Signs and superstitions about housewarming


Moving to a new home is for many modern people the very event that certainly requires observing "some" ancient traditions, in other words, he, along with the wedding, exams and the opening of the summer season, is most often surrounded by superstitions and signs even from those who ordinary life is not inclined to mysticism.

However, in our culture there is no single ritual standard for new settlers. From the point of view of historians, in various regions of Russia over the centuries, the measures taken in the paranormal sense to ensure happiness and other things in the new house were more than different.

So the signs that have survived to this day are actually averaged examples of ancient beliefs, some of which, by the way, continue to undergo changes under the influence of the realities of the cultural characteristics of the modern world.

What astrologers say

From the point of view of astrologersThe most unfavorable times for housewarming are:

  • solar and lunar eclipses;
  • the opposition of the moon with Mars or Mercury;
  • the birthday of one of the new settlers.

But the new moon is the most suitable time of the month. Of the days of the week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are considered the most favorable.

Key signs for successful settlement

So what should newcomers do first? If we are talking about an apartment that was inhabited before, then the primary concern is cleaning. And this shows the influence of the fashionable Asian doctrine of Feng Shui - other people's things, and even more so garbage, are concentrates of foreign energy, the interweaving of which in the energy of new arrivals can be "parasitic", even if the past owners of the house were nice people. Simply, figuratively speaking, these two forces will be crowded in space, plus, the larger energy layer has moved with the people who left, and the remnants ... this is true, unnecessary rubbish.

But even if after past tenants everything is clean, anyway - it will not be superfluous to quickly go to the rooms and even symbolically after receiving the keys to the house sweep the floor towards the front door and at the end through its threshold.

And it’s important to note - need to be cleaned in the daytime. When this is over, you should briefly open all the doors and windows, letting in light and fresh air, as well as all the taps - running water will carry away the rest of the negative.

And it happens that in a new house, the owners make repairs before the housewarming. Then you can take advantage of the ancient tradition and hide a silver coin in the wall - so that the family never knew the need.

About the cat

Finally, it's time to pack your things. But if there is a cat / cat (we emphasize - your own home creation, not borrowed from friends) - the first to enter the house is a pet. It was always believed that in this way he expels the negative and scares away evil spirits. You can walk the animal to the room selected under the bedroom, and if the cat / cat somewhere lies down - this is a good sign, there you need to put a bed.

What to enter first

Bed it is advisable to make the first of the furniture (but it is not necessary to assemble immediately).

Then, the house should appear bake (electric, gas, and at least a microwave), symbolizing the hearth with its live fire, warming, giving food and light in the dark of night, protection from all evil. This will serve as a worthy alternative to the old rite of transferring precisely the flame for the new stove from the hut to the hut.

The rest of the furniture is entered in any order. But with mirrors you need accuracy - in no case can you hang them so that you get a "mirror corridor" - so unwanted otherworldly entities can gain access to the new house.

Horseshoe above the front door It brings good luck and protects against financial losses, only it should not be a souvenir, but removed from the horse’s legs. True, as an element of interior design, a horseshoe is not always appropriate. But here’s the latest amendment of our days — it’s enough to hang over the door for seven days and seven nights, after which it is wrapped in a green rag and cleaned on the top shelf of the highest cabinet — the effect will be the same.

As soon as the owners of the house with the household arrived at a new place with all things, folk wisdom recommends everyone to eat. Just do not need to go to the cafe - you should either prepare something tasty, or order delivery from a catering service. The main thing is to arrange the first meal for the family in the walls of a new house. What promises further abundance and a good table. But a strict rule - this time no alcohol.

Housewarming Gifts

A bit of alcohol will not hinder the housewarming party, where guests will come. And they, by the way, it is also desirable to be aware of gifts for the owners.

So, you can not give:

  1. Forks and knives - So you can bring quarrels into the house (other dishes and kitchen utensils are welcome).
  2. Clock - in principle, never suitable, promising a bitter separation, a gift.
  3. Blankets, bedding - it is believed that a person should acquire these things for personal use, and from outsiders (even good hands), they will bring insomnia.

Give cash twenty years ago it was considered a bad omen - the owners will live in need, but to this day, only under the influence of Feng Shui, cash has appeared in the list of approved gifts. The main thing is, firstly, to put them in an envelope (postcard), and secondly, a guest with such a gift, before entering the house, should toss a coin over the threshold.

To the owners of the house, no matter what the table is laid there, it is necessary to meet guests, it is imperative to offer them bread and salt. In the old days, they believed that only with their abundance in the house would be enough for everything else. If you have the skill, you must definitely bake two pies - one sweet, the second - with chicken, again - for a well-fed, prosperous family life.

First night in the house

Particular importance is attached to the first night in a new house. To get a prophetic dream, showing how future life will turn out, it is advisable to fall asleep before midnight.

If the family has a young unmarried girl, then saying "in a new place, dream the bridegroom"She may well see her chosen one tonight.

And finally, before the moon completes its full cycle in the sky from the moment of housewarming, to strengthen happiness in the house, it is undesirable to bring cut flowers into it - because they, in fact, die. And although there is a slight contradiction - after all, it is not forbidden to bring vegetables and fruits, this is probably due to the fact that these are fruits for food, and flowers - just like that, for aesthetic pleasure.

But it can become very positive in terms of energy arrangement of a kindergarten on the balcony or windowsill, with flowers in pots.


Watch the video: Doing This Will Jinx Your House WEIRD SUPERSTITIONS (July 2024).