How to attract money to the house using conspiracies


In the old days, conspiracies were an integral part of everyday life. This type of white magic was often used in various situations, for example, before the birth of a child, at a wedding, they made protective conspiracies, to return a husband from a battle or a campaign, and, of course, to material well-being.

Nowadays, you can also attract money to the house with the help of a conspiracy. In this case, it is not necessary to turn to a sorcerer, magician, psychic or fortuneteller. There are special ceremonies that can be performed independently.

Money magic - what is it?

The most common spells of white magic - they are aimed at helping to achieve the desired and protection. The magic of money appeared long ago, as soon as people invented money instead of an equivalent exchange, a desire appeared to accumulate wealth or at least have a minimum level of wealth.

Money magic has become very popular since ancient times and has maintained this status to this day. There are a large number of different ways to raise money in a family, here are some of them:

  • conspiracies and spells;
  • prayers
  • amulets;
  • rituals and rites.

Often these methods to attract money are used not only by ordinary people, but also by successful businessmen, trade workers before concluding large transactions.

Among the conspiracies and spells to attract money there are several varieties, specific goals:

  • A refund. This method is relevant when someone borrowed a certain amount and does not repay for a long time or is not going to pay at all.
  • Raising money at home. Such a plot helps the whole family to improve their material well-being. It happens that it seems like all family members work, but they can’t accumulate money or they simply don’t delay, as if they were leaking through fingers.
  • Receiving the money. Here, situations are relevant where it is simply necessary to attract any amount of money for specific needs, for example, for treatment, buying a car, building a house or traveling.

Quite often, an effective conspiracy to attract money is used, so that they are always enough. This is the so-called conspiracy to the wallet, special whispers are used to make money come from a variety of sources.

Rules for Reading Home Conspiracies

A conspiracy to raise money is a reading of a special text, accompanied by certain actions. Such a ceremony can be carried out at home, the main thing is to concentrate on what is happening and follow the rules.

Engaging in such magic just for fun is not recommended. Use conspiracies only when needed. To make it work, remember the important points:

  • If you are talking a subject, do it without hesitation, reservations or mistakes - any ritual requires clarity, coherence.
  • Oddly enough, pregnant women get the most powerful conspiracies. Most likely, this is due to the fact that pregnant women have strong energy.
  • Some conspiracies, rituals and ceremonies are held only on certain days or times of the day.
  • It happens that the conspiracy is read by another person - it is imperative to thank him.
  • Fasting and a peaceful, peaceful life without scandals with other people will strengthen your conspiracy, your energy will be clean.
  • If you are going to have a ceremony, ritual or conspiracy, do not tell anyone about it.

The last point is especially important, as foreign energy can interfere with the success of the event. Firstly, you perform a ritual for yourself or your family, magic works purposefully, do not mix someone else's energy, otherwise it may fail. Secondly, if successful, you may begin to envy, gossip, wish for evil. Extra negativity is also not needed.

Refund Conspiracy

This technique is relevant in order to get money back on loan. It often happens that the funds are returned for a very long time or do not want to do this at all. It was for these purposes that they came up with a conspiracy to repay the debt, often the ritual calls to the conscience of the debtor.

There are several ways to return the money that belongs to you by right, we will consider each of them in more detail.

Thin money broom

This is the easiest way, used since ancient times. It works best if a person lives in a private house. First you need to sweep the threshold of the debtor’s house with a new good broom, and at the same time say the following: “I’m throwing a good broom, I will sweep out my money for myself”.

After we take the old thinning and bury it in front of the debtor's house, saying:

It turns out that the conspiracy is induced only to receive debt. As soon as the money comes back, be sure to dig out the old broom to free the debtor.

Refund by candle candle

This is an uncomplicated candle conspiracy ritual to recover lost or borrowed money. For these purposes, an ordinary tall thick wax candle with a dense wick is suitable.

Wait until midnight, light a candle. Once the flame becomes stable, immediately cut the candle in half with one movement. We light the second half and connect the two candles obtained with burning wicks. It is necessary to say special words:

If there is an opportunity to walk with a lighted candle to the debtor's house, then put it out and put it out, the plot will become even more effective. If this is not possible, mentally imagine how you are there and put out the candle.

A conspiracy to raise money in a home and family

This type of conspiracy is very popular, its goal is to improve the material well-being of the whole family.

Here are two of the most effective ways for home use:

  • When making a purchase at a store or market, when you receive a change or payment, you need to say the following:

  • On the first day of the new moon, at 12 o’clock in the night, go out on the road, holding in your hands the same amount of coins. Open your palm so that the coins are illuminated by the moon's rays and say seven times loud:

Then tightly squeeze the coins, go into your house and put them in your wallet.

Important: any conspiracies for money under the moon are done only on the rising moon.

Money conspiracy

If you want to get a large amount of money, there is a way to try to implement your plan.

There is a very effective conspiracy on a green candle. We will need a large green candle, a green candle and dried ground basil. Scratch your name and the amount you wish to receive on the candle. Oil the candle, roll in the basil and set it on fire by saying the following:

Conspiracy on the wallet

This ritual is used when you want money to always be found, there is no need. Large sums will not come, but there will be no poverty.

Perform a full moon ritual. Three days in a row at night, an empty wallet is placed on the windowsill. We do this on the very new moon, the day before and the day after. After you put the wallet, say the following:

Before choosing a specific plot, decide for yourself whether you really need it. Any magic is best used at an hour of need, and not for idle curiosity. Then the effect will be stronger, the plan will be exactly fulfilled.


Watch the video: Rise of the Rothschilds: The World's Richest Family (July 2024).