The star of the series "Birthday of Bourgeois" Valery Nikolaev married a circus performer


Popular Russian actor Valery Nikolaev, remembered by many of the main roles in the TV series “Bourgeois Birthday”, got married. The circus wife Elmira Zemskova became the wife of the star.

The lovers were married in early September. The wedding in Russian style was celebrated in Suzdal. 49-year-old Nikolayev admitted that he feels happy and wants to share his joy with the public. According to the actor, in the near future, he and his wife plan to have a child.

Elmira Zemskova is a representative of a famous circus dynasty and since 1998 has been working in the circus on Tsvetnoy. Nikolaev himself declares that he has plans to “lure” a young wife to the cinema.

We will remind that earlier Nikolaev was married for a long time to Irina Apeksimova. However, almost immediately after the birth of their joint child, Valery went to conquer Hollywood. Spouses saw snatches. Apeksimova hoped that the shooting in the TV series "Bourgeois Birthday" would bring them together again, but this did not happen. On the set, Nikolayev fell in love with actress Daria Poverennova. As a result, Apeksimova filed for divorce.


Watch the video: Official Trailer. Season 1. STAR (June 2024).