Why is it worth going to Crimea in winter?


Crimea is traditionally one of the favorite vacation spots among Russians. But the vast majority of people come to the peninsula during the holiday season, which lasts approximately from May to September. And this is not surprising, because in the first place Tauris attracts people with the gentle waters of the Black Sea. And from mid-autumn to late spring, their temperature is such that only walruses dare to dabble there.

Those who need only bathing and tanning, in winter, probably have nothing to do in Crimea. But for those whose souls are simply torn to the sea, this wonderful corner of the earth awaits all year round. As well as those who want to conquer the mountains, go in for sports, improve their health, sightseeing, study history and take leisurely walks, admiring the natural beauties. Well, if you are so eager to swim, go to the Crimean sanatoriums and dive into the hot thermal springs. In winter, prices in health resorts are much lower.

Weather in Crimea in winter

Of course, you are interested in the weather conditions of this region in the cold season. The population of the northern regions of the country, where from November to March, severe frosts and snowdrifts knee-deep, is unlikely to consider the winter in Crimea a cold time. There are no severe frosts on the peninsula, long cloudy weather is a rarity (residents of St. Petersburg, pack your bags!). Snow and sub-zero temperatures are not excluded, but they last only ten days in a few winter months.

It can rain instead of snow.

However, rainy days are usually quickly replaced by sunny weather. There is a lot of sun in winter, which in itself is a good reason to come here in the off-season. In general, climatic conditions depend on which place of the Crimea you choose.

It will be warmest on the South Bank, because the mountains reliably protect it from the cool air coming from the north.

In addition, the sea generously gives its heat to these lands. The warmest place is the village of Mishor. At the height of winter, an average of 4.5 degrees Celsius. Yes, not hot. But the Siberians will rejoice.

Winter fun

Winter, unlike summer, when many people come to Crimea to lazily wallow on the beaches, has an active rest. While those living in the southern part of the peninsula enjoy the positive temperature, which does not occasionally let snow fall too long, the mountains invite all lovers of a healthy lifestyle. One of the main places for skiing, snowboarding and sledding - Angarsk Pass.

There are three tracks. One is quite light, the other runs through the forest, and the third is a rocky slope. Neither beginners, nor extreme players on the pass will get bored. All inventory is rented. It is possible to rent a house.

The most famous mountain peak of Crimea - Ai-Petri - hides under the snow cover for about three months. On its plateau, winter sports fans will find tracks of various difficulty levels. There are slopes here for those who are not too confident in downhill skiing, and areas that only the most daring and experienced will dare to conquer. The longest track is 1030 meters long! There is a rental on the Ai-Petrinsky plateau where there is everything necessary, and professional instructors work.


Don't like this kind of fun? Then just go on exciting trips and excursions in the mountainous Crimea: Grand Canyon, Demerdzhi, Chatyr-Dag, Mount Bear (Ayu-Dag), next to which is the first camp of the country - Artek.

Do not forget about the legendary Gazebo winds, as if suspended in the air over the Black Sea valley. From here, in clear weather, at a distance of tens of kilometers, you can perfectly see the endless sea, majestic mountain ranges, harsh cliffs and picturesque southern villages. The views that will open to you, and the sensations you will never forget.

In different parts of Crimea in winter they offer to make horse riding.

The tour can last several hours, or it can take a whole week - it all depends on your preferences. Those who wish to go on a long horseback tour are provided with accommodation at special bases (essentially mini-hotels). All the required equipment is rented.

If you prefer higher speeds, choose vehicles such as ATVs.

And to combine speed with comfort - jeeps. A popular route for jeep tours are trips to the already mentioned mountain. Ai-Petri.

Cultural rest

Crimea is unusually rich in historical and cultural sites. In the summer, thousands of tourists plow them daily. And it is not at all necessary to be a misanthrope or a sociophobe in order to feel uncomfortable among these crowds. In winter, no one will disturb you, and without any fuss, you will inspect any of the monuments.

First of all, pay attention to the South Bank again. Here you will see one of the symbols of the Crimea - Bird home.

And then take a performance along the famous Yalta Nabkewhere Chekhov and the heroes of his world-famous short story "A Lady with a Dog" were once walking.

Visit unique in its architecture Vorontsov Palace, as well as the magnificent white-stone palace in Livadia - the favorite residence of the last emperor and the meeting place of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill during the Second World War. And having gone to the Massandra Palace, do not forget to look at the factory of the same name, which produces some of the best Russian wines.

An excursion to its glorious cellars and a museum of winemaking, coupled with a tasting of Massandra products - one of the most popular among tourists. Do you think this is not a cultural holiday? Go to "Massandre" and you change your mind!

Take a trip along the west coast Little Jerusalem. It will allow you to closely learn different religions.

In eastern Crimea, you can get acquainted with ancient monuments (Panticapaeum, medieval fortresses, burial mounds dating back more than one millennium), in Sevastopol - with the ruins of ancient Chersonesos and places of heroic deeds of our soldiers in World War II. History buffs will appreciate it. And fans of Russian classical literature and painting will be able to make visits to the regions associated with outstanding figures of culture and art. The price tags in museums in winter are usually lower.

What else to see in Crimea in winter

  1. Caves.

Probably the most mysterious places in the Crimea. These are whole cities in the bowels of the mountains with kilometer galleries and labyrinths, unusual underground lakes and rivers.

  1. Frozen waterfalls.

Even if there are frosts, stormy and seemingly indomitable streams of water, chained with ice, look no less exciting than when they are in constant motion. Sightseeing Silver Jets, Wuchang-Su and Su-Uchhan are required.

  1. Nikitsky Botanical Garden and landscape parks.

In Nikita, a large number of non-deciduous trees grows, garden greenhouses delight the eye with an innumerable scattering of flowers of all possible colors and shades. And wandering among the evergreen vegetation of amazing parks on the South Coast, among which Paradise (meaning "paradise") in Partenit stands out - a real monument of landscape gardening art, you can breathe plenty of the healing air of coniferous trees.

  1. Religious monuments.

Many ancient Orthodox churches and monasteries (the Christian era began in Crimea in Russia, because Prince Vladimir was baptized there), Muslim mosques and Karaite kenasses await those who crave contact with the spiritual world.

  1. Safari Park "Taigan".

The largest nursery of lions and tigers in Europe. Here you will see dozens of lions living in relatively free living conditions. And if you wish, make a trip to the savannah, where you will chat with them in the immediate vicinity and even pet those who are called kings of animals! If such an adventure seems too dangerous, you will be allowed to pick up small cubs or cubs and take photos with them. There are many other types of animals in the park. Visitors are allowed to feed some of them - adults and children are delighted with this!

This beauty must be seen. At least in the video:


Watch the video: Winter 2018 simferopol, crimea Russia (June 2024).