Diet for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer - this is not a sentence, but a varied and nutritious diet


When a peptic ulcer affects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, it is therefore very important to follow certain rules of nutrition.

Naturally, medical treatment has not been canceled, but if you want to speed up the healing process, you will have to change your diet a bit, and then the body will thank you so much.

Every healthy person who cares about their health should adhere to several principles, which is the basis of the diet for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. These points must be followed even after recovery.

Diet for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer: the basic principles

How to relieve ulcers:

1. Recommended smoking cessation, alcohol.

2. Diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers implies a fractional eating. There should be 5-6 receptions. Moreover, the volume of servings should be small. 300-350 g. Be sure to take time for lunch, dinner or breakfast. Snacking on the go will only bring harm, prolonged chewing of food leads to the fact that it enters the stomach already in a corycephalous form and does not hurt the mucous membrane in addition, like coarse pieces of quickly eaten food. Therefore it is necessary to allocate at least 20 minutes for food intake.

3. Meals should minimally injure the stomach and duodenum, so it is advisable to grind food in the form of mashed potatoes, served as a cream soup or souffle.

4. Food temperature plays an important role. Both hot and cold foods have a negative effect on the digestive tract. The food should beat slightly warm: 20-65 ° C.

5. The processing method also plays an important role. Cooked, steamed or baked dishes are allowed. No fried food should be. Not only mucous, but also the gallbladder, pancreas suffers from fried food. This method of treatment can harm even a healthy person.

6. Limit the amount of salt to 15 grams; some dishes are recommended not to be salted at all or minimal.

7. Do not eat foods that irritate the mucous membrane (fried, fatty, spicy, spices, strong tea, coffee). These products stimulate digestion, increase the production of hydrochloric acid and only aggravate the situation.

8. No need to limit calorie intake. Adhere to the corridor in 2800 - 3500 kcal, depending on gender, weight, age, physical activity. The main percentage should be carbohydrates - 350-410 g (on average 4 g per kg of weight), mainly complex (cereals). The rate of fat 80-100 g per day (1-1.5 g per kg), especially useful vegetable fats (flaxseed, olive oil). Proteins are very important in nutrition, as they are the main building material of organs and systems, they need to be consumed 100-120 g per day (1.5 g per kg).

Diet for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer: what is prohibited?

1. Alcohol. He is considered one of the provoking factors of this disease. Although there are many recipes for traditional medicine with the use of alcoholic beverages, doctors categorically prohibit their use.

Alcohol causes irritation of the mucous membrane, makes the environment in the stomach more acidic, and hydrochloric acid has a very negative effect on the affected area. Strong alcoholic beverages lead to exacerbations of peptic ulcer, can cause wall perforation or bleeding. You can not abuse and low alcohol, for example, beer causes fermentation, bloating, belching, heartburn, which is not conducive to a speedy recovery.

2. Rye, freshly baked bread, fresh baking. These products cause strong fermentation, increase acidity, because they need to be replaced with yesterday's bread, breadcrumbs.

3. Fried, fatty meat, fish. It is forbidden to use meat with skin, tendons, they additionally injure the mucous membrane and long overload, creating an additional load on the gastrointestinal tract. Exclude duck, fatty pork, lamb, goose. Fatty, salted fish, smoked meat, too, can not be consumed.

4. Broths from meat, fish, stimulate the production of gastric juice, can be replaced with weak vegetable decoctions, mashed soups.

5. Spicy, smoked meats, spices, sauces, smoked cheeses, sausages. These products, when released into the stomach and interacting with the mucous membrane, increase the production of gastrin, and it increases the content of hydrochloric acid.

6. Raw vegetables with a high content of plant fibers. After cooking, they are less irritating to the stomach, the fiber is destroyed, and also steaming is possible. It is undesirable to use legumes, radishes, asparagus, kaputs, onions, mushrooms, pickled, salted vegetables.

7. Eggs limit to 2-3 per day, you can not fry, hard boiled eggs.

8. Fruit with hard sandpaperrich in fiber in its raw form.

9. Crumbly cereals, barley, millet porridge, wholegrain pasta. Kashi should beat boiled, puree, it is recommended to interrupt with a blender.

10. Strong coffee or tea, carbonated drinks.

What allows the diet for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer?

The entire food system is aimed at protecting the mucosa from further irritation, and renewing it as soon as possible. These products include:

Vegetables. Vegetable mashed potatoes have a very good effect on the stomach or duodenum. Potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkins, zucchini can be cooked in various ways.

Tip: If you decide to boil the vegetables, they should be thrown into the already boiling water and brought to readiness under the lid closed. This will keep a maximum of vitamins and nutrients. You can bake, but do not eat the crust that was formed. It is very tough and can injure the inflamed area.

