Postpartum recovery: complications and ways to prevent them


The bearing of the fetus, and then the resolution of pregnancy creates a huge burden on all body systems. The heart, blood vessels, organs of the endocrine system suffer, disrupting the hormonal background, as well as the musculoskeletal system, not to mention the reproductive system. The aesthetic properties of the body suffer, not least, painstaking work is required to correct the appearance.

The woman’s body is designed to recover from childbirth on her own. External assistance is required in the development of complications, but negative consequences can be prevented by following simple recommendations.

How to act after childbirth?

Conditionally the postpartum period can be divided into several time intervals:

  • From 1 to 4 days.
  • From 4 to 15 days.
  • After 15 days and until the end of the first month.
  • From 1 to 3 months.
  • The late period is up to 5 months inclusive.

Each of these stages requires taking into account the characteristics of the state of the body at the current moment and following the recommendations.

First days

In the first 2-4 hours, the woman is under the strict supervision of obstetricians. The task is to prevent early complications, which include massive bleeding from the birth canal.

Recommendation: in this short period, you need to lie relaxed, move less, so as not to provoke spontaneous changes in the tone of the uterus. Perhaps the expansion of the spiral veins of the uterus and increased bleeding. It is also important to cough as little as possible so as not to provoke sudden surges in intra-abdominal pressure. After this time, the woman is transferred to the birth ward.

In the first 2-3 days, a violation of the outflow of urine is possible, constipation develops. You can’t push and strain, because this will create additional risks of bleeding.

Recommendation: you need to inform the doctor about the problem immediately after the appearance. Urine diversion is provided by uterine massage to relieve a reflex spasm of the bladder neck or by installing a catheter for a short time. As for bowel movements, the use of local laxatives or a cleansing enema is indicated.

Until the end of the second week

Constipation may persist until the end of the second week, inclusive. The behavior is the same; pushing is still not recommended. This will negatively affect the tone of the uterus. The next days the body will recover, no additional measures are needed. During this period, the development of postpartum depression or even psychosis is possible. If you find a sharply reduced hormonal background, tearfulness, you need to consult a doctor for help. Involuntary thoughts are possible to harm the child, these are the effects of stress on the body, such compulsions are neurotic in nature and never realized, there is nothing to worry about.

After the second week

The body is finally moving away from pregnancy. There are pains in the chest, perineum due to natural processes. In addition, the risks of mental transient disorders are increasing. In particular, depression, psychosis (with productive symptoms: hallucinations, delirium), obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive thoughts and drives to harm oneself or a child, they have a contrasting nature and never become actions) can occur.

Recommendation : in such cases, you should contact a therapist to determine the treatment regimen. Most of the drugs are contraindicated, psychotropic drugs are prescribed in case of emergency, if a woman does not breastfeed her baby naturally, there are no restrictions.

Medium-term problems and solutions

Among the possible complications after the first month, a group of disorders occurs. They can be prevented if you know how.

  • Change in tone and size of the uterus. In some cases, the anatomical shape of the organ changes. In the future, this can provoke infertility due to the inability to attach the embryo. Recommendation: restoration of tone is carried out by massage. On your own, you do not need to do anything, at least in the first month. Kegel exercises are then possible (see below). But not earlier, so as not to provoke complications. Recovery takes up to 2 months.
  • The cardiovascular system. Sharp jumps in blood pressure, tachycardia are possible. The heart and blood vessels cannot return to normal after an intense load. In addition, the risks of hemorrhoids are growing due to changes in hemodynamics. Recommendation: it is impossible to prevent changes from the side of the heart, it’s enough not to overstrain for a month and everything will return to normal. As for hemorrhoids - it’s important to sit in one place less, not to push hard during the bowel movement, not to consume alcohol, fatty and spicy foods, coffee. Next, a healthy body will cope on its own.
  • Cervix and Vagina. The cervix recovers on its own after about 2.5 months. The vagina also has sufficient elasticity. Recommendation: in order to prevent weakening of the muscles of the pelvis, you need to perform Kegel exercises: birch (lift the pelvis lying on your back, 5-7 times in 2 sets per day), strain and relax the muscles of the pelvis, first interrupting urination to understand the essence of the exercise. Then - change the pace and duration. This will also help to restore the muscles of the peritoneum.
  • Musculoskeletal system. Perhaps the development of bone fragility, osteoporosis due to the active release of calcium from the bones. Recommendation: Do not give up physical activity. At the very least, you need to walk in the fresh air, an hour a day will be enough (at least). It is important to eat well. It takes up to 5 months to fully recover.
  • Menstruation. A stable cycle is restored after several weeks from the end of lactation. When eating mixtures - after 2 months on average. A total failure is possible, then there will be problems with the reproductive function. Recommendation: it’s impossible to do anything on purpose. It is enough to control the level of sex hormones in the blood, undergo regular examinations by an endocrinologist and gynecologist.
  • Aesthetic properties of the abdomen, chest. Forms are changing. Chest and belly sag, stretch marks appear. Recommendation: 1-2 weeks after birth, you need to do a massage of the chest, abdomen to increase blood flow. Then a week later, at the discretion of the doctor, you can add exercise. 1-3 months with moderate physical activity are enough to restore the normal properties of the body, skin. Usually this time is not enough for a radical solution to the question. Full-fledged physical education is possible no earlier than after 3 months. Showing swimming, hiking and cycling, jogging in the fresh air. A high-quality result occurs in 1-2 months.

The activities are simple. It is important to pay attention to your own condition and adhere to common sense. All controversial issues are discussed with the doctor.


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