What can his favorite color tell about a person?


Preferring one or another color, we express our mood, enable others to understand our psychological state, and in some sense color predetermines our character. If you want a person to know better, show curiosity, ask, what color does he prefer?

White color at all times acted as a symbol of purity, openness and innocence. It is associated with youth and simplicity. If a man of mature age focuses on white - this indicates that he wants to achieve perfection, which is in search of imaginary ideals that his imagination has illusively recreated. Probably, he wants to plunge into the years of careless youth. White also speaks of a thirst for a calm and even life.

Red - the color of energy, vigor. Special attention is paid to the aggressors, impulsive and resolute people who find it difficult to stay in one place and follow their usual life. This is a man with high ambitions, he is eager to get as much pleasure from life as possible. These are optimists who do not like monotony. They are pedantic, and try to look soberly at life. If modest people prefer red color, this indicates that they are warm to attention, care, and may want to hide real feelings.

Pink color characterizes a person as a romantic, dreamy and impressionable nature. Women, preferring pink, crave an even and peaceful life. For them, the main thing is to be safe, where justice and love prevail. This, as a rule, people are charming and kindhearted.

Orange color like cheerful people. They are energetic, talkative, trying to live a mobile lifestyle. However, they have a tendency to dramatize events, they are authoritative among friends and can rightly be considered the soul of the company. Indecision and impermanence are peculiar to them, however, they recognize the negative sides of their character and strive to fight them.

Yellow - personifies freedom, cheerfulness and speaks of a rich imagination. Yellow color focuses attention on people eager for new knowledge and adventures. As a rule, it is peculiar to individuals with positive thinking and owners of subtle humor. These people are consistent in their actions, logical and give freedom of thought.

Green color - a symbol of life, peace, harmony. This color is mainly chosen calm, creative people. They are communicative, but solitude is their element. They are characterized by tact and modesty.

Blue talks about introspection, conservatism. People who prefer blue color are persistent, persistent in their work, and have a fairly high level of self-discipline. These are sensual and sentimental natures. Surrounding appreciate their wisdom and strong-willed spirit. These people are slightly suspicious of personalities with ardent temperament and are careful in dealing with them.

Purple emphasizes personal individuality. These are sensual persons, they are witty and temperamental enough. In society, such individuals like to take an authoritative position; they are hidden leaders, with pronounced artistry. If they do not receive due attention to their person, irony or indifference is manifested.

Brown color characterizes a person as resilient, with conservative views, with the desire for freedom and independence. In dialogue, they show restraint, they are not always able to skillfully express their point of view.

Grey colour can talk about caution and prudence, people who prefer gray - workaholics who are willing to work for the good of the company tirelessly. Young people are characterized by a certain estrangement from life, they suppress their individuality. With age, they are wiser and calmer going through the ups and downs.

Black color perceived as a denial of their views to the outside world. A person focused on black color seeks to veil his true image, to give it mysticism and mystery.


Watch the video: What Your Favorite Color Says About You (July 2024).