Tea tree oil: application and properties. How to apply tea tree oil for acne, from nail fungus, for teeth whitening, as well as for face and hair.


Let's get acquainted with the most powerful anti-infective essential oil. It is tea tree oil. It is able to get rid of almost all bacteria, fungi, viruses. Oil has anti-inflammatory effect. On the rest of its properties, on the method of obtaining, areas of application, recipes for skin, curls, nails based on tea tree oil can read below.

How and where is tea tree oil extracted

Tea tree oil is always extracted from the leaves of Melaleuki by distillation (steam distillation). Evergreen melaleuka grows in Australia. Its leaves are similar to eucalyptus. Although the tea tree is close to the Eucalyptus genus, in fact the plant belongs to the family of Myrtle. The first healing properties of tea tree were discovered by Australian aborigines, who made medicinal tinctures, teas and compresses from its leaves. Australia is the main producer of leaf oil.

On the properties and applications of tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a practically colorless or light yellow liquid. Its smell resembles camphor. This oil is insoluble in water. But it dissolves well in base (vegetable) oils.

Tea tree oil is often used as antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral agent. It is an excellent antiseptic and immunostimulant. Some scientists claim that this oil can have an anti-cancer effect. It is also used in the treatment of diseases of the upper / lower respiratory tract, for example during inhalations, when rubbed. In diseases of the respiratory system it will be especially effective to combine tea tree oil with lavender or thyme oil.

Tea tree oil is sometimes treated with abrasions, bruises. It will reduce pain, relieve inflammation, disinfect, help with sprains. Tea tree oil, many use to care for the oral cavity, as this product is able to eliminate the unpleasant odor emanating from the oral cavity. Oil prevents the development of infections. And tea tree oil is recommended to be taken orally for the improvement of digestion, treatment of infections of the gastrointestinal tract, poisoning, etc. Even urinary infections fear how much tea tree oil is afraid. Especially it does not like cystitis, candidiasis, urethritis.

Do not think that tea tree oil is suitable only for girls who have infections, or people scratched by bronchitis, sprains and odor from the mouth. With it also really improve the condition of the skin and strands. Especially important to use this oil for girls with oily and problem skin. Oil removes greasy shine, evens out skin color. It is used for acne and post acne. Tea tree oil quickly helps to get rid of itching and swelling caused by insect bites, ulcers, eczema, etc. By adding tea tree oil to your hair care products, you strengthen your hair and get rid of dandruff.

Tea tree oil is used in everyday life - they are repelled by insects, fungi in the bathroom, they deodorize cabinets, shoes, etc. But still, most often this product is used in medicine (folk and official), dentistry, cosmetic industry. Tea tree oil is very popular not only with us, it is also used in dental clinics abroad, for example in Switzerland. This oil is often used in aromatherapy.

Tea Tree Face Acne Masks

Let's learn how to make natural masks with tea tree oil from pimples. Choose the most budget and easy-to-prepare home remedies. They are best suited for people with problematic oily or normal skin.

Mask with starch and tea tree oil

Masochka, the recipe of which we present a little lower, will relieve your skin from redness, rashes, make it clean, velvety, remove the greasy shine. Also, with its help, you can even out the complexion. The mask of tea tree oil, starch and protein mattes the skin well. Since such a home remedy dries, it is better for girls with dry skin to apply this mask not on the whole face, but on the pimple.

So, for the preparation of acne remedy, you will need protein, about 2 tablespoons of potato starch and some 3-4 drops (well, at least five) of tea tree oil. First you need to thoroughly whip the protein. This can be done with an ordinary fork. Beat until foam is formed.

With intensive fork movements, it will take you about 3 minutes to turn the protein into foam. To the foamed protein should drip butter. Then add a teaspoon of starch and mix the mixture. It should be homogeneous. Then add another spoonful of starch and stir our mask again. In general, two spoons should be enough for you. You do not need to make the mask too thick, but it also should not be spread over the face.

For girls with oily problem skin, the mask is allowed to be applied on the entire face. No need to impose too thick a layer of funds. If half of the mask remains in the bowl and you feel sorry for pouring it, you can use this homemade cosmetic products the next day. For a day with a mask of tea tree oil, nothing will happen.

A bowl is better to wrap in cling film. The next day, pull the tool and leave it to warm for a while. No need to specifically warm up the mask - let its temperature rise in its natural environment without the help of microwaves and other equipment. Before applying the mask prepared in advance, again beat it with a fork or spoon.

Mask recommended to withstand about 15 minutes. After that, wash your face well with warm water. Assure that there is no residue on the skin. You will notice changes after the second procedure. The face is visibly cleansed, the skin will become tender, the number of pimples will decrease.

Important: since the mask described dries the skin, after rinsing off the product, be sure to use moisturizing products, such as high-quality cream.

