Urinary incontinence: treatment of this delicate and frequent symptom by folk remedies. Can urinary incontinence be treated with folk remedies?


Involuntary urination - a problem familiar to many regardless of gender. The reasons for the inability to control the muscles that block the exit from the bladder are varied.

These include trauma to the perineum, some gynecological operations, hard work, advanced age.

In addition, when laughing, coughing, due to stress, a person has a sharp jump in abdominal pressure, which is transmitted to the bladder. As a consequence, urine is squeezed involuntarily.

The exact cause of enuresis is determined by a urologist or a urogynecologist. He also prescribes the main treatment. Additionally, you can use time-tested recipes.

Urinary incontinence: treatment of folk remedies - herbs

1. Ordinary dill successfully applied with enuresis. For the preparation of a healing mixture that actively fights inflammatory processes in the urogenital system seeds of a plant doctor (1 tablespoon) pour a glass of boiling water and insist in the usual way for a couple of hours. After that, the tool should be filtered and immediately drink the entire glass. Use once a day.

Such a method in a fairly short time will help get rid of incontinence. The use of dill is contraindicated for people suffering from hypotension, as well as pregnant women.

2. Yarrow gained popularity due to a huge number of useful properties. It has astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory action.

To prepare the broth, which will successfully treat the disease, the plant should be thoroughly chopped and pour boiling water over it. (1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water). Then set aside the broth to insist. Take half a cup of medicine 2-3 times a day.

Yarrow should not be consumed for a long time in order to avoid dizziness and rash.

3. Hypericum - medicinal herb, known since ancient times. It is widely used in various diseases. Broths from a plant, getting to an organism, start the whole chain of processes, important for health.

The recipe for a healing decoction is simple. 40 g of grass, taken together with flowers, pour in the traditional way 1 liter of boiling water. Well wrap and insist 2 hours. Strain and drink throughout the day as tea.

4. Sage - Medicinal plant with antimicrobial properties. It is actively used for the treatment of urogenital diseases.

The recipe for the preparation of drugs for enuresis: 40 g of grass, pour a liter of boiling water, wrap, insist in the usual way and, straining, drink three times a day for half a cup.

5. In the treatment of involuntary urination is used. cowberry. And the leaves and berries. Lingonberry acts as a diuretic. She effectively copes with the problem.

For the preparation of therapeutic mixture is necessary Take a tablespoon of leaves and berries, add to the mixture 2 tablespoons of Hypericum - a natural antibiotic and pour 3 cups of water. Well boil the mixture over low heat. Then a healing plant known for its anti-inflammatory properties must be drawn and then filtered through a sieve. It is best to drink broth from the second half of the day until the very sleep. During this period, should be drunk 3 cups of funds.

6. Recipe for effective collection, which with prolonged use can help get rid of the disease. 100 g of nettle leaves and root Althaea mix and add 70 g of yarrow. Mix well again.

In the evening, 2 tablespoons of the collection brew in a thermos (500 ml of water). In the morning strain the broth and drink it throughout the day as a tea.

Such a drug can cure the advanced stage of enuresis. Older people should use it with caution. For them, the dosage of plants should be 2 times less.

7. If involuntary urination in men is caused by prostatitis, this collection will help to cope with the disease: 100 g of violet grass and wheatgrass root mix and add 80 g of soldier's grass, as the people called yarrow. That he has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action.

3 tablespoons of this unique collection should be poured in a thermos with a liter of boiling water and taken the next morning, straining, 1 glass a day.

8. Urinary incontinence in men occurs due to stagnation in the prostate gland. For members of the stronger sex, traditional medicine offers a recipe for urination: a handful of seeds plantain fall asleep in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water.

Such a remedy should be infused for 3 hours. Then it should be filtered and drink 4 times a day for a glass.

9. In the treatment of urinary incontinence in pregnant women, herbs that are safe for the baby are used. Therapeutic fee is prepared as follows: Mix 100 g of agrimony with 70 g of Hypericum and add 50 g of gryzhnika.

2 tablespoons of the medicinal mixture pour 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. Strain and take several times a day for half a glass.

