Snack pie with bread, cheese and sausage "Guests on the doorstep"


Each of us had such a situation in life when the guests were already on the threshold, and there was simply nothing to treat them to! But if you have sausage, cheese and tomatoes in the refrigerator, and a baguette or loaf in the bread box, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about - prepare an instant snack cake “Guests on the doorstep”, which was created in student times by some novice chef To this day remains very popular in different countries. And this is not surprising - it is suitable for quick snacks, as well as for breakfast, lunch and a hearty dinner, and especially for strong drinks or a mug of freshly brewed tea!

There are no miracles in its preparation, but the feed itself is strikingly different from ordinary hot sandwiches. In addition, starting to cook, you can experiment not only with the filling, but also with bakery products.

For 8 servings of the pie, you will need:

- 300 g boiled sausage;

- 1 baguette;

- 2-3 tomatoes;

- 200 g of hard cheese;

- 1 chicken egg;

- 1 pinch of salt;

- 2 tbsp. sour cream;

- greens for decoration.

The best cake comes from fresh bread, so be sure to get a soft, not solidified baguette. Cut it into slices, trying to keep the knife diagonally. Then your slices will turn out sliced ​​slightly obliquely.

Sausage, you can choose any: boiled, smoked, ham and even smoked meat. The main thing is that its shape is oval or round. Cut the sausage is not wide slices, putting them on a plate.

Rinse the tomatoes and cut them into slices of the same width as the sausages. Be sure to cut the hearts out of them.

Hard cheese rub on a fine grater - so it quickly mixes with pouring.

Then in the baking dish lay alternately cut chunks of baguette and sausage in a circle, not forgetting to put them in the middle.

Only then add the tomato circles on the sausage. Do not change the sequence of creating the cake, because alternating everything along with the tomatoes, you risk to spoil the shape of the dish, because the tomato circles are very slippery and the chunks of baguette will not hold onto them.

Putting the main products in the form, in a separate container, break the chicken egg.

Beat it with a fork, sprinkle a pinch of salt, and add sour cream. The fat content of the dairy product does not play any role in the preparation, but it is not worth much to salt, since a large amount of salt is still contained in the sausage! At this stage you can add some of your favorite seasonings to the pot: basil, oregano, thyme.

Put half of grated cheese in a container for egg mass - save half for later.

Stir the pot and carefully pour it with a tablespoon on the products in the form so that they are completely covered with it.

Bake the cake for about 10-15 minutes in the oven at 200 ° C, then remove it and sprinkle with the remaining half of grated cheese.

Place again in the oven for 5 minutes and serve hot, decorating the appetizer with green leaves.

The cake is easily divided into portions - just enough to pull out a hunk of baguette with sausage and tomato. Good appetite!

And if a parallel with students is already carried out to the end, then it is imperative to calculate how much such a cake costs during cooking at home:

- 300 g of boiled sausage - 50 rubles;

- 1 baguette - 12.5 rubles;

- 2-3 tomatoes - 8 rubles .;

- 200 g of hard cheese - 30 rubles;

- 1 chicken egg - 4 rub .;

- 2 tbsp. sour cream - 10 rubles.

Total 8 hot pieces of cake will cost about 115 rubles, and 1 sandwich - about 15 rubles! Believe me, such homemade fast food is not only more useful than shop or restaurant, but also much cheaper!


Watch the video: Sausage Cheese Rolls from Bread. Breakfast Recipe. Snack Ideas. YUMMY (June 2024).