Cereals. Uncooked cereals should be the basis of the diet. With milk, you can cook rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley. Or serve in the form of puddings, add to vegetable soups. If the porridge in its structure is difficult to boil, you can add water and increase the cooking time, or eventually grind with a blender. You can add vegetables, and you get a great mashed potatoes.

Meat. Protein is very good for the body. Allowed the use of poultry, lean meats. Chicken, turkey, lean veal, rabbit should be boiled. In the acute period of the disease, it is recommended to grind them up to the state of mashed potatoes, during the recovery period it is possible to use a whole piece. The meat should be skinless, tendons and fat, for example, chicken breast. You can diversify the menu by cooking steam cutlets, meatballs, chops, baked, soufflé.

A fish. Low-fat varieties are welcomed: perch, pike perch; without skin, only fresh. You need to cook for a couple or boil.

Milk products. Milk fits perfectly into a diet for gastric or duodenal ulcers. It is recommended to drink at least a glass every day. It does not irritate the stomach, does not stimulate secretion, on the contrary, relieves pain and soothes. Therefore, it is very useful to have milk porridges, soups, and cooked dishes from dairy products (cheese cakes, curd casseroles, puddings, cottage cheese soufflé). Milk is a storehouse of not only protein, but also trace elements necessary for the body.

Permissible use of kefir, ryazhenka, sour cream, cottage cheese. There are results of some studies, according to which, yogurt, with live bacteria, adversely affects Helicobacter pylori - the etiological cause of ulcers and gastritis.

Fruits. Sweet fruits should beat in a ground, boiled, baked form; avoid fruits rich in fiber.

Bread and Bakery Products. Yesterday's bread, crackers, dry biscuits are allowed. Since they are easier to digest, have not so much acidity, do not cause strong fermentation, when compared with fresh bread. Because you need to put the bread in the package for a day or two, and then take in writing. Fresh products are more delicious, they are easier to chew, but the impact on the mucous membrane is negative.

Salads: The composition of the salad may include boiled meat, tongue, liver, boiled vegetables, dressing should be based on sour cream, without adding spices, a large amount of salt. Mayonnaise, tomato sauce, horseradish, mustard can not be added.

On the day it is recommended to use no more than 2-3 eggs, omelette for a couple. Proteins can be in unlimited quantities, yolks - preferably not more than 2.

Diet for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer allows for the presence in the diet of weak tea, coffee. A positive effect will be when milk and cream are added to drinks. Permitted to use compotes, juices, dogrosewhich has very useful properties.

It has repeatedly proven its worth. sea ​​buckthorn oil, it lubricates the mucous membrane, has many vitamins, antioxidant properties, because a teaspoon an hour before a meal is very useful. Fats should be both vegetable and animal: butter, refined sunflower, olive.

In the acute period of the disease, a set of products, even from the permitted list, is limited. All food served in ground form. Even a whole piece of boiled meat or potatoes should be in the form of mashed potatoes. Bakery products are prohibited in the first 5 - 7 days.

In the future, the menu expands according to the list of products that are allowed to use. Diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers does not completely limit everything, but slightly corrects eating habits.

Diet for ulcer. Sample menu for 2 days:

The diet should be balanced and include the required amount of nutrients.

1 day

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole 200 g, compote 200 g, 2-3 crackers.

Snack: a sandwich with yesterday's bread (30 g) and boiled tongue (100 g), a glass of milk 200 ml

Lunch: rice soup with the addition of ground vegetables, boiled chicken meatballs (300 g), baked squash roll with cottage cheese (100 g).

Snack: omelette steamed with 3 eggs.

Dinner: fish souffle 200 g, boiled potatoes 100 g mashed, baked pear without peel.

At night, as much as you want milk, ideally a glass.

2 day

Breakfast: milk rice porridge with butter (5 g) - 200 g, 2 soft-boiled eggs, rosehip decoction 280 ml.

Snack: berry cottage cheese casserole 330 g

Lunch: steamed chicken cutlets 150 g, mashed potatoes with boiled potatoes, carrots, buckwheat with cream (20 g) - 250 g, a slice of yesterday's bread 30 g.

Snack: yesterday's biscuit, crackers, biscuits 200 g, a glass of milk.

Dinner: boiled liver 150 g, boiled oatmeal (200 g) with 10 g of butter.

1 hour before a meal, you can consume 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil.

Diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers plays a key role in the healing process. The use of certain products can only worsen the outcome of treatment. You must adhere to the recommendations of the doctor and the healing of the ulcer will be faster.


Watch the video: What is good for ulcers ? Health Channel Best Answers (July 2024).