10. Urinary incontinence is a problem familiar to women in the postpartum period. In this case, it is recommended to take such a means: crushed carrot tops (3 tablespoons) pour a liter of cool water, put the mixture on the fire and cook it for half an hour. Then cool, strain and drink twice a day for 1 glass.

11. A means used in the advanced stages of urinary incontinence in women and men. For its preparation it is necessary to grind in a mortar cottage seeds (50 g). Then pour the mixture red wine good quality (500 ml), insist week in the dark, strain and take a tablespoon four times a day.

The first result is visible after 2 weeks of treatment. Then you can slightly reduce the dosage by half and expect complete healing.

12. Decoction of bay leaf - a remedy for many ailments. It eliminates urinary incontinence. The recipe of cooking is as follows: boil a couple of leaves of laurel for 10 minutes in a glass of water and, after cooling, drink half a cup of broth three times a day. The recommended course of treatment is 1 week.

13. In the treatment of enuresis, the use of decoction from blueberries. The plant has a choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic action. The recipe for the preparation of medicinal decoction is simple, as all ingenious: 1 tablespoon of berries pour a glass of boiling water, boil for a couple of minutes. Insist. Drink before bedtime.

Urinary incontinence: treatment of folk remedies - gymnastics

The treatment of involuntary urination will be effective only if you approach it comprehensively. Famous gymnastics helps to train the muscles of the pelvis, which allows you to get rid of the problem.

1. Sit on a chair so that your legs are completely on the floor and your knees are slightly apart. Leaning forward with your elbows on your hips. Then tighten the muscles of the anus, lingering for a few seconds. Exercise must be repeated 6 times.

2. Tighten the muscles of the vagina. At first, this is not very possible to do. But you focus. Hold the voltage condition for a few seconds. Repeat all 6 times.

Make it a rule to do such exercises throughout the day (5-10 times), while gradually increasing the time of tension.

3. Control your urination and do not rush to run to the toilet. Tighten and wait a bit. And at the time of emptying the bladder, try to strain the urethra, stopping the flow of fluid.

This gymnastics is quite effective with constant exercise. It can be done anywhere without fear of judgmental views. Exercises improve blood circulation in the pelvic and rectal vessels, train the muscles that support the bladder, urethra, uterus, vagina, rectum.

Urinary incontinence: treatment of folk remedies - diet

Diet plays an important role in the complex treatment of urinary incontinence. It can reduce bladder irritation and the number of unexpected urge to urinate. What can and can not be used for people suffering from incontinence?

1. Paradoxically, but during treatment, you should use a sufficient amount of water, which makes the urine is not concentrated, but diluted. The only condition - do not drink immediately before bedtime.

2. Do not eat food with a large set of spices, as well as onions in raw form. It is recommended to heat treat. This is to ensure that there is no excessive activity of the bladder.

3. Let your diet be plenty of fiber, which copes with constipation. It is useful to eat dishes from whole grains, vegetables, fruits (except citrus).

4. Do not drink caffeinated coffee. It irritates the bladder.

5. Add freshly squeezed juices to the menu: apple, grape, cherry.

6. Refuse from carbonated drinks with artificial sweeteners, excessive amounts of sweets, chocolate.

Urinary incontinence: treatment of folk remedies. Prevention

Treatment of incontinence in combination with simple recommendations will allow you to forget about the problem forever.

1. You must stop smoking. The bad habit does not contribute to gaining health.

2. Fight against obesity. Do not overeat.

3. Exclude from the menu foods that cause increased urination.

4. Daily perform the recommended exercises that will help train the muscles that control urination.

5. Undergo a medical examination every year. Observation of experts will help protect against the development of serious diseases.

6. Adjust your chair. Emptying should be gentle and regular.

7. Apply simple rules of personal hygiene, including high-quality washing, as well as wearing cotton underwear. These methods will help prevent the occurrence of bacterial infections.

The treatments offered by traditional medicine are available and simple. They are most effective only in the initial stage of incontinence.

In order to understand which tool is right for you, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. Only with an integrated approach, you can permanently get rid of the disease.


Watch the video: Female Bladder Leakage: Solutions to Get Control. u200e. UCLA Obstetrics & Gynecology (July 2024).