Hollywood diet: how do overseas beauties lose weight? The magic rules of an effective Hollywood diet


Hollywood diet - one of the options for low-calorie, low-carbohydrate food system. Hard restriction of carbohydrates and fats makes it very effective: you have to starve, but guaranteed to lose weight. In two weeks you can quite easily get rid of six, or even nine extra pounds.

However, as soon as the weight dropped, as quickly and can return. You need to complete the process correctly, and then follow the daily calorie content, do not abuse fatty and sweet food.

General principles of nutrition on a Hollywood diet

The basis of the daily diet on the Hollywood diet are protein foods: ryaba, poultry, eggs, meat. Green vegetables, fruits with low carbohydrate content are allowed: tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, grapefruits, oranges, apples. The diet is suitable for active people who never have a full breakfast. Breakfast "Hollywood" as such is not: either water or a cup of unsweetened coffee.

The principles of nutrition are as follows:

• rejection of all fried, fatty, sweet, pickled, salted, canned, and flour and refined;

• exclusion of starchy vegetables and sweet fruits: potatoes, legumes, grapes, bananas, mangoes, figs, melons, dates, etc .;

• all the time diets need to completely eliminate from the menu pasta, rice, cereals, chocolate, confectionery, store sauces: mayonnaise, ketchup, ready mustard, bouillon cubes;

• instead of breakfast - a glass of water (some options allow unsweetened coffee or half a grapefruit);

• allowed products are prepared without oil and fat: they can be boiled, baked, cooked in a double boiler;

• salt food can not be! This is one of the secrets of the effectiveness of the Hollywood power scheme;

• portions should be small: no more than 250-300 grams;

• you can not confuse days and dinners with dinners;

• water regime - not less than 1.5-2 liters of water without gas daily, green tea;

• no alcohol!

The rate of weight loss depends on many factors. Starting numbers, speed of exchange processes, age matter. However, on average per week of food restrictions on a Hollywood diet, you can lose seven pounds. And at the same time, and slightly improve the body by reducing the use of sugar, alcohol, fat, salt.

Salt restriction - a subtle question. The fact is that unsalted food contributes to the rapid removal of water from the body, due to which the weight drops very quickly. Therefore, a significant portion of the kilograms lost on the Hollywood diet is not fat, but excess water. This is also good: the swelling goes away, the face is tightened.

Guaranteed to lose weight will help classes in the fitness room, home exercises, long walks. If you combine a diet with at least a minimum physical activity, the results will be much higher. Swimming, yoga, dancing - anything, just to move! Metabolism will accelerate, body fat will burn. Otherwise, there is a risk of burning muscle mass, and not fat.

Hollywood diet: menu for the week

Breakfast is offered daily to eat two oranges with a cup of natural grain coffee. If a strong hunger stalks, you do not need to endure it. The diet allows in this case to arrange a low-calorie snack: eat an apple, an orange, two handfuls of berries, one loaf or drink half a cup of nonfat kefir.


• Lunch: chicken egg (or a couple of quail), a large tomato, 40 grams of unsalted and roasted almonds, an espresso cup.

• Dinner: a steam patty of minced chicken, a salad of one cucumber and tomato (do not fill with butter!), A whole grapefruit.


• Lunch: soft-boiled egg or steep, large grapefruit, coffee.

• Dinner: boiled or steamed beef (150 grams), unfilled green vegetable salad, green or black tea.


• Lunch: one egg (you can fry in a non-stick frying pan without oil or boil it), a tomato, a light salad of finely chopped cabbage (instead of a white one, you can take color or mix them), coffee.

• Dinner: boiled or baked fish (150 grams), to her dessert spoon of ketchup, medium cucumber, tea.


• Lunch: a large grapefruit, a light salad of cabbage and celery, seasoned with a drop of vinegar and a spoon of natural yogurt (vinegar is not necessary), tea or pure water.

• Dinner: a boiled egg, 140 grams of cottage cheese not higher than 2% fat, mixed with a pinch of cumin and finely chopped bell pepper, lightly grated carrot salad, seasoned with a drop of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Instead of cottage cheese salad, you can make a delicious hot dish: stuffed pepper with cottage cheese and bake in foil.


• Lunch: boiled proteins of two eggs, chopped with a hundred grams of parsley or the same amount of boiled spinach, tea or coffee to choose from.

• Dinner: two hundred grams of boiled chicken with a side salad of lettuce.


• Lunch: a delicious fruit salad made from orange, apple, half a grapefruit and a handful of roasted nuts.

• Dinner: a piece of boiled fish low-fat varieties (no more than 200 grams), 60 grams of mushrooms stewed in water, unsweetened tea or coffee.


