Beet diet: tasty salvation for a swollen waist. Basic principles of a long or fast beet diet


Sweet crimson beet - the basis of the popular beet diet.

Despite the high content of sugars, this wonderful delicious vegetable quickly and easily helps to lose weight. Beet diet is classified as balanced, so it can be applied without fear, it will not harm health.

The effectiveness of the beet diet

Especially purposeful girls managed to get rid of five or even seven extra pounds in a week. In this case, the weight loss was given to them with great comfort, but at the same time relieved of problems with the intestines. The well-known laxative and diuretic property of beets on this diet only plays into the hands of slimming ladies.

That beets give palm a priority when nutritionists recommend products to combat obesity. Why is this vegetable so wonderful?

High content of substances that really fight obesity:

• natural betaine;

• curcumin;

• cellulose.

Betaine - It is a strong natural antioxidant, one of the most valuable beet components. It has diuretic, choleretic, anti-sclerotic, anti-inflammatory, lipotropic (fat-splitting) properties, and also strengthens capillaries and stimulates the immune system.

Betaine removes fat from the liver, reproves its regeneration, and prevents fatty degeneration of the liver. Therefore, beetroot is an indispensable product in the fight not only with excess weight, but also with alcoholism, hepatitis, the consequences of chemical treatment of tuberculosis, AIDS and cancer. The only "but": you can get betaine only from the juice of raw beets: heat treatment kills this most valuable amino acid.

Another antioxidant curcumin, prevents the recruitment of extra pounds. In addition, curcumin has a beneficial effect on liver function, thus contributing to getting rid of obesity.

Beetroot cellulose also very effective in dealing with overweight. The structure of its fibers is optimal for the beneficial effects on the digestive system and intestines. Boiled beets contain a high amount of pectin and organic acids, so it can cure persistent constipation and speed up metabolic processes in the body.

Beet diet allows you to clear the body of heavy metal salts, toxins. It has a beneficial effect not only on the liver, but also on the kidneys, gall bladder. Together with the fat on this diet, people get rid of all harmful, carrying a potential threat to health. The diuretic properties of beets also seriously affect the effectiveness of beet diets. The fat cell is 90 percent water. Direct dependence is obvious.

The benefits and harm of beet diet

Beet diet allows you to saturate the body with such nutrients as copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, calcium, sodium, quartz, cobald. It contains vitamins of group B, PP, A, a large amount of vitamin C. Of particular note is the presence of bioflavonoids in beets, pectin and the most useful fiber.

All this wealth of minerals and vitamins allows you to maintain health during the intensive removal of fat cells from the body. The fact is that the fat layer contains specific cells that are a reserve of the immune system. Losing fat, a person can seriously weaken, if not replenish the reserves of his body. This moment is especially relevant for girls who like to lose weight in spring in order to prepare for the beach season. Avitaminosis plus fast weight loss can seriously damage your health.

This vegetable is shown people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, having endocrine problems and a diseased thyroid, prone to hypertension, obesity. Useful beet with anemia, reduced sexual potency, depression and chronic stress.

There are contraindications to eat beets. It is forbidden to use freshly squeezed beet juice and boiled vegetables in the acute stage of diseases of the stomach and intestines, in the presence of severe inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Beet is contraindicated in chronic or exacerbated cystitis, kidney stones and in general for any renal diseases. Diabetics and people with high acidity of the stomach should not eat vegetables.

Principles of beet diet

The basis of the beet diet is boiled beets. Several times a week, the menu includes a raw vegetable. Cooked beets activate metabolic processes, stimulates digestion and is easier to digest.

Be sure to include in the diet carrots. Beets and carrots have a similar composition and in a pair are able to deliver all the necessary nutrients to the body, except for protein. Allows diet using cabbage, celery, tomatoes. You can pamper yourself with apples and dried fruits. All these products are very tasty in combination with beets, so too sad on a beet diet will not.

The required amount of protein in the body during the diet will be required. Its source will be fish, meat, dairy dishes. Protein food creates an acidic environment, which is why it is considered heavy and really hard to digest. Beet due to the content of mineral alkaline salts will "correct the situation" and restore the balance of acids and alkalis.

The inclusion of a small amount of rice dishes and buckwheat is explicable. The task of carbohydrate dishes is to resist the unduly laxative effect of boiled beets.

Thus, beet diet is an effective balanced diet. You can stick with it for seven or ten days.

Beet diet for seven days

The effect of the beet diet will be obtained after seven days of following this principle of nutrition.


• Breakfast: grate boiled medium beets, eat without dressing. Drink a glass of clean drinking or mineral non-carbonated water.

• Lunch: prepare a salad of two carrots and one beet. Vegetables should be boiled. Drink a glass of water.

