Overweight: women with early puberty become more obese


All parents know that puberty is the most difficult period to grow up. Some teens reach puberty earlier than others. Researchers found that girls with early puberty are more likely to be overweight.

Early puberty increases the likelihood of obesity

British researchers have found that girls with early puberty are more likely to get obesity. Doctors published the results of the study in the English-language journal International Journal of Obesity.

Previous studies have already found a link between obesity and puberty. One risk factor for obesity is increased food intake and lack of physical activity. Sometimes overweight occurs with early sexual intercourse.

However, situational factors such as ethnicity, economic status, educational attainment, and diet may influence outcomes. The above factors make it difficult to determine the cause of obesity due to early puberty.

Early puberty is a risk factor for obesity in women

Older studies have shown that there is a link between obesity and puberty. However, scientists did not know what is the cause - obesity early puberty or vice versa.

A recent study clearly showed that early puberty is a risk factor for overweight. Girls who have puberty at an early age usually develop a higher body mass index (BMI).

Current research findings help unravel complex external factors and provide insights into a causal relationship. The results of the work of scientists show that early puberty has a significant impact on the risk of obesity in women.

Genetic basis defines human life

For research, a group of scientists used DNA as a tool to study the effect of puberty on body weight. The genes in every cell in the body come from parents. The genetic basis of the embryo determines the color of the hair, as well as the risk of certain diseases.

Using data from 182,416 women, scientists identified 122 genetic variants that were closely associated with puberty. Moreover, the woman’s age in the first period was determined using a questionnaire.

The team then analyzed data from the British biobank, which contains biomedical information about hundreds of thousands of people. The biobank also combines physiological data with genetic sequence data and questionnaire responses.

In the second group of 80,465 women for whom BMI measurements were available, they looked for the effect of genetic variants on weight. Scientists have determined that there is a connection between the first menstrual cycle and body weight.

Results have been checked several times.

The first scientific analysis revealed a connection between certain genetic variants and body weight. Those women who had gene variants associated with earlier puberty had more weight. Researchers studied these relationships in a third group of 70,962 women and found the same relationship there.

How does early puberty affect body weight?

Doctors conducted a series of statistical analyzes to verify the accuracy of the results. The results were confirmed, therefore, experts are convinced of the accuracy of the findings of the study.

According to the researchers, it remains unclear how early ripening directly affects body weight. The differences between physical and emotional maturity can play a role. The authors suggest that the physical effects of hormonal changes during puberty can also lead to greater body weight.

The research team plans to develop prophylactic drugs and recommendations for delaying puberty. New methods of prevention, according to experts, will help to effectively combat obesity. Early detection and control of overweight play a significant role in the recovery of the patient.


Watch the video: Precocious Puberty (June 2024).