Low-carb diets for treating overweight and diabetes: shocking findings from a new study


In a recent scientific paper, scientists questioned the benefits of low-carb diets. Eight studies have been conducted on a low-carb and high-fat diet. Results: An increase in the level of harmful cholesterol is observed in patients consuming low carbohydrates and a lot of fat.

What does a group of scientists who are skeptical of the study think?

The results of scientific work show only minor changes in "bad" cholesterol after 6, 12 and 24 months. Patients increase the concentration of “beneficial” cholesterol in a low-carb diet.

Improving the overall cholesterol profile has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular risk.

Skeptics believe that a low-carb diet is more beneficial than harm, as evidenced by new scientific work.

Looking at the quality and size of cholesterol changes, interesting parallels with drugs are found. They also slightly increase harmful and beneficial cholesterol, but lower triglycerides.

Improvements in blood pressure, weight, and blood sugar have often been underestimated in discussions. Studies show that laboratory deterioration is not in itself a decisive indicator. In the end, the reduction of all risk factors, that is, vascular load, matters in the incidence.

Insulin sensitivity, blood pressure and inflammation are reduced with a low carbohydrate diet. Perhaps a decrease in carbohydrates will have even stronger effects in patients with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Unfortunately, there is no study that would evaluate the cardiovascular system with such a diet. Skeptics can only draw conclusions that are associated with the use of drugs that lower blood cholesterol.

Other scientists disagree: a low-carb diet carries the risk of increasing bad cholesterol

According to opponents of skeptics, there is convincing evidence that the carbohydrate content in food can harm a person. Contrary to misconceptions, a high-carb diet was found in nature.

A low-carb diet carries the risk of raising levels of bad cholesterol. Scientists from scientific work suggest that excessive fat intake increases the concentration of long chain fatty acids. They, in turn, increase the level of bad cholesterol.

The negative effect of saturated fats has been confirmed by numerous studies with convincing evidence. The latest scientific work was carried out at the end of 2018 by Spanish scientists.

The effect of saturated fatty acids on the human body with a low-carb diet has also been studied by German scientists. People who follow a low-carb diet and consume a lot of fat are more likely to suffer from heart disease.

Does it all depend on the quality of the food?

Recently conducted scientific work comes to a completely different result. Food quality determines health benefits, not the ratio of fat to carbohydrates.

Patients who take a lot of “healthy” fat, few carbohydrates and enough fiber are less likely to suffer from vascular disease. A low carbohydrate diet, but rich in healthy fats and fiber, has lowered bad cholesterol.

A group of people who ate sugary foods, poorly refined starch, or other low-quality carbohydrates was more likely to suffer from vascular disease. The use of saturated fatty acids and trans fats also affected the overall life expectancy of all patients.

When replacing saturated and trans fats with unsaturated fatty acids, the risk of cardiovascular disease was reduced.

Doctors recommend reducing the intake of simple sugars (sucrose), increasing fiber and unsaturated fatty acids. 30 g of fiber, the daily rate of unsaturated fatty acids and a decrease in the amount of sugar to 40 g per day reduces mortality for all reasons.

Scientists believe that eating high-quality, low-carb foods, coupled with unsaturated fatty acids, increases your lifespan. The use of low-quality fats and fewer carbohydrates adversely affects the vessels and heart.


Watch the video: 'Slow Carbs' and the Truth About Low-Carb Diets (July 2024).