Sour cream clay with tea tree oil

An excellent anti-inflammatory agent that disinfects and cleanses the skin, improves blood circulation, eliminates greasy luster, removes peeling, can be prepared from blue clay, sour cream and tea tree oil. This mask also has a good anti-aging effect.

Note: If you could not find blue clay, then use kaolin (white clay).

For a mask it is necessary: ​​two art. l sour cream and half a big spoonful of blue clay, as well as three drops of tea tree oil. Mix sour cream and clay together until a completely smooth mass is obtained. In the mixture, drip the specified amount of oil and re-mix. Mask stand for about 15 minutes. Wash off the product with slightly warm water.

Salt "mask" with tea tree oil

This mask should be done at night. Dissolve in warm water and 1 tbsp. spoon of soda, sea salt. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil to salted water. Wash face after steaming skin. Prepared magic liquid can be applied to the skin with a swab. An hour later, clean the skin from the whitish layer of home remedies for acne water.

For your information: you can clean pimples with one tea tree, without mixing it with other components. Just drip oil on a cotton swab and treat it with the inflammation after cleansing the face. But remember that if undiluted oil is applied to the area around the pimple, then the skin in this place is likely to begin to peel off.

Teeth whitening with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil not only kills parasitic bacteria in the mouth, protects teeth from caries, periodontal disease, and other unpleasant diseases. With it, you can also really make your smile blinding.

Brush your teeth with tea tree oil

You can simply pour a few drops of oil on the brush and brush your teeth. Instead of a brush, girls also use a cotton swab - they just rub their teeth with it. To clean or wipe the teeth should be no more than five, but not less than two minutes.

After the procedure, the mouth must be rinsed with water. Using oil to whiten your teeth, no need to get carried away. The above methods of bleaching should not be carried out more than once a week.

Important: Before applying the oil on the teeth, they should be cleaned with a regular paste.

Rinser for teeth and mouth with tea tree oil

If you smell the smell of tea tree oil and you do not mind everyday preventive procedures with its use, then replace tooth brushing with an oil rinse. Let's make a bleaching rinse with orange and tea tree oils. To 125 ml of water, add two drops of orange essential oil and five drops of tea tree. This solution is allowed to use daily. If you want to whiten your teeth, then use a homemade conditioner from oils at least three times a week.

Attention: To whiten your teeth, buy in a pharmacy only the drug that contains 100% tea tree oil. When choosing oil, pay attention to the bubble in which it is located. The bottle should be made of dark glass.

Tea tree oil for hair

The simplest way to make strands healthy and shiny, soft is to join together a portion of your favorite balm mask, which should fit your hair type, with 4 drops of tea tree oil. Apply this mask on all hair. Allow to rest for about 5 minutes and rinse.

If the hair quickly becomes greasy, dandruff appears, then you need to wash your hair with a suitable shampoo with added oil. You just need to pour a portion of shampoo into your hand, combine it with three drops of oil and, mixing it in your hands, distribute it on the locks and scalp. After you have treated your hair, wash it in the usual way.

Hair mask with tea tree oil dandruff

You can also make a dandruff mask from 50 g of base oil (olive or burdock) and 25 drops of tea tree. This mask is rubbed into the scalp. If it was chosen burdock oil, then you not only get rid of dandruff, but also strengthen the hair, accelerate their growth and reduce the loss. Mask of oils will help weak, damaged and dull hair.

After rubbing in the product, put the cap on the head. The mask should be washed off after an hour using shampoo. Usually this mask is obtained completely removed for two times. That is, you have to wash your head several times in a row. In order to avoid any difficulties with combing hair after using burdock oil, apply a special spray or balm on them.

Mask for strengthening hair with oil of tea tree

To make your hair strong, docile and shiny, prepare a mask of rosemary, tea tree essential oil and jojoba oil. The first two oils will need 5 drops, the last - 10 ml. Mix the oils and apply the mixture on washed and wiped hair.

After applying the oily agent wrap your head with a towel. After 20 minutes, rinse hair with warm water. This simple mask will help get rid of dandruff.

From the nail fungus will save tea tree oil

Applying tea tree oil, you can easily say goodbye to fungal infections of the feet and nails. To get rid of the fungus using oil in several ways. For example, you can rub warm oil on the affected nail plate. Compresses from tea tree oil also work well. You need to soak the disc with oil and, putting it on the nail, sit for about 20 minutes. Both that, and other procedure should be carried out every day.

For the treatment of the fungus also used foot baths, which add oil. You can prepare a healing bath of 1 liter of hot water, a teaspoon of liquid soap and 20 drops of tea tree oil. The procedure is performed daily until the fungus disappears.

Attention: To prevent the oil from losing its properties, store it in a closed dark glass bottle in a cool place, away from sunlight.


Watch the video: Benefits & Dangers of Tea Tree Oil (June 2024).