6 ways to facilitate parting with the Christmas tree


There are many jokes that people say goodbye to the New Year holidays for a long time, therefore, they endure the Christmas tree in spring. This is not surprising, because the New Year is magical for both adults and children. Indeed, at this time people believe in miracles and the fulfillment of all desires. Santa Claus kids tell their joys and sorrows, waiting for him with long-awaited gifts. It is not surprising that after such magical and elegant holidays it becomes very difficult to turn your fabulous housing into an ordinary house, pretending as if nothing had happened.

The fact is that after holidays people tend to fall into a depressive state: today's office and customary duties at work in contrast with yesterday's fun and “doing nothing” seem depressing and boring. And all that I want is to go back to the fairy tale and hug the rest of the Olivier salad after the holidays to go to bed and lain so all day. “It would be better if these holidays were not at all! How difficult it is to get into a normal working rhythm,” we lament and sigh doom, closing the door of a warm, cozy and yet new-year apartment. That is why people are trying to quickly add up everything and hurry all the New Year's attributes into the first box that they have got, and next year they unravel the garland with irritation and look for holiday toys. But it's not right. Try to come to the post-holiday cleaning with joy and good mood. How to decompose Christmas decorations and all New Year's tinsel quickly and accurately, so that next year it will delight you again? Here are some tips that can help with this.

1. For a good mood, turn on your favorite music and start laying out toys in different boxes. If there are a lot of boxes, you can sign them. Fold small balls into an egg carton. It is convenient to store different tinsel in tubes from chips, and wrap the flashing garlands on the cardboard cylinders of paper towels (this way you can unwind it quickly and easily next year).

2. Do not seek to do all the cleaning in one day. So, if you are still not morally ready to say goodbye to the holidays, you can begin to make out only the Christmas tree, and leave the rest of the New Year's emblems in their places. Or free from New Year's tinsel only one room.

3. No need to store for crafts or just in case cracked and broken toys, better say goodbye to them immediately.

4. If it became sad for you and your children to disassemble the New Year's beauty, you can take a break and draw pictures for your loved ones, which you will open together next year. You can also write a letter to yourself or your friends about what feelings you are experiencing, what you want and what you expect from the coming year. A year later, at the festive table, you will be happy and pleased to read these letters "from the past", especially if you provide them with words of love and jokes.

5. If you do not collect as a souvenir figurines with the symbol of the coming year, candles and other New Year attributes, you can give away extra things to your children and friends. Soft horses and rabbits will bring joy to some kid. And the candles will serve you to create a romantic atmosphere at the next dinner or when the light in the house is turned off. In any case, do not keep for years those things that can bring you joy now.

6. Needles from the Christmas tree for a long time will remind you of the past holidays, if you tighten with the general cleaning. Therefore, do not be lazy and today, free your house from everything that will remind you of the last fantastic celebration. After all, it is time to realize all the desires that you have made for the New Year.


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