• Dinner: 200 grams of boiled or baked fish in foil, a glass of kefir.


• Breakfast: 150 grams of grated raw beets or a glass of freshly squeezed beet juice.

• Lunch: a hundred grams salad of boiled beets, grated and mixed with 4-5 pieces of prunes.

• Dinner: one hundred grams of boiled father-in-law, whole or grated apple. You can mix in the form of a salad or eat separately


• Breakfast: 150 grams of natural yogurt without sugar and fruit.

• Lunch: two hundred grams of boiled beef (or other lean meat) plus three boiled carrots.

• Dinner: boiled medium beets, finely grated and seasoned with a spoon of sour cream.


• Breakfast: one hundred grams of fresh carrots. Glass of water.

• Lunch: 150 grams of grated boiled beets and 200 grams of fish boiled or baked in foil.

• Dinner: one hundred grams of boiled buckwheat, a glass of low-fat kefir.


• Breakfast: one hundred grams of boiled rice, a glass of water.

• Lunch: two hundred grams of boiled chicken breast or fillet, one hundred grams of boiled beets. You can cook beet salad without dressing and serve it with transparent chicken slices.


• Breakfast: prepare a grated salad of one hundred grams of fresh beets.

• Lunch: one hundred grams of white cabbage (chopped or grated). To saturate add grated large uncooked carrots.

• Dinner: four boiled carrots, 150 grams of boiled beef.


• Breakfast: a salad of two apples and four prunes.

• Lunch: one hundred grams of boiled buckwheat.

• Dinner: 150 grams of boiled grated beets plus the same amount of boiled chicken (breast or skinless fillet).

During such a fairly hard course you need to drink from one and a half to two liters of pure water.

No bread, sugar, alcohol and other excesses can not afford.

As a result of exact following the specified norms of products you can lose up to one and a half kilograms per day. After a week, the weight will drop by five to eight kilograms.

To properly get out of the diet, you need to regularly, at least twice a week, include it in your diet. It is necessary to continue the use of crumbly porridges, dairy products, connecting cottage cheese to the diet. Introduce flour products very carefully, starting with black and whole-grain bread (not more than a slice per day). Fat and fried foods should be replaced for the whole next week with lean and baked or cooked in a slow cooker without oil.

Other beet diet options

You can try other options beet diet. The first involves a ten-day adherence to the principles of nutrition, the second is designed for three days of use.

Ten-day beet diet fights against extra pounds and toxic accumulations, slags. Along with beets, you can eat fresh vegetables in the form of salads, lean meats, low-fat or low-fat dairy products. Sharply limited fat intake. A teaspoon of any vegetable oil (sunflower, linseed, olive, etc.) is allowed as a salad dressing.

Before lunch and dinner for all ten days, be sure to drink a mix of beet-carrot and orange juice. A single portion should be prepared in this proportion:

• one medium beet;

• two medium carrots;

• one orange.

Drink juice should be drunk twenty minutes before meals. With increased acidity of the stomach, chronic inflammation of the stomach and intestines, this version of the diet is strictly prohibited.

You can vary the menu for these ten days as you like according to the approximate scheme given below.

• Breakfast: salad of grated beets and carrots (boiled). Prepare a dressing from lemon juice and vegetable oil. After the salad, eat a steam omelet of two proteins (or one hundred grams of low-fat unsweetened cottage cheese) with one whole grain or rye toast.

• Lunch: boiled brown rice or porridge made from natural oats with a slice of boiled meat. Serving size: two hundred grams of cereal plus one hundred grams of meat.

• Dinner: non-starchy boiled, steamed or baked vegetables, plus 150 grams of sea-food or river fish cooked without fat.

Enhance the effect will help the regular use of green tea, herbal, decoctions of berries and useful vitamin fruits. Do not forget to drink water - it helps to remove all that is unnecessary from the body and works as an additional success factor.

Three day diet - option express help waist. It is rather a long and gentle discharge than a full-fledged diet.

During the day you need to eat the following foods:

• 400 grams of raw beets;

• 300 grams of fresh carrots;

• 300 grams of sweet and sour apples;

• tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• two liters of clean drinking water.

It is necessary to cook a delicious vitamin salad from beets, carrots and apples, filling it with a spoon of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt.

Take this salad should be fractional, in small portions, distributed into six meals. In order not to bring yourself too much trouble and not to lose, it is worth pogadadat beginning of a three-day beet diet for the weekend.

You can, for example, start on Friday and finish on Sunday. Or start on Saturday. Until Monday, the body will get used to an unusual diet and the first working day you can safely hold out.

After three days, the diet must stop. Unbalanced diets, used for a long time, can cause serious harm to health.


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