Do painkillers worsen the course of infectious diseases?


Aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, or paracetamol are the most commonly used analgesics that cause serious side effects. According to a Portuguese study, painkillers worsen the course of viral and bacterial infections.

Why are analgesics dangerous?

About 12% of Russians are responsible for the use of analgesics. However, most people abuse over-the-counter drugs.

The most commonly used anti-inflammatory analgesics are aspirin, diclofenac, and ibuprofen. All 3 drugs have a similar effect on the body: reduce pain, lower temperature and counteract inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are the most commonly used drugs with multiple side effects. The fact that they are freely available does not make them harmless. Depending on the dose, analgesics may increase the risk of heart attacks and gastric bleeding.

Anti-inflammatory drugs not only suppress pain, but also interfere with the natural healing of wounds with gastrointestinal infections. The drugs block the formation of natural protective hormones - "prostaglandins."

Prostaglandins protect the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and cardiovascular system from damage. Chronic abuse of painkillers is steadily changing the human body.

In what cases do side effects most often occur?

Scientists believe that side effects are highly dependent on the form of treatment, dosage and age of the patient. Young people who do not have chronic illnesses have nothing to worry about if they rarely take analgesics.

The risk of complications increases with age. Unfortunately, older people need daily painkillers to deal with everyday problems. Therefore, the most vulnerable group is people over 65.

Unlike aspirin, ibuprofen, and diclofenac, paracetamol acts only in the central nervous system. However, the drug is not without drawbacks, as it also prevents the formation of protective hormones.

How dangerous is paracetamol?

American scientists have found that paracetamol not only fights pain in its own body, but also causes previously unknown "side effects."

Only in recent years has it been shown that paracetamol prevents the formation of its own protective hormones in the body. Therefore, it can cause the same health problems as other analgesics. The most famous harmful effect of paracetamol is the destruction of liver cells.

The active substance is found in numerous combination drugs. As a result, it is not easy for the patient and the doctor to see if the recommended daily maximum dose is exceeded.

Excessive use of paracetamol can easily lead to an overdose. People who already have liver damage, overweight, or chronic muscle disease should not take the medicine.

Do other analgesics also complicate infections?

There are analgesics that bind to opiate receptors throughout the body: in inflamed tissues and the nervous system. Opiates are used primarily to combat chronic pain due to cancer, serious accidents, or rheumatic diseases.

Opioid preparations are prescribed strictly by prescription. Using these medicines may cause respiratory failure, nausea, and weight loss. However, they do not complicate the course of infections, since they have little effect on the concentration of protective hormones.

Another type of analgesic is antiepileptic drugs that stabilize the membrane of nerve cells. They are used when pain is caused by impaired transmission of information in the nervous system.

Antiepileptic drugs are used for infections, nerve damage, and metabolic disorders. They also do not complicate the course of the infection.

What rules should be followed when using analgesics?

Scientists recommend taking over-the-counter painkillers for no more than 3 consecutive days and no more than 10 times a month. Doctors insist that patients use the lowest possible dose of medication.

Even simple painkillers should not be taken without medical advice. It is much wiser to get an accurate diagnosis first.


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