Wives and children of Robin Williams are unhappy with the distribution of inheritance


Relatives of American comedian Robin Williams, who died last August, are unhappy with the distribution of the inheritance and intend to go to court.

At the same time, lawsuits were filed by the wives of the artist and his three children, who dispute the money and personal belongings of the actor (including photos and clothing).

According to the widow of Williams, after the death of her husband, his things were taken out of the house and some services in her house were canceled, such as, for example, newspaper delivery.

Children comedian accuse his last wife that she by their actions destroyed their expectations about the inheritance of the father.

Recall that the true causes of death of Robin Williams has not yet been established. It is believed that he committed suicide by hanging himself on a belt. Why the actor decided to resort to suicide is not known. The widow of the deceased said that the artist had recently suffered from severe depression, which was most likely the result of Parkinson's disease.


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