam. Wash the bulb, peel and send to the meat.

Pour some chopped celery stalks into the broth.

Chop the onion and fry in sunflower oil.

Remove the skin from a tomato, remove the seeds and chop it into small pieces. Send to the pan with onions, add a spoonful of tomato paste and mix everything. Pour in a little broth and stew.

Remove the onion head, celery pieces from the soup and pour the vegetable mixture from the pan. Salt to taste.

Chop hot pepper and send it to the soup.

Chop the cilantro with the stems. Chop celery and parsley.

Grind the garlic and mix it with greens.

Send rice to soup Boil a little and add ukho-suneli, coriander, savory and adjika. Pepper with a mixture of dry peppers.

When rice and meat are cooked, turn off the heat and add a mixture of greens and garlic. Cover the fragrant soup with a tight lid and leave for a short time.

Pork Kharcho Soup - Tricks and Tips

  • In order for the soup to be rich, tasty and not very thick, it is necessary to keep the ratio of meat and water 1: 4.
  • While cooking broth, you can add a glass of boiling water, as the water gradually boils away.
  • In order that kharcho does not turn into porridge, long grain rice is used. It is not so quickly boiled soft, retains its shape and gives a sufficient amount of starch.
  • The broth is not salted, salt is added to the soup prepared on its basis.
  • To avoid fat being felt, you need to add pomegranate juice to Kharcho.


Watch the video: PLOV with pork (June 2024).