Facial massage at home - guaranteed minus 5 years! Technique of effective face massage at home (video)


We all heard that the face is the mirror of the female soul.

The first thing that people see when they meet is a person by whom you can determine their age, “read” their health and mood. Facial massage at home will help the skin to look younger, and age will remain only in the passport.

How long has a facial massage

Famous Aphrodite, Cleopatra amazed others with their ageless beauty, but only dedicated servants knew the secret of the effort.

The beautiful maiden, who later became Queen Esther, was massaged with oils and ointment for a whole year before she was presented to the king. It was a few centuries before our era.

The famous doctor Avicenna in terms of healing and restoring the body gave massage one of the first places.

In the world of medicine, there is still no unanimity when a massage appeared. Translated from French, this word means to rub, from Arabic - to touch, from Latin - to put fingers on, and from Old Russian - to pinch.

Modern classic massage I connected all this with 4 tricks, including:

• ironing;

• rubbing;

• pressure;

• vibration.

Our grandmothers - great-grandmothers knew well what miracles with the skin creates a piece of ice, a metal spoon, with which they massaged their faces.

Facial massage at home: how it works

The result of the massage will be visible only if all procedures are performed. regularly, daily or every other day for a month.

An important condition for changing the appearance is the internal attitude. All manipulations should be carried out in a relaxed state, under wonderful calm music, leaving disturbing thoughts. Give yourself, beloved or loved one, 15 minutes of bliss.

Before we start the manipulation, let's conduct an examination. As they say, the enemy must be known in person. Enemy skin are:

• wrinkles;

• body fat;

• puffiness;

• flabbiness.

With a mechanical effect on the skin, blood circulation is improved and lymph flow increases, gas exchange becomes more intense.

As a result of a facial massage at home, the skin becomes supple and fresh. When rubbing from the surface of the face, dead cells are removed in the form of dead skin scales, so the skin looks clean, pink and rejuvenated.

After all the manipulations, the face will be cleared of black spots, the sebaceous glands will improve their work, due to this the greasy luster will disappear, the healthy blush will return, and the second chin will go away.

Types of facial massage

Depending on the main skin deficiency, choose a facial massage at home: classic or Japanese, with ice or metal spoons.

The goal of each type of massage is to preserve or return youth to the face.

Japanese massage is different from the classic depth of impact on both facial and motor muscles. After completing a full course of massage procedures, the face acquires a more toned oval without surgical intervention. To carry out manipulations according to Japanese traditions, special training is necessary, therefore classical massage is more accessible for us.

Before you begin to massage the face at home, we define the main lines along which we will affect the skin.

- The area of ​​the forehead - the lines go from the brow line point to the roots of the hair.

- The skin around the eyes is especially tender, the movement of the fingers barely touches it, from the corner of the eye to the edge of the eyelid, from above, and vice versa - from below.

Important! From below, the skin is massaged only in one direction, from the edge of the eyebrows to the corner of the eye, and not vice versa, as many women do.

- Massage lines of cheeks go from nose to temples and auricles.

- When massaging the nose, all movements are performed from the middle to the base, fingers move down a slide.

- The chin is massaged from the middle of the face to the edge of the ears.

- The facial massage will not be completed without the study of the skin of the neck. The massage lines are located from the neckline to the chin and return from the ear lobes to the clavicle.

False facial massage at home

The cause of puffiness and puffiness of the face is often the stagnation of lymph, the task of which is to clean the tissues and regulate the metabolism. If there is a failure in the life support system of the body, there is a problem with the outflow of lymph, which leads to swelling.

Perhaps in ancient times they did not know anything about lymph, but they noticed that an aluminum spoon worked wonders. And our ancestors used Japanese massage instead of Japanese.

Performing a spoon massage does not require special skills. Cooking dishes with hot water, it can be a cup or bowl, any vegetable oil, napkins and a metal spoon.

Heated in hot water, spoon, wipe dry with a napkin, wetted in oil and all, you can start a facial massage.

Warm spoon slowly, with a stop, we drive along the massage lines, each of which we pass up to 10 times. At the same time be sure to follow the directions of the lymph, from the center to the periphery. Heat the spoon periodically and do not forget to dip it in the butter.

Only 12 - 15 minutes a day will help return the youth to the face, relieve swelling. The course of the whole massage - 10 sessions, if desired, it can be performed every other day and repeated after 3 months.

The visible effect will enhance the mask applied to the face after the massage.

