Why does the ear and head ache: pulsating, aching, pain from time to time. What can be done so as not to hurt your ear and head?


As many types of pain exist in the world, there are so many reasons for this obsessive and more than unpleasant feeling.

Some pains can be saved with the tablet "Analgin", "Citramone" or "Ibuprofen", while others are better not to intervene on their own, giving the work to professionals.

But for a start, at least tentatively, we shall understand what kind of pain - to which doctor to bear.

Why does the ear and head hurt so much?

That is how it behaves mastoiditis - inflammatory process in the mastoid process of the temporal bone. The mastoid process is the place where the muscles responsible for turning and tilting the head are held together. It is located behind the ear and is connected to the cavity of the middle ear, the nearest neighbor of the cranial cavity. Mastoiditis - a direct descendant of acute otitis media, that is, a complication after it.

Do not self-treat this kind of trouble. Consult an otolaryngologist (Laura).

Otitis. This short word has given the name to a whole group of ear diseases.

In the structure of the ear is divided into three sections:

• Outer ear: this includes the auricle, external auditory canal and eardrum.

• Middle ear: cavity and three auditory ossicles.

• Inner ear: two mazes - bone and membranous.

The types of otitis are extremely diverse, and they carry their names from the names of the departments - external, medium and internal, from the causes of the disease - infectious, allergic and traumatic, and from the types of inflammation and severity and duration of the disease. A separate group stand out adhesive otitis, which is accompanied by a violation of the mobility of the auditory ossicles.

In most cases, with otitis, the ear hurts so much that it is not very clear in which part of the head the pain has settled. But a drop of special anesthetic can calm this pain, and at the same time give some certainty in this matter.

The doctor must intervene during the course of the disease.

What can you do before the saving meeting?

• Use the ear drops: Otizol or Otipaks, in which there is a good anesthetic - an anesthetic.

• The temperature of the drops should be the same as the body temperature.

• The drug should be on the eardrum. If you dig in an agent to an adult, pull the ear up to the top before you start to drip. With a child, it's the other way around - the auricle is pulled down. To achieve the effect enough 3-4 drops.

Keep your teeth young! Another common reason why your ear and head ache

If a bad tooth on the front of the gums is able to give you strong sinusitis, then the consequences of running back teeth, for example, inflammation of a nerve or tissue in a tooth, are no less painful. Such pain pulsates and there is a sensation of pulsation all over the head.

It is easy to find the culprit in such cases: when pressing on a tooth, the ear pain increases markedly. It can give an "echo" not only in the ear and temple, but even in the neck, and increases closer to the night. To get rid of such a misfortune, one must visit a dentist - the ENT is powerless here.

But we still need to live up to the reception, but the pain does not ease!

You can take temporary relief measures: "Analgin", "Tempalgin" or "Ibuprofen". Rinse a little soothe raging tooth: 1 teaspoon of soda to 1 cup of warm water. It is useful to add a couple of drops of iodine to the solution.

Craftsmen have come up with many more ways to deceive a sick tooth in anticipation of medical intervention. You can briefly outwit nature in the following ways:

• Crush onion with garlic, mix them and put on the tooth, cover with cotton swab.

• Put minced ear in gauze in the earopposite the aching tooth.

Pork Salo put between the cheek and gum near the patient's tooth.

• Rinse your mouth with infusion. sage and chamomile, decoction of aspen, oak bark.

• Attach a cotton wool soaked to the tooth. clove oil or mint drops.

• Put on a bad tooth a piece of raw beets.

Folk remedies to combat toothache, giving to the ear - a great many. The main thing is not to make a common mistake, imposing warming compresses or picking a tooth with sharp objects. It is also advisable not to touch the gum near the tooth with your hands.

The culprit, which you might not suspect

There are diseases in which not only the ear and head ache, but there is tinnitus, arterial pressure jumps and even vision is impaired. In this case, the sensations in the ears and head can be easily confused with otitis media or the effects of caries.

These illnesses include cervical spondylosis, to cope with which you will not help neither the dentist nor ENT. It is a disease of the spine.

