Features of reproduction of remont raspberries in spring. How to properly cut repair raspberries


Recently, repair raspberries are gaining popularity among summer residents. All thanks to its productivity and ability to give berries 2 times a season. However, after planting, the question of breeding arises, because it is not always possible to get the right amount of seedlings right away. Here, the repair raspberries have their own characteristics.

The nuances of breeding repair raspberries

It is difficult to propagate repair raspberries in the usual way, since it has few root offspring and the root system is poorly developed. The most effective breeding methods in this case:

  • green cuttings;
  • stem cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Bushes grow well on almost any soil, but for further cultivation, it is better to plant raspberries in the sun, in places with fertile soil. Experienced gardeners recommend adhering to this planting scheme: between the bushes 70 cm, between rows up to 1.5 m. If there is not enough space, then planting in groups is allowed. 3 bushes every 70 cm.

Important! There are varieties of remont raspberries that cannot be propagated by the above methods. They are bred with seeds.

Reproduction of remont raspberries with green cuttings in spring

This raspberry variety does not have many green cuttings, which is why they are harvested in the spring and throughout the summer. Green stalks are called "nettles" - radical offspring that do not yet have their roots, but the rosette of leaves is well developed. Such plants are endowed with growth power and quickly form their own root system.

Shoots are best rooted, in which the aerial part does not exceed 3-5 cm.

They are harvested in May and throughout June. You need to cut it with a sharp tool so as to capture the underground part of the shoot by 5 cm. It is on it that the roots will develop in the future. The cut site is treated with any growth stimulator. Rooting takes place in the shade according to the following rules:

  1. The soil is selected loose and fertile, with sand content.
  2. Cuttings are buried so that part of the green shoot is covered with earth.
  3. The bed is covered with film or glass to create a greenhouse effect.

It takes several weeks to root. When the cuttings start growing, the greenhouse is opened to ventilate the plantings. Hardened seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place.

Features of propagation of remontant raspberries with stem cuttings

For this method of propagation, annual cuttings, but already lignified, are suitable. Harvest them since the fall. The shoots are cut into pieces 25-40 cm long, so that not everyone has several buds. The upper cut is left straight and the lower cut obliquely. Leaves are completely removed. Cuttings are bundled and stored until spring in a well-ventilated area. It is best to keep them in wet sand or sawdust.

To plant cuttings begin in the spring. You can immediately plant in a greenhouse or grow raspberries on the windowsill. The soil is used loose. Roots in glasses begin at the end of winter, and in spring, seedlings are transferred to a permanent place. Before rooting, the cuttings are soaked in water with a growth stimulator.

Attention! The percentage of cuttings rooted by this method is small. But it’s worth a try, because after pruning, suitable shoots remain.

Instructions for breeding repair raspberries by dividing the bush

In some cases, in order to get new remnants of remont raspberries, you need to completely dig out the bush, since the shoots grow too close and there is no way to separate them. It is better to start this procedure in the spring, while the buds have not yet blossomed:

  1. Dig a bush, shake the ground from the roots.
  2. Rinse the root system under running water to make raspberries easier to split.
  3. Cut the rhizome with a sharp secateurs so that 2-3 stems and well-developed roots remain on each divide.

Seedlings are immediately planted in prepared wells filled with fertile soil.

Comment! Division of the bush - in rare cases, the only way to quickly propagate repair raspberries. However, the survival rate of planting material is low.

To increase the chances of survival, the bushes are well looked after. Watering the seedlings is necessary regularly, the soil to preserve moisture is mulched with humus or peat. After the bushes start growing, they are fed with complex mineral fertilizers.

Seed propagation of remont raspberries in spring

This method is the most difficult and not suitable for beginners, most often it is used by breeders or experienced gardeners to breed rare raspberries. But having a little practice, everyone will be able to use it.

Seeds can be purchased at the store or selected from the desired variety of berries. To do this, you need ripe raspberries, the berries of which are kneaded to a mushy state. Then the resulting slurry is squeezed through cheesecloth. The pulp is poured with water and stirred well. Empty seeds will float to the surface, and full seeds will settle to the bottom. They are extracted from water, dried well to a friable state and used for planting. But before that seeds are stratified:

  1. Seeds are mixed with wet sand, placed in a paper bag or linen bag.
  2. Prepared grains are stratified at a temperature of + 2 ... + 4 ° C. You can put the container in the snow, put it in the refrigerator or basement.
  3. As necessary, the soil with seeds is moistened.

The stratification process lasts from 2.5 to 4 months.

In early March, seeds are sown in a shallow bowl. Close up at 0.5 cm, but no more, otherwise the seedlings will have to wait a long time. The container is covered with a package to create greenhouse conditions, but after the appearance of green leaves they are removed. Seedlings are watered as needed. Dive at the age of 3-4 real leaves. Transferred to a permanent place when the root system is well formed.

Important! During seed propagation, not all types of raspberries retain varietal characteristics.

Remontant raspberry is a moody culture, which is not so easy to breed. However, there are plenty of ways to propagate, and each gardener can choose the right one. Of course, they plant more bushes than necessary, as their survival rate is not always high.


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