Do not eat it! Top 10 most harmful foods and how to replace them.


About the dangers and usefulness of various foods can talk endlessly. We are what we eat. This truth has been known for a long time, but not all, unfortunately, remember it.

We present to your attention an awesome rating of the 10 most harmful foods. The discussion here is not about controversial products (such as soft white bread is harmful to the figure), but about those products, the consumption of which causes undoubted harm to the body, without bringing any benefit at all. Those. about foods that can not be eaten EVER, never mind how hungry you are.

Only one truth is paradoxical: each of these products is dangerous to our health and we love equally.

Enemy number 1: Snacks, chips, crackers

Chips were originally a 100% natural product: they were the finest slices of potatoes, fried in oil with salt. Yes - high fat content, yes - high salt content, but inside the package there was at least what was stated - potatoes, oil, salt! However, chips invented in New York State in 1853 and modern crispy slices in bags are completely different dishes. There is a whole gulf between them, as today chips are made from corn flour, starch, soy, food flavors, synthetic flavorings and flavor enhancers. Their composition often includes genetically modified substances that are not just harmful to the stomach and other organs, they generally need to flee.

Regular consumption of snacks, which are made with the addition of trans fat and the most popular flavor enhancer E-621 (monosodium glutamate), may well put you on a hospital bed, for problems with the cardiovascular and nervous system are provided for you. And besides this, you risk getting along with the "snacks":

  • Atherosclerosis,
  • Heart attacks
  • Strokes
  • Hormonal dysfunction
  • Problems with potency in men
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • Development of cancerous tumors
  • Obesity and other "charms".

The worst thing is that these products are incredibly popular with children. This means that since childhood, eating chips or crackers, they can receive constant blows to the body, acquiring many chronic diseases at an early age. And then we are surprised, why is it so "younger" heart attacks and strokes?

What to replace

If you do not want to poison your body with such dishes, and children require delicacies, try to cook them yourself. For example, chips can be easily cooked in the microwave. To do this, wash several potatoes and cut them with a sharp knife into thin slices. Put them on a dish covered with a napkin to dry, and then put in a microwave oven at maximum power. It takes only a few minutes to make the chips. They will be ready when the slices become a bit "twisted" and covered with a golden crust. Just sprinkle salt on top and enjoy.

Enemy # 2: Mayonnaise, ketchup and various sauces

Do you really think that ketchup is made from freshly harvested, freshest tomatoes, from pristine, clean, fertile fields in a nearby area? We hurry to disappoint you: ketchup and mayonnaise in its composition can fit a huge amount of sugar, transgenic fats, flavorings and preservatives.

If you are told that only homemade eggs are used in mayonnaise, most likely it means dry yolk or a special substance called “egg melange”. Neither has anything to do with a real chicken egg. And the indicated olive oil on the store mayonnaise label can be as little as 5% of the total mass of the product, if not less.

Vinegar and sugar are added to most sauces. Shop mayonnaise, ketchup and sauces like "Tar-tar" or "Satsebeli" can provoke the appearance of diabetes, oncological diseases, food allergies, and also kill enzymes in the GIT.

What to replace

To replace the store mayonnaise, you can use simple sour cream or yogurt. Also mayonnaise is very easy to do with your own hands. To do this, take an egg, a little mustard, sunflower oil, lemon juice, salt and sugar. All you need to beat a blender to the consistency of thick cream. That's all - natural and absolutely harmless mayonnaise is ready and is not inferior in taste to any shopkeeper.

Enemy number 3: Sweets with dyes and sugar substitutes

Jelly sweets, chocolates, lollipops are the killers of the immunity of your children. Why, you ask? Yes, because they are made with the addition of a huge amount of synthetic dyes, thickeners, animal and vegetable fats, sugar substitutes and antioxidants. All of this "explosive mixture" can lead your son or daughter to gastritis, gastric ulcer, serious allergies, caries, obesity, tumor growth and diabetes. And all this at an early age.

Many people know that a healthy intestine is a strong immunity. Therefore, it would be better if your kids from early age will learn to eat natural honey instead of chocolate, and dried apricots, prunes and other dried fruits instead of jelly candies. Believe me, if the child does not see in the house of store bars, he won’t even ask them.

What to replace

And if you really want to please the child with caramel, cook them yourself. 4-5 tablespoons of sugar, pour 2-3 tablespoons of water and put on the fire. As soon as the mixture boils and sugar dissolves, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Boil the caramel for about 8-10 minutes until a slightly golden hue forms. Then you can pour it into teaspoons, pre-lubricated with sunflower oil. Once the caramel hardens, you can eat it.

Enemy number 4: Sausages and sausages

So often advertising shows the viewer extremely profitable facts about sausages and sausages for active sales: “100% natural product!”, “Without soy and GMOs”. As well as mentions of their own farms, from where, in fact, meat is taken or the maximum compliance with European standards. Alas, most of these slogans do not correspond to the truth. The composition of sausages and sausages, as a rule, includes only 10% of meat products, and even then, to call them "meat" even the language does not turn:

  • Pork skin,
  • Chicken skin,
  • Crushed bones,
  • Tendons
  • Offal (offal!).

Otherwise, the ingredients inside are water, flour, starch, soy protein, flavors, flavor enhancers, preservatives and flavors. Such food is categorically contraindicated for small children and pregnant women, because it leads to diseases of the thyroid gland, problems with the fetal nervous system, as well as pathological changes in the liver and gall bladder.

What to replace

Replace artificial store sausages with natural homemade ones. It is very easy to prepare them: Take chicken fillet or pork loin, twist it in mince, add chopped onion, salt and pepper to taste. Form sausages, wrap them in cling film and boil in boiling water for about 15-20 minutes. Then you can pull out the sausages, cool and fry in a pan. Believe, a homemade dish will bring much more benefit to you and your children.