• Lunch: one hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese, one egg, a glass of vegetable broth with a clove of garlic.

• Dinner: fruit salad, a glass of kefir.

If after a week of a strict diet there is a desire to continue losing weight, you can repeat the Hollywood diet from day one to day seven. It is important to remember that some vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, leaf lettuce) can be eaten without any restrictions until full saturation. Trifle, but nice!

In addition to coffee, tea and kefir, you can drink herbal teas, rose hips, mineral water, fresh juices, berry sugar without sugar.

Hollywood Diet: Express Option

Magnificent Elizabeth Taylor is credited with creating an express version of the Hollywood diet. They say that in a week the diva managed to lose from three to six kilograms of excess weight.

This version of the Hollywood diet is more concise: every day during the week you will have to eat the same thing. The difference from the classic version is that every day begins with breakfast. This diet is more suitable for those who are accustomed to breakfast and hardly endure the forced starvation.

Breakfast: 150 grams of fruit (except grapes and bananas), orange.

Dinner: boiled chicken (150 grams), a light salad of green vegetables and tomatoes without dressing.

Dinner: boiled meat (beef or veal) with a slice of whole grain (in extreme cases, bran or black bread).

How to get out of the Hollywood diet

The main trouble is a strict diet - the wrong way out of them. Many girls, with honor endured a two-week marathon, in the coming months are gaining lost pounds. And all because they are attacking fatty and sweet food, rewarding themselves for the time of the forced carbohydrate starvation. Is it any wonder that not everyone can fix the weight?

To keep the achieved results, and perhaps continue to lose weight, you need to continue to restrict your diet for seven or 14 days (as long as the diet lasted), introducing prohibited foods gradually and adhering to the system of proper nutrition.

You need to start with the morning porridge. A cup of steamed oatmeal water with half an apple is a great start to the day. Gradually, oatmeal can be replaced by buckwheat, rice, wheat kurpa. For tea, you can fry your bread in a toaster, but only from rye or whole wheat flour. Lunch gradually begin with broth - meat, mushroom or vegetable. Do not limit yourself in non-starchy vegetables: bake, stew with a spoon of oil or even on water.

From the third day of release from a Hollywood diet, you can make a toast of rye or bran bread with a slice of cheese for breakfast or dinner. Snack can be any dairy product or a cup of cottage cheese with fruit. Protein dinner with green salad does not need to do more nourishing. Fish or baked meat, leaf lettuce and radishes, cucumbers and stewed zucchini - ideal for the last meal. At night you can drink half a cup of yogurt.

You can then enter boiled or baked potatoesand by Sunday treat yourself to a breakfast bun. Having completed a full cycle of withdrawal from the diet, you can return to the usual diet. And it is better to reconsider it: did something cause the appearance of excess weight? The diet needs to be made balanced, switch to proper nutrition and love yourself. Contrasting showers, baths, massages, wraps are all welcome, as it allows you to create and maintain a positive attitude.

Further weight retention depends on two reasons: compliance with daily caloric and physical activity. Instead of sport (if it is not at all compatible with life principles), you can do breathing exercises. Some treadmills prefer oksisayz or bodyfleks that you can do at home.

Hollywood Diet: Important Notes

Any change in eating habits can cause malaise. Hollywood diet is no exception. She is very strict, tough and unbalanced. Therefore, it is absolutely forbidden to sit on it for more than two weeks. Low-carb diet can provoke weakness, depressive states, weaken the nervous system, cause irritability.

A large number of eggs, which will have to eat for a week or two, is dangerous for people with elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, it is better to be safe and pass the tests.

Eating oranges and drinking coffee on an empty stomach is strictly prohibited to those who suffer from high blood pressure, gastritis, stomach ulcers or have problems with the pancreas. You should find another, safer option for weight loss.

Unbalanced diets are dangerous because they limit the supply of vital minerals, vitamins, microelements and amino acids from food. Therefore, taking multivitamin complexes during the Hollywood diet is required.

Some people do not like coffee, and in fact the diet prescribes to drink it every day! Not necessarily, but only if you are a born coffee lover. Tea lovers can easily replace a cup of espresso with a glass of green tea - natural or flavored. If you treat coffee and tea equally, you can simply alternate them.

If the results of the diet are very good, and strict restrictions do not cause much discomfort, you should not be tempted to continue the low-carb marathon. Between a fully completed seven or fourteen day cycle, at least three months must pass! This time the body needs to fully recover.

Violation threatens to fail metabolic processes and serious health hazards.

Better to maintain the results achieved.

In the end, these are exactly what Hollywood beauties do all their lives: Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Renee Zelweger.


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