Chicken broth - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook chicken broth.


Chicken broth - general cooking principles

Chicken broth is one of the few first courses, which is good in itself - without any frills. But with vegetables, mushrooms, pasta and other ingredients, the taste will become much richer, and the soup itself will be more nutritious and nutritious. Classic chicken broth is boiled from chicken meat (you can buy a special soup set or take a breast), and for flavor you can put peeled carrots and onions. Vegetables are pulled out at the end of cooking, because all the taste and vitamins have already absorbed the broth. To the dish came out golden and transparent, the liquid must be drained using gauze. Chicken broth is most often served with greens, croutons or hard-boiled eggs.

Chicken broth - preparing food and dishes

The first step is to prepare dishes for chicken broth. You will need a large pan for two to three liters (the volume depends on the amount of meat), a cutting board and a knife (for vegetables and meat cutting). For vegetable dressing should also prepare a frying pan.

Chicken should be thoroughly rinsed in cool water (but not hot), cut into pieces and put cooked on a gentle fire. For the soup, vegetables are prepared as follows: potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes or dices, it is better to simply grate carrots, onions can be chopped or cut into thin half rings. Also chop the herbs for serving, or make garlic croutons in the oven.

Chicken Broth Recipes:

Recipe 1: Chicken Broth

This recipe describes the most common method of cooking chicken broth. It can be used as a basis for various first courses. The broth turns out saturated, golden and transparent.

Ingredients Required:

  • Chicken breast or tibia;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper;
  • Greenery.

The benefits of chicken broth

Cooking method:

Pour two liters of water into the pan (depending on how much meat there is and on the desired saturation). For one breast of water too much is not needed. Rinse the breast (or soup set) in cool water, put it in a saucepan and fill it with water. Do not wash the chicken with hot water - from this spoil the taste of meat. Put the pot on a strong fire. Give the chicken to boil for about a minute and pour the broth into the sink. Together with such water all harmful substances and "garbage" will leave. I wash the pot from the foam, put the chicken in there and pour water again. After boiling, reduce the heat, cover the pot a little with the lid and cook the soup for a little more than half an hour (you need to look at the readiness of the meat). Do not forget to remove the foam. A few minutes before the end of cooking, salt to taste, you can slightly pepper broth. If the soup is prepared for therapeutic nutrition, it is better to do without pepper. If you want a clean and clear chicken broth, you can still strain the liquid. Pouring soup with pieces of white boiled meat. At will it is possible to add greens when serving.

Recipe 2: Chicken Broth with Vegetables

Plain chicken soup, which is prepared on the basis of chicken broth. It uses a standard set of vegetables: some potatoes, onions and carrots. Spices and herbs are added to taste. For a more pronounced flavor and rich taste, you can still add Bulgarian pepper.

Ingredients Required:

  • Soup set, drumsticks or breast;
  • Two potatoes;
  • Medium carrots;
  • Bulb;
  • Bulgarian pepper - at will;
  • Seasonings;
  • Greenery.

The benefits of chicken broth

Cooking method:

Rinse the chicken meat in cool water, put it in a saucepan and pour water over it. We put stew. After boiling, pour the broth and pour water again. Cook the soup over moderate heat. In the meantime, prepare the vegetables: wash, clean, chop. Pepper cut into strips. First stew the onions with carrots in butter, then put the pepper in there. Together we simmer another five minutes. We throw potatoes to the chicken in about ten minutes after boiling. After eight minutes, add vegetable dressing. Cook the soup until all the ingredients are ready: the meat will easily separate and turn white, and the potatoes will be soft. At the end of cooking add seasoning, you can also throw greens. If the greens are fresh, the broth must boil for a few minutes. Serve chicken broth after ten minutes of infusion.

Recipe 3: Chicken Noodle Soup

Very simple, but at the same time hearty recipe for the first dish. Chicken broth with noodles (or noodles) is very popular, this dish is served for dinner every day, thousands of housewives.

Ingredients Required:

  • A pound of chicken;
  • Large onion;
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs .;
  • Several small potatoes (optional, but the soup will be more satisfying);
  • A couple handfuls of vermicelli;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Greens (fresh or dried).

The benefits of chicken broth

Cooking method:

Pieces of chicken pour water. As soon as the water boils, pour it out and pour it fresh. We clean the potatoes with carrots, cut the potatoes into cubes, and carrots into small squares. Carrots can be put and whole, and then removed. Clean the onion and place it in the broth. Add the broth to salt, cook it with onion and carrot for 40 minutes. Now you can take out whole vegetables, as they have already given all their flavor and aroma. Separate the meat from the bone and put it back into the soup with the potatoes. Paste grated or shredded carrots along with chopped onions and spread them into the soup. 8 minutes before the end of cooking add pasta. In the end, salt and pepper the chicken broth to taste. After the end of cooking, let the soup infuse and serve with chopped greens.

Recipe 4: Chicken Broth with Egg

Simple, but at the same time very tasty, nourishing and easy chicken broth. A great option for those who do not want to bother with vegetables, pasta and other ingredients. This soup is especially good to cook in the country, when an abundance of greens grows nearby.

Ingredients Required:

  • Chicken;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Greens: parsley, dill, green onions;
  • Garlic;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • White bread.

The benefits of chicken broth

Cooking method:

Fill the prepared chicken with water and set to boil, after boiling we pour out the water and refill the chicken with clean water. After boiling again, remove the foam and boil the broth for 40-45 minutes. The fire should be small. We check the chicken for readiness - if the meat is white and easily separated from the bones, pull it out onto a plate and filter the broth through gauze. Meat is separated from the bones. Strain the broth salt to taste. Chicken eggs boil hard boiled. White bread is cut into small cubes, chop garlic. Mix the bread with garlic and spread on a baking sheet, dry in the oven until golden brown. Serve chicken broth with half a boiled egg, chopped greens and garlic croutons.

Recipe 5: Chicken broth with mushrooms

Delicious, nourishing and rich chicken broth with mushrooms. Mushrooms make the dish more nutritious and fragrant. It also uses potatoes, although you can do without it - as you like.

Ingredients Required:

  • Chicken Breast - 1/3 kg;
  • Champignons - a few;
  • Potato;
  • Bow;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt;
  • Greenery.

The benefits of chicken broth

Cooking method:

My chicken breast and cut into pieces. Fill with water and start cooking. Cut potatoes into cubes, throw in the soup 20 minutes after boiling. Onions cut into half rings, mushrooms - medium-sized slices. Minutes six fry the onions with mushrooms in butter. Put the mushroom dressing in the soup, add salt, cook for another ten minutes, then infuse and serve with chopped greens.

Chicken broth - the secrets and tips from the best chefs

- Chicken meat is cooked rather quickly - 40-50 minutes is enough, you should not digest the chicken;

- After the first boil, it is recommended to drain the water - along with it all harmful substances leave. After that, the meat is poured with fresh clean water and re-set to cook;

- Salt in chicken broth is better to add at the end of cooking, because during boiling the liquid boils away, and the dish can be easily salted;

- Chicken broth can be filtered at the end of cooking. When serving in each plate you need to put boiled meat separated from the bones;

- The chicken should not be rinsed in too hot water.


Watch the video: The Ultimate Guide To Making Amazing Chicken Stock (July 2024).