Found a pen - what does it mean? Folk signs associated with found feathers of birds


Recently, the little son found a large beautiful feather on the doorstep of the house. I suspect this is a magpie dropped. He was delighted, began to play with them, and was about to carry him home. And I thought - what would it be? To good? Or is it a sign from above warning of caution?

Will accept a huge number of birds. Many are interested in the question of what it means to find a bird's feather on the street. Some believe that this is just an accident. Others believe that this sign hides a special sign, the knowledge of which can warn against danger.

The main interpretation of the signs

In most cases, the pen found indicates a happy combination of circumstances; the person himself was at the right time in the right place. But the omen takes on even greater positive significance when a person manages to catch a feather of a bird on the fly. The scriptwriters of the film "Forrest Gump" beat the most accurate sign.

Interpretation is also worth the bird whose feather was found:

• From the found black pen it may turn out to be a good amulet that will develop a person’s intuition and superpowers. Such amulets often help a person to learn to manage the shadowy sides of his own personality, to better know himself.
White feathers attract great good and are considered God's grace. The feather pen is ideal for creating a family mascot.
Colorful feathers ideal for creating amulets, such as the popular dream catcher.

How to make a dream catcher with your own hands

• Many people who have a good relationship with ravens talk about the feathered mind and magical abilities. If the birds themselves left the feather after communication, it should be raised and put under the pillow. Such a talisman will protect against astral influence and prevent bad dreams.
• Pigeons - one of the brightest birds, are considered messengers of the world. Found dove feather tells you about a successful day, a person will be able to overcome psychological difficulties and get out of any mess.
• Found seagull feather promises discovery and travel soon. If there is a thing that a person postponed for any reason, it is worth starting the implementation of ideas with a pen. It will certainly succeed, although not always lightning fast.
Chicken or Rooster Feathers also bring an additional positive atmosphere. According to the signs, if you accidentally manage to find a feather of a chicken or a rooster, you will be able to avoid domestic conflicts because of nonsense, establish a psychological background in the family circle and "ward off" ill-wishers.
• K feather peacock people have a special relationship. Finding him is considered a lucky sign promising good luck. But keeping a sign in the house is dangerous. If you break the sign, you can become too arrogant and selfish.


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