Rejuvenating yeast face mask at home


In folk recipes from cosmetics it is often possible to meet the yeast base. This natural ingredient is always at hand with many housewives. It can be an excellent basis for a homemade mask, lotion, cream or scrub.

Today we will talk about the benefits of yeast for the face. We will share with you inexpensive, but very effective recipes for acne, wrinkles (anti-aging facial treatments) and other options for dry, oily, problem and combination skin. You can read reviews of women using homemade beauty recipes and learn how to return youth.

Yeast Wrinkle Face Mask

Application yeast therapy known since antiquity, its effectiveness and tested and proven time and feedback practitioners. Yeast base helps to get rid of:

  • wrinkles;
  • small scars;
  • acne and / or acne;
  • antibacterial effect (relieves inflammation and irritation).

Its peculiarity is that it can simultaneously have a wellness and rejuvenatingimpact on the delicate skin of the face on each of its cells. After its application, the skin will become more elastic and elastic. Allows you to keep your skin in tone.

In her composed contain a rich stock of vitamins, mineral substances, amino acids, phospholipids, hydrogen and antioxidantswhich nourish the epidermis, stimulate regenerative processes and improve blood circulation, which explains its useful properties. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with some recipes for yeast face masks at home rejuvenating (tightening the skin, even at the first signs of aging).

Yeast face mask - how to make a mask at home

Before considering recipes, we offer several recommendations based on user feedback:

  • before preparation is necessary wake up yeastby adding a bit of them warm liquid (it is forbidden to make boiling water!) and leave the mass for a few minutes, as a liquid, you can use: water, milk, kefir, hydrogen peroxide and others;
  • unused compound can be stored not more than three daysbut the effectiveness will be reduced, so it is recommended to use the mask immediately;
  • the activity of beneficial microorganisms lasts no more than 30-40 minutes therefore, a mask is applied to the face for exactly this period;
  • yeast can be applied dry, raw (live) or tabletsbut the most effective are considered beer houses;
  • yeast can be used by myself or with the addition of auxiliary components;
  • after application procedure (face masks) is recommended to use nourishing cream (pick up the type of skin);
  • procedures should be done no more than two or three times a week, for best effect alternate formulations;
  • if the composition involves the addition of oils - this should be done last, immediately before applying the composition to the skin of the face.

Rejuvenating Yeast Mask

For facial cleansing of horny tissues, acne, small acne and at the same time give it elasticity(cleansing and rejuvenating) will help a unique mask from a mixture of components from yeast powder (fresh yeast can be used) and of milk. The consistency of thick milk. This option will help get rid of against wrinkles and shallow pores, make them less noticeable, will help in the fight against acne and bags in the area under the eyes.

Yeast Acne Recipe

Good brewer's yeast face mask(you can use beer) and strawberries at home. Berries should mash with a fork to the state of mashed potatoes, then mix yeast mass or beer with strawberry gruel. This option combines face scrub and face mask. According to user feedback, this mask will help get rid of acne, black spots and has the ability to smooth wrinkles. It is undesirable to use a mask to remove puffiness under the eyes.

Yeast masks for face and eye area

For delicate eye area should use sparing ingredients. According to reviews, it is recommended to make a moisturizing mask from a yeast base at home, in addition, it will nourish and remove wrinkles. May be recommended as a fluid milk, but for oily skin, milk is better to replace low-fat kefir or other fermented milk product (serum, yogurt, etc.).

The best recipes with yeast for oily skin from black dots

For seborrheic oily skin perfect option at home from yeast base (1 tablespoon), kefir (better to take 15%) and low fat sour cream. All components add in equal amounts. Acceptable use in areas under the eyes (remove swelling, wrinkles and folds, eliminate acne and age spots, etc.)

The composition of the mask for skin after 40

Make at home rejuvenatingand at the same time face whitening procedure (for fading skin at the first signs of age problems) we recommend yeast base, onion (use juice) and honey. The components are added approximately in the same proportions, but onion juice is better to slightly reduce in proportion. According to reviews, it is better to use Brewer's yeastbecause the hops that they contain are with given tasks. copes better (get rid of wrinkles, dissolve facial contours, tighten sagging cheeks and remove swollen bags under the eyes, remove pigmentation and freckles, etc.).

Varieties of masks from normal and dry yeast

There are many variations on the subject of yeast-based face masks: rejuvenating, cleansing, bleaching, etc. It should only select the appropriate option. We recommend to pay attention to the auxiliary components that are used according to the type of skin. For example, egg white is better suited for fat skin, and yolk for dry skin, etc.

With yeast and honey

For cooking effective cosmetic for faceOn the basis of such a yeast variation, honey should be melted a little (at home it can be done in a water bath). As stated by user reviews, to enhance anti-aging effect recommend adding to the composition glycerol (a teaspoon) and two yolks. Will help get rid of such problems as: mwrinkles and puffy bags under the eyes, acne, black spots and blackheads.

Dry Skin Recipe with Milk

At home, you can make an ideal rejuvenating procedure for the face from a yeast base diluted with milk. A simple option can be used in the area under the eyes (according to the practical advice, the use of beer yeast helps better). To enhance the effect, you can add the composition flour or starch. It will also help remove wrinkles and acne.

Yeast and Sour Cream - the best recipes

The easiest option for the facecan be cooked from yeast base and most sour cream (use of yeast is acceptable). To enhance the effect, according to practitioners, you can add gray clay (If you add oatmeal, you get a scrub). For oily skin it is recommended to dilute the composition with small amount of water, but for dry - on the contrary, increase the fat content oiled (you can add olive, vegetable, sea buckthorn or another option) and / or avocado.

With egg, hydrogen peroxide - cooking recipes

AT hydrogen peroxide add yeast mass and add a raw egg, stir thoroughly. You should get a consistency of thick cream. Leave for 20-30 minutes in any warm place and the composition is ready for use. Apply the composition need without affecting the hair area. To remove puffiness on the face and under the eyes, it is recommended to wash off the composition with an infusion of herbs (chamomile, melissa and nettle).

Yeast face mask reviews

Judging by the reviews of women, home-made yeast-based funds do an excellent job with such problems as wrinkles, acne, nutrition, etc. Quite often these topics are touched upon in television programs (“All the trouble is good” in Ukraine, the latest release of the program by Elena Malysheva in Russia), the Internet is teeming with videos and photos on this topic. All this together speaks about of efficiency of this cosmetic means.


Watch the video: How to Make a Face Mask Made of Yeast : DIY Beauty Care (June 2024).