Savory appetizers with garlic: preparations and spicy dishes for a festive feast. How to cook a delicious appetizer with garlic


An appetizer with garlic is always delicious, even for those who do not "snack" in the truest sense of the word.

The garlic appetizer recipes are so varied that even a single listing of names would take an entire day. Each hostess, on the basis of old recipes, constantly composes her own.

Garlic Snacks - Basic Cooking Principles

Most often, tomatoes are used in appetizers with garlic. Tomatoes should always be peeled. To do this, boil water, wash the tomatoes and pour them with boiling water. Leave the vegetables in this position for about ten minutes. Take out the tomatoes and give them time to cool.

At this time, you can deal with garlic. There is a way to quickly clean the garlic. Having cut off its edges, you need to press the flat side of the knife on the fruit, and all the husks will easily fall off. It remains only to rinse the garlic, and he is ready for further manipulations.

After that you can peel the tomatoes. At the stalk, pry the peel with a knife and pull it back a little, then cleansing will occur quickly and almost in one motion.

Since many garlic snack recipes are liquid, prepare in advance a beautiful deep dish or a clean, sterilized jar.

Garlic is always added to the dish at the end to maximize its flavor.

Tomato and garlic snack


• 6-7 small round tomatoes;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 200 grams of Parmesan cheese;

• 2 eggs;

• 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Cooking method

To prepare such a dish, you need to boil the eggs in advance until fully cooked, let them cool and clean them. We already mentioned tomatoes, in this recipe you do not need to get rid of the peel. Peel the garlic, as indicated in the general principles for the preparation of appetizers with garlic.

Grate Parmesan on a fine grater. It would be better to shift it to a deep pot. Skip all the garlic through a press and add it to the cheese. Chicken eggs should be grated on the same grater as cheese, and added to the total mass. Then mix the mixture with mayonnaise and set aside for 10 minutes.

Tomatoes need to be cut into circles 0.5 cm thick, do not try to make them thin, otherwise the dish will fail. Remove unnecessary parts of tomatoes, and put circles on a plate. It is best to take a round wide plate.

With a teaspoon, put the cheese mixture on the circles. Only one teaspoon. If you put less - there will be no proper taste effect, more - the snack will turn out shapeless and awkward.

You can decorate the dish with strips of cucumber, pepper or add a few twigs of fresh herbs.

Horseradish snack with garlic for the winter


• 2 kg of horseradish root;

• 2 kg of garlic;

• 15 Art. spoons of salt;

• 20 Art. tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking method

Do not be confused by such significant proportions, this recipe is designed for conservation in the winter.

Peel two kilograms of garlic. Then it is better to rub it, but you can also pass it through the press. The appetizer should be spicy, so try to use all the garlic.

Horseradish must be minced. A slurry forms with excess fluid, it does not need to be drained.

Combine horseradish and garlic. Add salt and sugar. Mix. The appetizer is ready, now it’s worth putting it into jars. Do not forget to sterilize them; how to do this is best read in the secrets of cooking.

Horseradish appetizer with tomatoes and garlic


• 4 large horseradish roots;

• 4 large pink tomatoes;

• 2 heads of garlic;

• 1 tbsp. tablespoon of salt.

Cooking method

In order for the dish to succeed, check all the proportions again. If you do not want to make it too sharp, reduce the amount of garlic.

Peel the tomatoes, cut them into cubes and wait for the juice to form, drain the unnecessary liquid.

Grate horseradish root on a coarse grater and mix with tomatoes. Grate the garlic, but on a fine grater. It remains only to add one tablespoon of salt and let the snack brew for a day in the refrigerator.

Serve garlic appetizer as a standalone dish. It is suitable as a sauce for meat or dressing for sandwiches.

Horseradish appetizer with tomatoes and garlic


• One kilogram of tomatoes;

• 400 grams of horseradish;

• 300 grams of garlic;

• Half a teaspoon of ground black pepper;

• Fat sour cream 200 grams.

Cooking method

Grind garlic and horseradish root with a blender. When all the pieces are broken, add sour cream, chopped tomatoes and peppers.

The mixture must be brought to a homogeneous mass at high speed blender.

Spicy mixture is best stored in the refrigerator. You can serve such an appetizer with meat, as a substitute for traditional mayonnaise or as a filling of a sandwich.

Eggplant with garlic


• Eggplant;

• Garlic;

• Ground pepper;

• cilantro;

• Hard cheese;

• Parsley;

• Dill;

• Salad leaves;

• salt;

• Vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Eggplants do not need to be cleaned. Wash them, cut into long slices along. Thickness should be about 0.5 cm. You need to put the vegetables in a deep bowl and fill with salt, let it cover every piece. Stir the eggplants and leave for 20 minutes. So you need to do so that they stop bitter and do not absorb oil when frying.

In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise with ground pepper. There also grate all the garlic on a fine grater.

