The financial horoscope for April 3 and your individual "luck index"


The influence of celestial bodies extends to all spheres of human life, not excluding the financial one. And for each sign of the horoscope today, from the point of view of astrologers, there are some tips that it is advisable to listen to.

And at the end of the article is presented the "luck index", focusing on which, you can spend your day wisely and with great satisfaction with your life.

Aries: This is the best time to plan your business and investment. But in practice - refrain from serious purchases - there is a great risk of miscalculation of benefits and marriage. If you have a common budget with someone - today, offer to allocate small, but separate "pieces of cake" for each person. If you are single - immediately start saving up for a dream.

Taurus: Let everything go on. Let spending be for the most part planned. But also be prepared for the possibility that they will give you a present - something long-awaited. There is also a high probability of purchasing things at a good discount. If you are passionate about something like Feng Shui - this is a great day to improve living space in order to attract money.

Twins: Do not be afraid to get out of the budget to please yourself with a tasty or spontaneous fulfillment of the wish “I want!” to the trifle. Make money easier and then your flow to you will increase. You can still compose a wishlist and hand it to your loved ones - let them get ready to really please you in the coming holidays. Set aside a routine, such as the purchase of household goods - it will only drink vitality.

Crayfish: A great day to take care of your future, for example, by creating a secret personal piggy bank. It is also useful to consider the next expenses - perhaps something expensive can be easily abandoned. But there is still a great chance that you will face an important choice - whether something is a profitable investment or completely useless.

A lion: Try to live this day, in principle, forgetting about money - today they tend to run away like sand through their fingers and you can quarrel with someone over them. The only reason to plunge into the world of finance - a sudden side job that you need to agree to - will be profitable and interesting.

Virgo: Perhaps they will decide to impose monetary responsibility on you - at work or in the family. Although it’s not worth it, you’ll be able to cope with everything. The main thing is not to listen to anyone's advice and not look back at the financial mistakes of the past. Moreover, what once caused failure can now turn into material prosperity.

Libra: This day is a brilliant opportunity to redraw the budget and convince all concerned about it. But the opening prospects and bright ideas of this day will help to say goodbye to debts soon and even in the future not to take loans for anything. However, it is worth considering that the decisions made today will be tested in the future and it will not be so easy to stick to them.

Scorpio: Although they say that you can’t buy happiness, it’s possible to feel today that a specific amount of money is not enough for him. Therefore, it is better to focus attention and strength on something where finance is really not important. But to grieve about them and find a way out - for this time will come.

Sagittarius: It’s a difficult time when spending money is harder than making money. And on this occasion, the advice of loved ones will not be out of place. The main thing is not to make hasty, probably unsuccessful decisions. Perhaps on this day, the attitude towards finance will change once and for all in principle.

Capricorn: Definitely worth the fear of loans, and lending is not worth it. With great probability, something will turn out so that you understand that in life you need to rely primarily on yourself. And this is a good time to look into the eyes of your fears, complexes and get rid of them once and for all - you can achieve financial prosperity and take care of yourself and loved ones.

Aquarius: Regardless of plans for the day, unexpected expenses may await you. But do not worry - it is likely that everything will be possible to compensate in the near future. And there is also the likelihood of financial assistance from the completely unexpected. But on your own initiative, do not start a conversation with anyone about money - he will surely turn into a misunderstanding.

Fish: This day provides the opportunity to share some spending with friends or family. If it doesn’t come to that, then this is another everyday day. And theoretically, it may be possible to understand that things are not as complicated with finances as they seem. And in no case do not ignore the ideas that come unexpectedly - it is possible among them to show up on what will be the beginning of a successful business.

"Luck Index" for all signs of the zodiac on Wednesday, April 3, 2019


1-2 points: It’s not the best day to focus on only the main thing, and the rest is to let go and postpone, in order to avoid trying on yourself different shades of failure. If, contrary to the will of the stars, something works out fine - there is a considerable merit of a unique personality and luck, predetermined by Fate itself.

3 points: where, with equal probability, there may be a result with a plus or minus sign - it is better not to risk it. Luck is ready to slip away, but theoretically, a person who is confident in himself and accurately calculating the likely options may succeed.

4-5 points: luck on this day blooms and shines, everything develops magically successfully. Therefore, do not sit still - life provides rare lucky chances. However, relaxation and spontaneity are also, in a way, great activities for a good day.

Your mark:

Aries: 4.0

Taurus: 3.3

Gemini: 3.9

Cancer: 4.5

Leo: 2.8

Virgo: 4.4

Scales: 3.1

Scorpio: 2.7

Sagittarius: 4.8

Capricorn: 3.7

Aquarius: 2.5

Pisces: 4.6

Total: In general, a favorable day, and even though Aquarius and Leo should have less contact with the monetary sphere, it will be successful and interesting for them in other areas.

Other signs are recommended to perceive the third of April simply as yet another day of everyday life, in which everything can take its normal course, and can be surprising.


Watch the video: TAURUS New Moon in Aries 1-15 April YOU HAVE MAGICAL POWERS! (June 2024).