Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies: what and how? Do popular methods in the treatment of breast diseases?


There are two types of women's psychological reactions to mastopathy: panic and excessive calm.

It is the latter category that usually resorts to the use of universal folk remedies for getting rid of completely different types of mastitis.

What do traditional medicine doctors offer, is there any truth in these methods, let's take a look from a scientific point of view.

How to treat different forms of mastitis folk remedies

Popular Tinctures

Red brush

Folk recipe: 50 grams of crushed root of the red brush placed in a glass dish and insist on 0.5 liters of vodka in a dark place. Shake daily. Apply throughout the month to thirty drops three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. To spend two monthly courses with a two-week break between them.

Will the remedy work? Herbalists use a rare plant "red brush" for a long time, proving its effect on the hormonal background of the human body. The plant also has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect, it is present in many alternative methods, so you can expect results in the treatment of mastitis. But before using it is necessary to conduct a survey and identify the need for hormonal correction.

Contraindications to taking plants are serious - hypertension, fever, pregnancy and lactation, as well as nervous and mental disorders. Therefore, a medical consultation is required.

Borovaya uterus (Ortiliya one-sided)

Folk recipe: Pour 0.5 liters of alcohol two tablespoons of dry grass, insist two weeks in a dark, cool place. Drink three times a day, 10 drops before a meal, drink water.

Will the remedy work? Borovoy uterus is considered progesterone phytohormone, which should reduce the level of estrogen and prevent mastopathy. But ortilia is one-sided, in addition to its benefit, has a huge list of contraindications, and the side effect can be deplorable. The liver refuses, chronic diseases are exacerbated, the menstrual cycle is lost, strong allergic reactions are frequent. It is better not to experiment with the pine womb.

Fees and decoctions

Sedative of mastopathy

Folk recipe: part of the crushed valerian root, two parts of mint leaves and watch and one part of hop cones. A glass of boiling water, pour one tablespoon of the collection and insist 30 minutes. Drink three times a day for half a cup.

The course of treatment with soothing folk remedies is long, from two months to six months.

Will the remedy work? Mastopathy is often caused by stress and other nervous disorders. If the cause of the disease is precisely the neurological factor, then the above described collection can really help and can be prescribed by a doctor, in the absence of contraindications, as an alternative to sedative medications. But such an appointment can be made only after the examination and exclusion of other provoking factors.

Prutnyak (Vitex) helps with hormone problems

Folk recipe: two tablespoons of chopped prutnyak ordinary fruits pour a glass of boiling water, to insist for at least an hour. Strain the infusion and drink it throughout the day in equal portions.

Expected effect. The plant contains essential oils, flavonoids, iridoids, essential fatty acids, fat-soluble flavones, and large amounts of vitamin C. Prutniak is valued in folk and traditional medicine for its ability to regulate the level of sex hormones. It reduces the production of prolactin by the body, namely, it plays a role in the development of mastopathy. The effect is really proven by scientists, on the basis of Prutnyak a well-known and very effective drug "Mastodinon" was created.

But in the presented popular recipe, a decoction on water (rather than alcohol) is recommended in proportions that have not been confirmed by any research. Without determining the cause of mastopathy in a particular woman, in no case should one begin to drink Prutniak - it can lead to mental disorders, hormone cycle disruptions, severe pain, allergic reactions and skin problems. Medical consultation is required!

Compresses, lotions

Folk "craftsmen" are advised to apply with a breast to the breast anything. Virtually the entire cookbook can end up on a diseased breast, and all this, according to many “healers,” will quickly and easily cure a hormonal disease.

Rubbing and compresses suggest to do from cabbage, beet, carrot, onion, pumpkin, lemon, rye flour and other vegetables, fruits and cereals. Compresses are especially effective at night. But that is not all. In the resulting "salad" add vegetable, butter, honey, white and yolk, and milk products such as yogurt or sour cream.

Cabbage, carrots, beets - a magic wand from mastopathy, or another self-deception

Recipe with cabbage. Remove the leaf from fresh cabbage, cut off the hard parts, you can slightly beat off, and put in a bra so that the cabbage covers the entire mammary gland. Leave overnight, replace it with a new one in the morning and walk until mastopathy disappears. Change the leaves as they dry.

Carrot recipe. Grate on a fine grater, spread out on a bandage, gauze or other cotton fabric, firmly attach to the chest, cover with a film and press it with a bandage or other cloth. Leave for two hours, do a compress twice a day.

Beetroot recipe. Grate grated beets, mix 3: 1 with honey, and apply overnight. Offer to continue treatment until the disappearance of pain.

Do compresses from fruits and vegetables help? Indeed, vegetables and fruits are very useful, but not in the form of compresses, lotions or rubbings during self-treatment of mastopathy. Many folk compresses can relieve pain syndrome for some time, but the main reasons, hormonal imbalances or constant stress will not disappear, and mastopathy will return with a new force.

The danger lies in several points:

• hypothermia - wet lotions and compresses tend to cool down quickly and cool the surface with them, which is unacceptable for mastopathy;

• overheating - hot compresses and dressing with a warm scarf are often recommended, but it is forbidden to warm the chest in a sick and even healthy way;

• individual intolerance - most of the recommended products contain acids and other substances aggressive to the skin, whose action is unpredictable, especially in various combinations;

• Allergic reactions are common, especially when using citrus fruits and honey, which are considered to be the strongest allergens.

Fruits, vegetables and berries for women with mastopatiya must be consumed in much larger quantities than usual. But only inside, in order to replenish vitamins in the body. Vitamin fruit diet should be carried out for a long time - only after a couple of months the effect can be seen, and only in combination with the main drug treatment.

Herbal medicine in the form of compresses for chest pain

Oak Bark Recipe: two tablespoons of oak bark pour 200 ml of cold water, heat to boiling and evaporate half. Soak gauze in filtered solution, apply it on the chest, cover with foil and leave for three hours.

Will it help? Oak bark is valued for tannins, which have astringent, antiseptic effect, help in the fight against bacteria. Apply the bark in ulcers, gangrene, ticks, to alleviate the condition of sore throat, and in some other cases. But in the form of lotions on the chest for the treatment of mastopathy, the oak bark is completely ineffective. All substances contained in it, do not penetrate through the skin.

Poultice with herbs for mastopathy

The standard "grandmother's" method of treatment, after which the treatment of mastopathy is more difficult for doctors, is a poultice with potatoes, porridge, baked onions, etc. , and many others, and hot attach to the seals in the chest.

Is it dangerous! If the above methods are ineffective or just useless, then hot poultices and compresses can lead to exacerbations and hemorrhages. Severe pain, discharge from the nipples, fever - these are the standard "side effects" of poultices from mastopathy, which no longer pass by themselves.

Mastopathy is dangerous not only by constant pain and the development of acute inflammatory processes in the chest, but also by an oncological factor.

Do not be lazy to go to the doctor - this can be a decisive factor in life. Do not self-medicate.


Watch the video: Ayurvedic and Home Remedies for breast relatesd problem part 12 (July 2024).