"I only ask!": Queue at the children's clinic


The queue to the doctor in the children's clinic is a show, supported by the child’s spontaneity and confidently “creeping out” the disadvantages of adults. It is never boring here, and not everyone has been given a languid waiting wait. But everything is possible, if you know exactly all types of parents waiting in the queue and measures to combat them.


These are people who come across any queue. The burden of waiting is definitely not about them. They twisted straight through, sweeping the discordant rows of people standing and dragging the child who did not understand anything. In rare cases, they can use the arguments: "I agreed", "I was called up", "I was busy in the morning" and the classic option "I only ask." However, more often than not, they do not condescend to such a thing - why should mortal people know where Her Majesty should go? The rest certainly wait.

Control measures: only collective all-round defense. We reveal bayonets and do not miss the enemy a millimeter to the desired door. Any argument to answer in the same primitive way: "I got up - I lost the place," "We all ask here," "Everyone is standing, and you stand."


They come not only to show the child’s doctor, but also to feed off negative energy. Sometimes it even becomes unclear what is more important for them. They do not like everything, and they use every opportunity to report this to the world. Mom with temperate baby asks to pass the queue? This is deception and provocation! Did any of the children accidentally push her child? Bad man ham beat my little one! Is the doctor taking too slowly? He does this on purpose so as not to accept me! Is the queue moving fast? The doctor examines bad!

Control measures: better not to touch. Without receiving collective support, the brawler quickly “knocks out” and only silently looks evil at everyone from her own corner. But the ideal option is to incite the brawler to the tank — the struggle will be emotional and interesting.


"Well, you imagine, this is generally ... And he says this ... And I tell him - this is the finish, hee-hee-hee ..." - and so for two and a half hours without a break. While mom shares scant impressions on the phone with another girlfriend, her child is left to himself. He interferes with people and staff, he takes away toys from other children, strangers bring him from the street, where he tried to feed the dogs with a kitty. Mom all this time absorbed in conversation.

Control measures: come closer, make a sharp, loud remark. If ignores - try to take away the phone from her ear and repeat the phrase. Do not wait for an adequate reaction: at worst there will be a tantrum, at best - mother will pick up her friend again, grab the child by the hand and walk away, telling the phone what cattle are standing in lines on the way.

Sad dad

He, like many dads, was sure that taking a child to the clinic was a purely female occupation. He had plans for this day: to watch football, to dig out in the garage, to drink beer ... But instead he sits sadly on a bench, projecting all the global injustice to the world around. The child, as a rule, sad dad holds tightly near him, without being distracted by talking with him or answering in monosyllables - so as not to spill his sadness.

Control measures: none Sad dad is innocent, like a lamb. He strictly observes the laws of the queue and does not interfere with others. Let yourself be sad.

Right grandma

This is a classic old woman in a worn wool coat of times of stagnation. She brings with her grandson or granddaughter - a frightened baby in pressed tights, two sweaters, a scarf and a hat with earflaps (nothing on the street is +15). She knows better than doctors and psychologists how to raise and treat children. Not only that - she does not disdain to inform you that your child: improperly dressed, not well developed for his age, behaves inappropriately, coughs specifically for her grandson - and so on to infinity. Examples from her experience and reference to the past are guaranteed, where everything, of course, was better, people lived according to conscience, and doctors treated for thanks and ate heavenly nectar. Energy granny enough for everyone. Slaughter option - if there are several such old women in the queue.

Control measures: ignore or, if there is a mood and desire, “troll”. For example, to begin to actively argue (it will discourage the old woman), and cite completely idiotic fictional examples of how it used to be better. For example, what your grandmother told about how doctors did not examine disobedient children, but immediately determined them in an orphanage - at the time it was! Order!

Of course, the most important thing in the queue is to try not to fall under any of the listed categories and not to participate in scandals. It is better to devote time and attention to the baby - then waiting will not be so languid and painful.