Enemy number 5: Fast Food

Such food is usually used by those who need a simple and quick snack. It is enough to pour boiling water over noodles or mashed potatoes, wait 5 minutes and you can start the meal. But how much nutrition is useful and balanced? Exactly at zero percent. You are absorbing rather dry powders, monosodium glutamate and other additives that cause intestinal upsets, impaired blood pressure, vascular problems, and even brain damage. Naturally, about any natural additives (mushrooms, meat or vegetables) in this product can not speak.

What to replace

Want to have a quick meal on a business trip or a trip? Take simple oatmeal and dried fruit, pour with yogurt or boiling water and leave for a few hours. It is very convenient to make such a meal in the evening in order to bring along a full breakfast on the road in the morning. Believe me, you will be perfectly satisfied with it, without harming your stomach.

Enemy # 6: Margarine and Spread

What is butter and margarine know everything. Spread is a mixture of vegetable and animal fats, so the range of fat content in it is much larger than in oil. As a rule, the oil has a fat content of 50% or 80%, and the spread may be 35% or 95% fat. In addition to milk fat, you can also find buttermilk, palm oil, trans-isomers, and, by tradition, preservatives and thickeners in the spread. Cholesterol plaques in vessels are formed precisely because of the frequent use of butter, spread and margarine.

Moderate use of these products will not lead to dire consequences, especially if you lead an active lifestyle, are young and full of energy. But older people are not recommended to eat such supplements daily.

What to replace

It is better to replace them with vegetable or olive oil of decent quality.

Enemy # 7: Smoked Meat

Smoked foods make a rather deceptive impression: ham, fish, cheeses. On the one hand, hot and cold smoking kills many of the microbes contained in the products and causing rotting processes. In addition, due to smoking, a person eats not trans fats, but unchanged fats in the form in which they should be ingested.

But there is another side to the coin: very often smoked products laid out on the shelves of shops are smoked with the help of liquid smoke. The product is simply dipped into a special liquid, after which it acquires a certain color and aroma. Liquid smoke is just poison! The most dangerous carcinogen, banned in all civilized countries of the world. It is often imported into European countries in an illegal way, which only confirms its danger to humans. In addition, liquid smoke does not kill the worms contained in meat or fish, and you populate your body with these "guests".

What to replace

Smoked in any way food is harmful to health. Even in the home smokehouse. Even on supernatural chips. The product in any case is extremely highly saturated with combustion products. The correct way to cook all kinds of foods: boil, simmer or (as a last resort!) Fry.

Enemy number 8: "Fast food" from the stall

On the networks of fast food restaurants such as McDonalds or Burger King - a separate issue, to them, any nutritionist claims above the roof. But now we are talking about street kiosks - to which there are an order of magnitude more complaints. Remember: you will never know from what ingredients you have prepared this dish, what hands and what quality they were. The insanitary conditions of fast food eateries leave much to be desired in the overwhelming majority of cases, which is why you risk your health greatly. Just imagine how long any ingredient or finished product can lie in a warm place waiting for the buyer. It is terrible to even imagine what will happen to your stomach after you eat it.

What to replace

Make better tasty burgers at home. It's simple: take a bun, lettuce, meat, some rice, an egg and cheese. The meat should be twisted into mince, mix with boiled rice and egg, form a flat patty and fry in a pan. Cut the loaf in half and assemble our burger in any order you like. Optionally, you can add fresh cucumber or tomato.

Yes, and excellent high-quality shawarma cook at home is easy. For this, the fried pieces of meat or chicken should be mixed with any sliced ​​vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage) and wrapped them in pita bread. It is amazingly tasty and healthy!

Enemy number 9: Sweet carbonated drinks

You did not notice that after drinking "Coke" thirst does not recede, but only increases? So it is, because as part of many sweet sodas there is aspartame - the most dangerous ingredient for the body, a sweetener of synthetic origin, which provokes oncological diseases of the brain and liver, irreversible changes in the nervous system, insomnia, even in children, headaches and allergies. In combination with caffeine and orthophosphoric acid, which mercilessly flushes calcium out of our body, a sweet carbonated drink is just a storehouse of substances that kill your body.

What to replace

Replace sugary drinks is quite possible compotes, brewed with their own hands their fresh or dried fruit or ordinary mineral water, from which to release the pre-gases.

Enemy number 10: Products with the words "low-calorie"

Thinness is a fashion trend that many young ladies in the world are chasing. Unfortunately, very often they are taken aback by unscrupulous food producers, who attribute the terms "low-fat" or "low-calorie" to their products. In most cases, they contain sweeteners, starch and other harmful impurities that are absolutely not conducive to weight loss, and also interfere with the normal functioning of the body. In addition, our brain is very easy to deceive. Seeing the inscription "low-calorie", for some reason he believes that it is possible to use such a product more, without any harm.

What to replace

It will be much easier to lose weight if you eat only healthy foods: steamed vegetables, whole-grain bread, lean meat and fish. Dairy products are also useful, just cook them better at home, buy a liter of milk and leaven, mixing everything according to the instructions and placing them in a yogurt maker or thermos.

Making a conclusion from the above, I would like to add only one thing: most people study, unfortunately, not on the mistakes of others, but on their own. Remember that getting to the hospital bed after a meal with such products is easier than ever. But recovering health is much more difficult. In order not to blame yourself for thoughtless actions, try to learn from the mistakes of others, listening to our advice.


Watch the video: 10 Foods You Should Never Eat (July 2024).