In another plate - finely chop parsley, dill and cilantro, for spice and aroma, you can add a few sprigs of green onions. Stir the mixture and let it stand. Ten minutes later add to mayonnaise. Mix well again.

On a small nozzle grater rub cheese. Mix it, mayonnaise and herbs in one bowl.

Start frying eggplants. To do this, wash the vegetables from salt and dry.

They should be fried with 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil over low heat.

Now all the ingredients are ready to form a complete snack.

Smear each roll with cheese and twist. If the eggplant starts to unfold, then use toothpicks or green onions as a kind of belt.

Eggplant appetizer with tomatoes and garlic


• Eggplant;

• Tomatoes;

• Garlic;

• Greenery.

Cooking method

To make such an appetizer you will need to make tomato sauce. To do this, peel the tomatoes and grind them in a blender. The resulting mass must be salt.

Now slice the eggplant. Do not make the sticks too thin or thick, about 0.5 centimeters. Roll blue in flour and fry well.

You need to pass the garlic through the press.

Finely chop the greens. It can be parsley, cilantro, arugula - any option will do.

Start preparing snacks for serving. Put greens and fried eggplant on a beautiful flat dish. Pour one teaspoon of tomato sauce on them, a pinch of garlic on top. Sprinkle the whole appetizer with dill and the dish can be served on the table.



• 5 processed cheeses;

• 100 grams of hard cheese;

• One carrot;

• 4 chicken eggs;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 100 grams of mayonnaise;

• 6 grains of canned peas or corn;

• Sprigs of parsley;

• Allspice black pepper.

Cooking method

Boil 4 chicken eggs. If you prefer raw carrots to boiled, also cook it.

In a separate plate, grate the cream cheese. Pass the garlic through a press or grate. Add it to the processed cheese. Grind hard cheese there.

After boiling the water in which the eggs are boiled, hold them for 3 minutes, so they will be better rubbed on a grater. Cool, peel the shell.

Grind eggs on a fine grater. Add to the cheese mass. Pour mayonnaise into the mixture. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, add salt if necessary, but do not sprinkle pepper, it will ruin the dish.

Proceed to making snacks with garlic. From the curd need to form three balls. First lay out the largest ball, then medium in size. The snowman's head should be the smallest.

From a carrot cut a “bucket” - a hat and a nose. In the place of the buttons, identify the peas or corn. From branches of parsley or cilantro, make your hands a snowman. Allspice use for eyes. Insert the nose, put on the bucket.

The snowman is ready to surprise your guests. Especially such a presentation will delight children.

Garlic carrot


• 1 kilogram of carrots;

• 1 head of garlic;

• 100 grams of mayonnaise;

• salt;

• Black bread;

• White baguette;

• Milk;

• Pepper.

Cooking method

A garlic appetizer is prepared quickly, and at the exit you get an incredibly tasty dish.

Rub the carrots on a fine grater, also do with garlic. Combine the two ingredients, add salt, pepper and whole mayonnaise to them. Mix well again. Carrot paste is ready.

White baguette to cut into circles. Moisten in milk and a little salt. Send bread to the preheated pan. Let it fry until golden crust. Black bread just cut into slices. Make the pieces not thick or thin. Get on sandwich bread.

Put black and white baguettes on plates, cover them with a garlic snack. You can add greens to these toasted toasts.

Potato balls


• Four large potatoes;

• head of garlic;

• 50 grams of mayonnaise;

• 50 grams of sour cream

• 200 grams of hard cheese;

• Salt.

Cooking method

Boil the potatoes in their skins. Until it cools, peel it, knead it. Add peeled and chopped garlic to the potatoes.

Gradually beat mayonnaise, salt and sour cream into the potatoes.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and drizzle with olive oil. Stir to distribute the oil evenly.

Form small balls from potato paste, roll them in cheese chips.

Put on a dish and decorate with greens.

Veggie sandwich


• Two long cucumbers;

• Two small tomatoes;

• Garlic;

• Two bunches of greens;

• Salad leaves;

• Vegetable oil, preferably olive.

Cooking method:

Wash and cut tomatoes and cucumbers well into slices. From tomatoes, you should get whole circles, from cucumbers oblong ribbons.

Grind greens and lettuce in a blender, then add garlic and 2 tablespoons of oil to them.

Put cucumbers on the dish. Spread them with the resulting green paste, then cover with tomatoes.

There will be many such sandwiches and everyone will like them.

Garlic Appetizer - Secrets and Tips

  • To prevent the smell of garlic from remaining on your hands after preparing snacks, use gloves in the process or, at the end of the culinary feats, wash your hands with running water and soap and rub a piece of lemon peel. For the same purpose, you can rub the leaves of mint, currant, lemongrass in your palms.
  • It doesn’t matter what you cook with garlic, it will be an excellent fortifying dish.
  • Garlic is spicy food, so people with a sick stomach should not eat garlic snacks.
  • Those who are on a diet and trying to lose weight appetizers with garlic should be used very carefully, because they whet the appetite.


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