Spondylosis is a disease of the spine, which is the proliferation of vertebral tissue in the form of spines or protrusions. As a result of growth, the lumens of the intervertebral canals are reduced, and, as a result, the vessels, nerves and tendons adjacent to the spine are injured. Sometimes with a long course of spondylosis, the vertebrae merge with each other, which gives new symptoms. People tend to spondylosis after 40 years, and women are three times less likely than men. Three-quarters of cases of spondylosis are cervical.

The causes of its occurrence may be different: the deposition of calcium salts, curvature, injury and overload of the spine, sedentary lifestyle, as well as age-related changes.

Spondylosis can be diagnosed with x-rays, MRI and CT. A complete cure is impossible, but the doctor can relieve the patient's condition with the help of medicines.

Head and ear hurt, and the reason is not at all

Such pain is not always associated with diseases of the ear. Banal sulfur plug can cause, besides the restriction of hearing, intolerable torment. However, you can get rid of them with a simple washing in the office of Laura.

Much more difficult when the pain is caused inflammation of the parotid glands or neuritis of the trigeminal or facial nerves. Such troubles need immediate treatment to the doctor and, as a rule, long treatment.

Ear pain is often associated with the appearance in the auditory canal of the pimple, boil, wen skin damage by various objects. Getting inside the dirty and hyperchlorinated water can also become a source of unpleasant, pulsating, shooting, bursting and stitching pain in the ear, which will respond throughout the entire head.

Special mention deserves Insect in ear: pain may simply be unbearable. To stop this anguish, drip 3-4 drops of warm oil into your ear, it will immobilize and destroy the insect.

Disease mumps can mimic ear pain.

Do not try to diagnose yourself why headaches and ear aches.

As you have already noticed, the causes of headache and ear pain are a great many. You will not be able to find this cause yourself, unless, of course, you are an experienced doctor. Self-treatment of such cases can lead to disastrous consequences.

Let a professional doctor deal with your problem, who will prescribe diagnostic procedures followed by treatment.

It is likely that you just overtired. But in the case of a serious pathology, medical control will not only ease your condition, but, perhaps, save life.

Pain is a serious signal to the body of a malfunction. Listen to the alarm.

What methods of examination can a doctor offer you?

• Inspection, palpation.

• Otoscopy.

• Diagnosis of patency of the auditory tubes.

• Speech study of auditory capacity and study of tuning forks.

• If necessary, a clinical blood test.

• Endoscopic and microbiological examinations.

The treatment program for the patient should be prepared individually based on the indications, contraindications, stage of the disease. This may be a set of procedures addressed to the restoration of immunity, the elimination of the causes and symptoms of the disease, as well as the onset of complications.

Emergency first aid when head and ear ache.

1. If the body temperature has not reached 38 degrees and there is no discharge from the ear, ear can be warmed the old-fashioned way: put salt in a dry frying pan in a sock or a small canvas bag. Such heat in the first hours of pain activates blood flow and lymphatic drainage, and literally in a quarter of an hour the heated salt begins to work as a sedative, anesthetic and hypnotic.

2. You can insert in the ear gauze dipped in boric alcohol.

3. Drink any pain reliever.

4. Call a doctor.

Attention! Self-medication is doubly dangerous if there is a purulent discharge from the ears. Without the advice of a doctor, it is impossible to administer ointment, not to bury drops, let alone warm the ears. In the event of damage to the eardrum, such activity can lead to hearing loss.

How can you relieve a little pain if there is no medicine.

Try to alleviate the symptoms in another way. Make a facial self-massage that can not only relax the facial muscles, but also reduce pain. Before the massage, turn off all noise stimuli that are in the house and may increase the pain. Think of something cute and funny.

Self-massage includes:

• Stroking.

• rubbing.

• Slamming.

• Holding finger pads from the center of the face to the ears, as well as from the forehead down to the chin.

• Easy tingling of cheeks and upper jaw with fingers.

Summing up. What to do if ear and head ache:

1. Urgently make an appointment with a district therapist who will refer you to Laura, a dentist or another specialized doctor. In no case do not self-medicate, especially when it comes to the child.

2. Pending medical care, relieve the part of the body that causes such suffering.


Watch the video: Migraine? Chronic Sinusitis, Dizziness, EarEye PainPressure, Abnormal HearingSmellTasteTouch (June 2024).