Careerist Code: 14 Ways To Look Smartest At A Meeting


If you spend more than 20 hours a week at meetings, you probably noticed that there is always a person who gives the impression of being the smartest, regardless of whether this is actually so.

If you want to become such a person, tips proven by many years of experience will help you.

1. Keep eye contact with everyone. People who look others in the eye seem more qualified, competent and even intelligent.

2. Put your chin on your fist (just do not support your cheek with your palm!). This pose conveys an impression of interest and participation in the conversation, helping you look smarter.

3. Nod. This is another way to emphasize your interest, consent and desire to interact with others.

4. Sit next to the person who leads the meeting. Show that you work closely and everyone will decide that you have advanced authority.

5. Encourage meeting participants to speak up. People who are not used to speaking in public are embarrassed and stressed when they have to defend their beliefs or share ideas. Do not forget to add: “Thank you for your understanding”, “It’s worth considering” or “Your opinion is very interesting” You will impress someone who knows and is ready to support more timid colleagues.

6. Stick to the facts and confirm the obvious. Making others agree with you is a great way to look smarter. And the best way to achieve this is to say something meaningful that you can't argue with. For example:
- "We must behave smarter";
- "Focus on what's really important";
- "How is this consistent with our vision?";
“This is part of our strategy.”

7. When someone speaks vaguely, act as a translator. If the speaker is trying to explain a really complex concept or simply does not express his thoughts very well, and you own the subject, repeat what was said in an accessible language.

8. Stop the conflict. If the discussion threatens to turn into a squabble, announce that everyone needs to stop and take a breath. When everyone turns to you, ask: "Let's decide what problem are we trying to solve?".

9. Ask open-ended questions.. Most meeting participants have their own interests and ideas that they want to share. To revitalize the discussion, ask clarifying questions: “What,” “Where,” “When,” and “Why.”

10. Look at the person who needs to know the answer. If you are asked a really difficult question, do not look down while looking at your notebook. Look through the eyes of a person who clearly has something to say. You will look smarter just by looking at him.

11. Try to be objective. Your statements must be impartial and neutral. When everyone around reacts emotionally and pulls the blanket over themselves, objectivity is the best strategy.

12. Ask for an example. When people try to express their opinions, but get confused in words, ask them to give an example. It will make you look smarter, and the storyteller will encourage you to dig a little deeper.

13. Play Devil's Advocate. When a new idea has great potential, and everyone likes it, the best time is to play Devil's Advocate. This shows your willingness to go beyond the obvious and get to the bottom of the matter.

14. Express your desire to continue the discussion outside the meeting. When the discussion is over and people are ready to get up and leave, say: "I had a number of ideas (or questions remained), but I will send them later by e-mail." This will give you time to better think about your proposals, and the rest - the opportunity to free yourself on time.

Use these techniques with caution so as not to earn the image of an annoying know-it-all. But if you think strategically and truly passionate about work, you will soon find that you have gained a reputation as a smart and effective employee.


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