Vera Brezhnev is credited with a secret affair with an oligarch


Despite the fact that the singer Vera Brezhnev almost manic hides her personal life, absolutely everyone knows about her affair with Konstantin Meladze. The couple hid their relationship not only from the public, but also from loved ones. However, according to the wife of the concert organizer Konstantin Shcherbinin, Lily Lev, such "secret" relationships are not the first in the singer's life.

According to Lev, the connection between Vera and the oligarch Alexander Onishchenko, who is financially quite capable of spending time in the company of celebrities, was actively discussed in the secular party. Recently, Brezhnev prefers to refuse the offers of rich people, which made it possible to draw conclusions that the singer has developed more than warm relations with Alexander.

Lev argues that he does not exclude the possibility that Brezhnev met Onishchenko and Meladz at the same time.


Watch the video: Вера Брежнева и Константин Меладзе 2018Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze 2018 (July 2024).