I cheated on my husband with his brother


I clung to my husband, hugged him and whispered: "Dear, your bunny is here." Andrei muttered something, with difficulty he opened his eyelids and turned around. Immediately doused with a sharp smell of fume. “Again!” A burst of desire instantly extinguished. I leaned back. Husband prozhmokal lips and puffed.

The summer was hot. We were looking forward to the weekend to go to the cottage. There on the river and fled from the scorching rays of the sun. One evening our family was sitting in the courtyard under the spreading branches of an apple tree. Just had dinner. Andrei was busy with his little boy. The mother-in-law was stroking the cat sitting next to him on the bench. I cleared the dishes from the table. There was a sound of a car coming up. The door slammed. Everyone turned their heads. “My friends! And here I am! ”With these words, a tall, broad-shouldered man entered the courtyard. The mother-in-law gasped. Andrei jumped up: “Seryoga!” It was his younger brother. The brothers hugged each other tightly. Then Sergey pulled the whimpering mother to him. He stroked his hair and kissed his temple. I saw Sergey only in the photo. He did not come to our wedding either. He lived a long time, in Kaliningrad.

“Meet, bro, my Marina,” said Andrei. Sergey took a step forward. Our eyes met. My heart beat fast. It seemed to me that it was about to jump out of my chest. “Very nice,” answered Sergei, lightly shaking my hand.

I had to lay the table again. Andrei solemnly put a bottle of vodka on the table. Time flew by for jokes and memories. When I returned, having laid my little son, Andrey was already completely drunk. Sitting at the table, he tried to keep his head falling on his chest. Sergey drank very little. He joked that he was not leading a friendship with this “green serpent”. He told his mother about his work and looked at me, and his gaze was somewhere on my chest. I looked at myself in bewilderment and flashed: the buttons on the chest were unbuttoned. Yurko was already two years old, but before he went to sleep, he liked to suck on my breast, although the milk was noticeably reduced.

So a few days passed. Andrei went to work in the city. Sergey, the mother-in-law and my son are left. In the afternoon we went to the river, walked in the near forest, and all the time I was catching Sergey’s greedy eyes on myself. He could not be called handsome. He is taller than his brother. Tightened. And Andrei already noticeably drooped belly. When Sergey came out of the water on the river, it seemed to me that I would lose consciousness from the passion that enveloped me. At night, I tossed and turned in bed for a long time, imagining how strong arms hugged me. The underbelly began to whine. And, to calm my wild passion, I touched the clitoris with my finger, caressed him and brought myself to orgasm.

One day I did not go to the river. I did not know where to hide from Sergey's greedy gaze, and, referring to the fact that I started my period, stayed at home. At heart was restless. “Rather, Andryusha would have arrived,” I thought. Although this thought did not get any easier: again vodka, beer, a drunken grin. Lying on the bed, I was holding an open book, and my thoughts were somewhere far away. The door creaked and light steps were heard. I jumped up. My heart beat fast. But before I reached the door, she swung open and Sergey appeared on the threshold.

He was wearing only shorts. I did not have enough air. I took a convulsive sip. Sergey came very close. The minute we looked each other in the eye. Sergey raised his hand and touched my lips with his fingers. Then everything was like in a dream. We rushed into each other's arms. Lips merged in a passionate kiss. Sergey's hands were under my shirt. He tore her over his head and groaned when he saw my heavy chest. Slept and began to shower with greedy kisses. I ran my fingers through his hair and whined. A minute later we were on a wide bed. Sergey kissed nipples and gently nibbled them.

I squirmed and moaned. I felt the panties become wet. Sergey began to descend lower and soon kissed my tummy. He stood up and yanked off my skirt with panties. A beautiful woman in her nakedness lay before him. I held my breath. The heart seemed to pop out of the chest. Sergey, without taking his eyes off me, took off his shorts. Oh my God! How beautiful he was! I parted my legs slightly. Sergey cautiously approached me and jerked in. We moaned and squirmed. And they continued their beautiful dance of love. Sergei pulled away.

Carefully turned me on his stomach. I slightly pushed her ass. Sergey entered me from behind. His hands caressed my chest. I moaned and asked: “More! More!” I felt the soft touch of his testicles. I had already finished, but I felt that another wave of pleasure overtakes me. Faster and faster. Even faster! Oooooh. Here it is the peak of bliss !!!!

Then we silently lay for a while. Sergey got up. “You were beautiful! If you were not my brother's wife, I would take you away, ”he said. He leaned over, kissed my neck, and walked out.

Two days later he left. Mother complained that he was going to stay a month, and leaves in two weeks.

Summer is over. Everything went on as usual. I went to my work. Her son looked after her mother-in-law. Andrei often came home from work drunk. And if he came sober, he slyly winked at me and took out a few bottles of beer from his briefcase. In bed, he immediately fell asleep. If I said that I missed and want to caress him, he seemed to touch my chest through force, snuffled in my ear and smelled fumes. Recently, he preferred the position from the side. As I dubbed, lazy position. He did his job, do not need to get up. You can sleep in the same place without moving anywhere.

Memories swarm swept through my head. Sergey occasionally called his brother and said hello to me. And I, often lying in bed, under the snoring of my husband, recalled those happy moments, when for the first time I truly felt passion.


Watch the video: Her Secret Revealed: Cheating on her husband with his own young brother. (July 2024).