Tented legs (feet or heels) - what to do. For what reason do natoptysh appear and how to get rid of them quickly at home.


Often women get a lot of trouble with corns and bellies on their feet. These rough patches of skin look not at all aesthetically pleasing, as a result of which ladies run to pedicure masters, demanding that they be removed immediately with the help of professional tools. But is it worth paying attention to natoptysh? Let's try together to sort out this issue and find out where the corns on the feet come from and how you need to competently fight them.

What are the symptoms indicate the formation of corns on the legs?

What is called natoptysh? As a rule, it represents a hardened callus, which does not pass within a few days, as is usually the case. Classic corn may be caused by friction of the shoe with the skin. Surely this happened to you often: after buying new shoes, for a short time, the feet get used to it, reacting to the places where it rubs, inflamed with calluses. They look like small bubbles with a clear liquid - lymph, which after a short time burst and dry.

And natoptysh, on the contrary, do not contain lymphatic fluid at all, have a loose structure and are much larger in size than callus. They are often yellow or gray and are localized in different areas, depending on the structure of the foot and even the gait of the person. Most often natoptysh on the sole of the feet are formed in the area of ​​the fingertips, at their base and between them. They also often appear in the heel area and on the outside of the little fingers.

To notice the symptoms of the appearance of corns is quite simple: you are unlikely to miss the moment when the shoes rubbed your foot and a water blister formed. Its appearance is accompanied by pain, burning sensation, and even a small amount of blood, if the friction process takes too long. Wearing shoes you can not without a special medical plaster. But natoptysh practically do not bother their "owners", because they appear only in coarse areas of the skin. However, not all so simple. The bellies may well become a medical problem that requires the intervention of a doctor, and here are some symptoms that will tell you about it:

• One of the most common symptoms is pain in the foot area when walking. When you feel a tingling sensation, discomfort where there are corns, burning, or sharp pain, you should visit an orthopedic doctor.

• If painful sensations appear even at rest, this symptom speaks of a severe course of the disease and requires immediate medical attention. Sometimes natoptysh can signal more serious problems in the field of orthopedics, such as foot deformities.

• Sometimes, natoptysh on heels and foot pads can crack, because the skin on these areas is very dry. This can lead to open wounds that are easily penetrated by the infection. Unfortunately, without the intervention of the doctor and with improper care, there is suppuration, which is quite difficult to cure. If you can not step on the leg because of the strong cutting pain and noticed deep cracks, do not hesitate - contact the doctor more.

In addition to the usual natoptyshy, there is a special category of corns, within which a core is formed. Such problems cause a lot of trouble to women, because they cause extremely unpleasant sensations while walking, accompanied by acute pain. It may seem to you that someone is constantly sticking a needle in your leg. It is not recommended to heal a natoptysh with a rod independently, because not everyone can eliminate it completely. This can lead to further aggravation of the disease.

The reasons that may arise natoptysh on the sole

The time has come to consider the possible causes that lead to the formation of corns, calluses and water blisters.

Of course, most of you are familiar with the most common cause: cramped and uncomfortable shoes. Some young ladies, to my great regret, buy narrow shoes, even if they understand that the pair is small to them. Appearance, well-known brand and high cost of shoes greatly influence the decision-making at the time of purchase, but it should be understood that in the pursuit of image you risk to undermine your health. Calluses and corns will not take long to wait if you are wearing tight and narrow shoes or you are buying the wrong size. There is only one advice: always choose shoes that fit your size, and also pay attention to the rise - high or low - and the structure of the foot (wide, narrow or medium). So you will save yourself not only from rough blisters, but also from pain in the legs, fatigue and discomfort.

An important reason for the formation of corns on the sole is considered to be fungal infection of the skin. For example, the common types of fungus Trichophyton and Candida cause a significant thickening of the skin on the feet, its coarsening and cracking. If these lesions are not treated, it can lead to serious and serious consequences.

Also, the reason for which the sling may occur is overweight and diabetes. These two points, as a rule, accompany each other, but not always. The so-called diabetic foot is manifested due to the deterioration of blood circulation and a significant increase in blood glucose levels. The skin of the feet becomes practically insensitive, very coarse, and often bursts. An additional provocateur cracking is overweight, because the load on the foot becomes critical.

There are several reasons that can lead to the formation of corns and corns, among them emit:

• Excessive sweating feet,

• foot deformity without appropriate treatment,

• Rheumatoid arthritis and spinal disorders,

• Diseases of the thyroid gland and joints.

What can cause the appearance of corns on the heels and soles of the feet?

If the corns do not cause discomfort and do not bring pain, then they do not need to be treated. This is a fairly common myth that is quite capable of leading to serious problems, and it is impossible to solve them without the participation of an orthopedic surgeon or podologist.

The knees can and should be removed, while there are plenty of ways to get rid of this problem. Otherwise, blood circulation is disturbed in the area of ​​the foot, and coarse calluses themselves grow. Not only does it look not at all aesthetically pleasing, so you still have the risk one day to discover deep cracks. Needless to say about the consequences of infection in the deep layers of the epidermis and how difficult and expensive to carry out the treatment of such diseases?

