Dark circles under the eyes - we get rid of the problem with pharmacy and folk remedies. How to remove bruises under the eyes at home


Deep shadows under the eyes are a problem for most women. They add to the owner of extra years and give a haggard, tired look. You can get rid of the problem in a matter of seconds using cosmetics - concealers or concealers. But it’s better to eliminate the flaw rather than mask it.

Causes of bruising under the eyes

This problem is familiar to both mature and young women. The appearance of dark circles under the eyes may be the result of a small malfunction in the body, lack of sleep, or tiredness. In some cases, bruising can indicate serious health problems. Therefore, it is very important to know the reasons that can provoke the formation of dark circles under the eyes.

Insomnia. Blood circulation worsens, the skin becomes pale, and all cosmetic imperfections appear brighter.

The lack of folic acid and B vitamins negatively affects the condition of the skin.

Unbalanced diet. The prevalence of salty and fatty foods in the diet negatively affects health.

Bad habits. Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking dehydrate the body and inhibit the process of collagen production, as a result of which the skin around the eyes loses elasticity and darkens.

Stress. Shadows under the eyes are one of the signs of a nervous strain.

Not washed away at night decorative cosmetics.

Long work at the computer.

Allergy. It is accompanied by tearing and swelling of the eyes.

Hormonal disbalance.

Age-related skin changes.

Diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Ways to eliminate bruising under the eyes at home

In order not to mask dark circles daily with decorative cosmetics, you need to get rid of the problem once and for all.

To eliminate dark circles under the eyes, use:

• cosmetics: serum, mask, cream;

• folk remedies: compresses, masks, lotions;

• massage and gymnastics;

• therapeutic ointments;

• cosmetology procedures.

It is worth remembering that the condition of the skin depends on the lifestyle. To make it radiant and healthy, you need to eat right, observe a sleep pattern and avoid stress.

Means for dealing with bruising under the eyes at home

1. Balm from bruises and bruises. Natural composition, essential and vegetable oils, algae extract, stimulates tissue renewal, eliminates pain and strengthens blood vessels. The tool is hypoallergenic and quickly absorbed. Use both independently and as a warm compress.

2. Bruise cream. Cope not only with dark circles, but eliminates age-related changes. The maximum effect is achieved through the use of day and night remedies. It includes a vitamin and mineral complex, collagen. Penetrating into the deeper layers, the product restores skin cells.

3. Patches. They relieve bruises under the eyes, strengthen blood vessels and refresh. The lifting effect slows the formation of the first wrinkles. Convenient to use. Stickers are fixed on the lower eyelid. After 20 minutes they are removed. The remnants of the product are driven into the skin with light movements.

The best masks against bruising under the eyes at home

Masks prepared at home will help to cope with dark circles under the eyes and relieve puffiness. Regular use will not only fix the problem, but also prevent wrinkles.

Recipe 1. Herbal

Moisturizes, tones and provides elasticity to the kodi. The composition will allow you to quickly and easily get rid of bruises under the eyes caused by insomnia.


linden - 5 g;

nettle and chamomile - 10 g.

Mix dry chopped herbs, divide into two equal parts and place in two bags of gauze. For three minutes, dip in boiling water, remove, cool and attach to the eyelids. After ten minutes, remove. Repeat the procedure three times a week.

Recipe 2. Algae Based

The mask from bruises, providing the epidermis with nutrients, also helps to cope with age-related processes. It removes excess moisture and has a persistent tightening effect.


almond oil - 30 drops;

kelp - 10 g.

Grind the dried algae to a powder state. Dissolve with warm green tea and leave for ten minutes. Enter the oil. Stir and generously apply on the eyelids. After forty minutes, remove with a damp sponge. For chronic fatigue, you will need at least five sessions.

Recipe 3. Vitamin

Rejuvenates, refreshes and provides nutrition, especially in winter. Restores elasticity, making up for the lack of nutrients and moisture. Regular use will prevent darkening of the eyelids.


wheat oil - 5 ml;

20 drops of retinol;

tocopherol - 25 drops.

Pour vitamin solutions into vegetable oil and mix. Apply a thin layer counterclockwise in a circle on a cleaned surface of the eyelids. After an hour, carefully remove with a sponge.

Prescriptions for lotions against bruises under the eyes at home

As emergency assistance, you can use lotions:

Option 1. Ice Cubes

Take a spoonful of sage and chamomile. Pour herbs in a glass of boiling water and leave to cool completely. Strain the infusion, pour into ice molds and put in the freezer. Gently rub the area around the eyes with the cube, or wrap in gauze and apply to bruises. Then wash with cold water and apply a nourishing cream.

Option 2. Tea compress

Squeeze out used chilled tea bags and apply to the area around the eyes. Soak for ten minutes and remove. Wash and apply a nourishing cream.

Compress can be done using cotton pads, which are moistened in chilled green tea and applied to the eyes.

Option 3. Thermal water

Moisten a cotton pad liberally in cold thermal water. Apply on the eyelids and stand for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, apply the cream.

Pharmacy products to eliminate bruising under the eyes at home

Therapeutic ointments that effectively relieve bruises under the eyes:

1. Tramp. Available in powder or gel form. Relieves puffiness, normalizes skin color and improves blood circulation. Apply to the lower eyelid with a thin layer and incubated for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and apply a nourishing cream. Badyag is not recommended for use if there are scratches and irritations on the skin.

2. Heparin ointment. Remedy for thrombosis, sprains, bruises and hemorrhoids. Successfully eliminates bruising and puffiness under the eyes thanks to a calming and vasodilating effect. Apply to the eyelid code a thin layer twice a day. Then remove with a wet sponge. The procedure is carried out for 21 days, after which they take a ten-day break.

3. Troxevasin. Means against bruises and varicose veins. Effectively eliminates dark circles and swelling caused by problems with capillaries. Accelerates metabolic processes and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The cream is applied in a thin layer to the cleaned eyelids under the eyes and left overnight. The procedure should be carried out no more than once a week. It is forbidden to use in the presence of microtrauma.

If the bruises under the eyes are not related to health problems, eliminating them will not be difficult. It is enough to regularly take care of the skin around the eyes, give up bad habits and normalize sleep patterns.


Watch the video: Part 1 - Restylane Under Eye Filler Injections for Under Eye Bags and Puffiness (July 2024).