We do facial massage at home with ice

Cold causes the same rush of blood as heat. If we do the spoon massage 3-4 times a year, and the classic one every quarter, then morning rubbing of the face skin with ice along the main lines should become a law, a habit.

For this procedure, you should prepare an ice mold, pour clean, defended water or an unsaturated broth with herbs, lemon, green tea (which you like) and freeze into it. Morning ice massage will not only be a gift to the skin of the face. The cold will make the whole body wake up, help you smile and start the day boldly.

We do a classic facial massage at home

Before proceeding with the massage techniques, we remove the cosmetics, wash our face, while the use of scrub is acceptable. Apply your favorite cream or oil to a clean face. Fans of long nails should not risk the skin of your face, because nails are recommended to cut off or entrust the execution of procedures to a massage therapist.

A good result is given by essential oils with fruit acids, they are suitable for all skin types, inexpensive and are sold in pharmacies. The main condition for the use of oil or cream is the absence of allergy to any component. For especially oily skin, you can use talc.

Face massage will be carried out in zones.

- We start from the forehead, all the manipulations are performed with two fingers, index and middle, from the middle to the hairline. Gently smooth the skin with straight, zigzag and circular movements for a minute.

Next, slightly increase the pressure and rub the skin of the forehead in the same way.

The second method of rubbing will be "shading", with two fingers of each hand, as it were, shading the forehead area, dispersing the lymph to the periphery.

Pressing will perform not only cosmetic functions, but also health, because it is a particle of acupressure. With the index fingers of both hands we make 3–4 circular movements with pressure in one place, after which we shift them 1 cm higher along the massage line. When performing pressure, the occurrence of pain is permissible, because the points interconnected with other organs are located on the surface of the forehead. Working through each of them, we simultaneously affect the entire body.

The intensity of pressure in the first sessions is better to reduce, in order to avoid unpleasant sensations. After deep study of all the lines of the forehead, gently iron the skin with open palms.

We finish the frontal massage with a finger “shower”, for this purpose at a fast pace, of course, along the lines, from the bottom up, gently drumming with all your fingers, as if typing on the keyboard.

- Go to the eyes. The skin around the eyes is especially tender, so in this case we will limit ourselves to stroking and vibration. To remove the "crow's feet" in the outer corners of the eyes, we quickly quickly stroke the index and middle finger with the fingers vertically and horizontally in this problem area. Such soft, cat movements.

Then we do 5 - 6 strokes around the eyes, and finish by patting all the fingers, which, as it were, run around the eyes in a strictly specified direction.

- Nose massage done by the method of study of the forehead:

• 3 - 4 straight, zigzag, circular strokes;

• then the same amount of the same rubbing, "shading";

• circular pressure from the center to the nasal folds;

• Stroking the fingers with your fingers will replace vibration.

- In the same pattern and the above lines do massage the cheeks and chin. Practice has shown that the inclusion of elements of facial gymnastics at this stage helps to reduce the sagging of the nasal folds.

To perform the exercise, the following initial position is necessary - the lower lip is drawn into the oral cavity and lies tightly on the teeth. Three fingers of both hands: index, middle and ring fingers, put it under the crease near the nose and begin to move the skin of the face up and down. Makes 30 times. The field of the end of the manipulation of the cheek is ironed along the massage lines.

- Sections are massaged by all four tricks.. When performing vibration add physical exercise. We inflate the cheeks and with the back of the palms we quickly strike the lower part of the cheeks upwards, blowing out the air at the same time at the count of 8, and so on 5 times.

- We gently stroke the tender skin of the neck with the back of our palms, down with the pads of four fingers.

We finish the face massage at home with a general stroking and intensive finger “shower” along the main lines.

Apply nourishing cream to the heated face skin or make a mask.

Facial massage on your own: the main thing - do no harm

  • You can start a facial massage at home with good health, but in no case with fever or a cold.
  • Oncology, all types of tumors, infection, psoriasis, unfortunately, are under the strictest prohibition for any type of facial massage at home.
  • Any irritation on the skin of the face, purulent inflammation, cut or abrasion are contraindications for manipulation.

It is interesting!

The desire for beauty and eternal youth gave birth to such a direction as face-building. If there is bodybuilding, which helps strengthen muscles and create a beautiful body, then why not create face-building.

Scientists plan to create conditions for the extension of a full-fledged human life to 100 years, then why not live these years beautiful and young.

Constant training returns the facial muscles elastic tone, sagging and sagging skin, wrinkles disappear.

Aerobics for the face opens the door to a beautiful appearance. Want to be beautiful - be it!


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