Squathes can lead to the formation of fungal diseases, the appearance of painful sensations during movement, bursitis, septic arthritis, as well as the ingrowth of core corn deep into the skin.

Methods of treatment of corns in the conditions of beauty salons

Since this problem represents coarse areas of dead skin cells, there should be no particular problems in solving the problem of natoptys: treatment is usually limited to a high-quality and professional pedicure from a master with a wealth of experience. If your corns do not crack, do not grow and do not hurt, you can try to get rid of them on your own at home. But if for some reason you are not ready to deal with them yourself, a podolog or cosmetologist will probably help you with this.

For example, in the conditions of a beauty salon, you may be offered a hardware pedicure, during which natoptishs are simply drilled from the surface of the skin cover. This procedure is painless, but for women with particular sensitivity, it may seem a little uncomfortable because of the tickling sensation. In one session, the master applies several nozzles for a milling machine with different abrasivity, using them from the smaller to the larger. This allows you to remove rough skin and smooth the structure of the cover. In the future, at your request, toes and nails are allowed to be treated with additional nozzles for the router, or a classic pedicure is performed.

The problem of rod natops, unfortunately, is not solved only by hardware pedicure. You may be offered the service of laser callus removal. With the help of a laser, the cell of the corpse is completely destroyed, which allows even serious lesions to be removed along with the stem without a trace. Thanks to local anesthesia, you will not feel pain, but after the session you will be advised to wear special insoles for some time or to wrap treated skin with a bandage.

Another method that is considered effective, but rather unpleasant, is cryodestruction. Rings are removed with the help of liquid nitrogen almost completely, but here you can not avoid pain. In addition, there is a small risk that healthy tissue near the corns can be damaged by liquid nitrogen.

Tenants: treatment at home

Therapy for the problem of corns on heels and soles at home is a simple method that can be available to every woman. Those who are faced with such a task can advise you a lot of ways to get rid of corns inexpensively and quickly.

One of the most effective methods is salicylic acid ointment, that is, the so-called keratolytic agent. Such ointments and emulsions help exfoliate the dead skin layer of the epidermis, remove coarse skin and get rid of corns. Forever, of course, you are unlikely to forget about the problem, but with regular use, this method gives positive results.

To remove natoptys at home, you first need to steam the skin on the legs. This is done quite simply: a bath with hot water and additional tools will help you. Adding to the bath is allowed:

• decoctions of chamomile, calendula or succession,

• sea salt and soda,

• ammonia,

• iodine

• decoction of oatmeal and other ingredients.

Soar legs can be about 10-15 minutes, and after that it is necessary to treat the hardened places with a pumice stone or a special brush for home pedicure. Next, prepare the adhesive plaster and salicylic ointment. The plaster must be glued around the sling, this is done to avoid damage to healthy tissue. Now in the resulting "window" impose salicylic ointment, cover the top with another layer of plaster and leave for 5-6 hours. Place natoptysh also be treated with pumice and moisturize the skin.

Aloe stalk or onion gruel gives a good result in the treatment of dry corns. This method is best used in the evening. The order of use of both means is approximately the same: you must first steam out the legs, then cover the corns with a cut aloe stalk or ground onion gruel. Aloe can be kept on the foot with a patch. Then we wrap the foot with plastic, put on thick socks and leave it until morning. After such manipulations, you just have to rub the heels and finger pads with a pumice stone and there will be no trace of the sling.

Almost identical applications:

• gruel from raw potatoes,

• lemon wedges,

• honey or propolis.

Pharmaceutical remedies for the treatment of corns

An excellent assistant in the treatment of corns and corns will be the nearest pharmacy, where you can find:

• special patches,

• the pencils,

• or socks.

The advantages of patches and pencils for the treatment of corns is that they are very easy to use, besides, you will not need much time to process the coarsened skin. Plasters need only be changed from time to time. They effectively relieve pain, and after several sessions the corn almost completely disappears.

It is quite simple to process the corns with pencils, but they are intended more for prevention than for the treatment of corns. To cope with overgrown areas, pivotal and cracked natoptysh, pencil, alas, can not.

But thanks to special socks, you can really clean the cover in the area of ​​the soles and heels. They are worn on the feet and fastened with the help of additional stripes that are included in the kit. For 60 minutes, the coarsened layer of the epidermis is steamed and separated, after which you can easily remove it with a brush. Socks are designed for single use. In addition to the effects on corns, they also have an antibacterial and deodorizing effect, reduce sweating and eliminate leg swelling.

Prevention natoptyshey

As a preventive measure, we can recommend that you first wear shoes of appropriate size, avoiding narrow socks. Remember that tight shoes adversely affect the feet, as a result of which due to friction, corns, natoptysh and even wounds are formed.

Do not forget to regularly visit the pedicure room or conduct sessions at home. In this case, use emollient creams, lotions or vegetable oils that will help avoid the appearance of rough areas and dry skin. For example, it nourishes the skin almond oil, as well as shea butter, coconut or simple olive oil.

Try to change shoes at low speed, do not wear high heels all the time. On the heels very often painful natoptysh are formed, which over time crack, causing incredible discomfort.

After buying a new shoe, wear special insoles, pads or toe covers for some time. Thus, you will save your feet from rubbing and, as a result, from the formation of dry corns.


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