Maryin root: healing properties of a beautiful flower. Maryin root: indications, contraindication, use


In official medicine, marin root is called "peony evading." For the preparation of folk remedies, only the roots of the plant are used, on the basis of which various tinctures, decoctions, ointments or other means are made.

Maryin root is used to treat:

• stomach ulcers and gastritis;

• insomnia and nervous breakdowns;

• gout;

• stomach upsets;

• bleeding;

• asthma;

• gynecological diseases;

• epilepsy;

• skin diseases.

The plant stimulates metabolic processes, helps get rid of fatigue and relieve stress, cleanses the body of harmful substances. Effectively used in rehabilitation therapy after prolonged binge. Restores the nervous system.

Maryin root: indications for use

The plant is used to treat a wide variety of diseases:

• Peony root is mainly used to treat gynecological diseases. Especially in oncology.

• Tincture is effectively used in the treatment of gout.

• The drug is often used for poisoning. Bactericidal action stimulates the elimination of harmful substances.

• A decoction of the plant or tincture is used to eliminate stomach upsets and diarrhea. It copes with the treatment of dysentery, thanks to the bactericidal action.

• For asthma, it is recommended to use a mixture of peony root in combination with thyme, coltsfoot, violet and sundew.

• The common cold is treated with a decoction of a mixture of peony root and other medicinal herbs.

• Peony root is prescribed for excessive irritability, nervousness, insomnia and hysteria. Tincture is an excellent sedative.

• Salts from the body will help to remove a mixture of peony flowers with other medicinal herbs, bark, leaves and berries.

• Tincture of the plant is used by traditional medicine to treat skin diseases. Bactericidal properties effectively eliminate the infection and accelerate skin recovery.

• Peony root is also used in cosmetology, making lotions that effectively eliminate oily sheen, acne and acne.

Maryin root: contraindications

The plant has virtually no contraindications. However, it is important to strictly observe the dosage and treatment regimen, since the plant is poisonous.

Root-based medicines are not recommended for people with high acidity and hepatotics.

Use is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age and pregnant women.

Maryin root: indications in gynecology

Mastopathy treatment

In the treatment of the disease, alcohol balm based on extracts from the peony root, with the addition of extracts from the Ural licorice and the root of tea penny, is especially effective. The tool is also used in the treatment of other ailments: oncology, infertility, fibromyomas, heart problems, cycle disorders.

Balm Recipe:

peony root - 50 g;

licorice (root) - 15 g;

tea penny (root) - 25 g.

Wash the roots well, dry and chop. Pour the mixture with a half liter of vodka and leave for two weeks in a place where the sun does not fall. Then the tincture is filtered and poured into a glass dish.

Treatment begins on the fourth day of the onset of menstruation or a new moon. Add 15 ml of the product to a cup of green tea and mix. Take two months, then take a month break.

Fibroid treatment

Peony root tincture is effectively used to treat fibroids and oncology of the uterus and appendages, stimulates blood flow to the pelvic organs and relieves inflammation.

Tincture Recipe:

alcohol - half a liter;

marin root - 50 g.

Grind the root of the plant, fill with alcohol and send to a dark place for two weeks. Pour tincture over a teaspoon for a month three times a day. Then take a week break.

Infertility treatment

Properly prepared tincture of peony root will help cure infertility.

Tincture Recipe:

peony root - 100 g;

vodka - liter.

Finely chop the root of the plant and fill it with a liter of vodka. Leave in a dark place for two weeks. Take 10 ml three times a day at the same time. In the process of treatment, it is necessary to stop smoking, exclude alcohol and taking any medications.

The use of peony root for colds

A mixture of marin root with other herbs speeds up the healing process, stimulates the discharge of sputum.

Infusion Recipe:

flowers of chamomile, peony and licorice root - 10 g each;

elderberry and linden flowers - 20 g each;

willow root - 30 g.

Grind all components thoroughly. Pour boiling water with a half liter and leave to insist for ten minutes. Then strain the infusion. Drink it warm throughout the day.

Marin root ointment for radiculitis, muscle pain and arthrosis

Essential Ingredients:

dried marin root - 150 g;

badger interior or pork fat - 300 g.

The dried root of the plant is crushed, combined with fat and heated in a water bath for half an hour. The ointment is cooled and transferred to a glass container.

Rub the ointment several times a day in circular motions, or make a compress out of it for the night. A bandage of cotton cloth is applied to the place of grinding and bandaged with a woolen scarf.

Maryin root: use in the fight against alcoholism

The plant is successfully used in the fight against alcoholism. A decoction of marin root reduces cravings for alcohol and restores the nervous system after prolonged binge.

To prepare a decoction, 30 g of dry root is poured into 400 ml of boiling water and boiled over low heat until the liquid has evaporated by half. The broth is filtered. Add two tablespoons to drinks or food three times a day.

Maryin root for nervous disorders, spasms and cramps

The plant is an excellent sedative. Tincture of it is used for increased irritability, nervous disorders, spasms, cramps and excessive nervousness. Long-term use does not cause addiction.

To prepare the tincture you will need:

vodka - 400 ml;

marin root - 40 g.

Pour the crushed root with alcohol and insist for two weeks. Take 30 drops thrice a day. The tool effectively relieves nervous tension and relieves insomnia.

Maryin root in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

To treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, a decoction is used.


marin root - 10 g;

boiling water - 800 ml.

Grind the root of the plant, pour boiling water and send to a small fire. Stew the mixture for about seven minutes. Cool the broth and strain through cheesecloth. Take half a glass shortly before meals.

Maryin root during salt deposition

Tincture Recipe:

flowers of calendula, peony, cornflower, juniper berries, buckthorn bark - 10 g each;

elderberry (flowers) - 20 g;

40 g of willow bark, horsetail and birch leaves.

Grind and mix all components. Pour a spoonful of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain the infusion. Every two hours, drink a glass of the product.

Maryin root: use in oncology

Peony root is used to treat all types of tumors. Tincture of the plant effectively fights the effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

The charge used in radiation therapy


red clover, juniper fruits, knotweed grass - 25 g each;

flowers and grass of meadowsweet, oats, birch leaves, linden flowers, motherwort - 50 g each.

Place two tablespoons of the mixture of crushed herbs in an enamel pan, pour half a liter of boiling water and cook on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then insist for another half hour and strain.

Take half a glass, adding a teaspoon of tincture of maringo root, five times a day.

Chemotherapy collection


3 g of coriander, tansy inflorescences and birch buds;

5 g of immortelle, elderberry fruit, frankincense leaves and burlap.

From the crushed herbs, a decoction is prepared similar to the previous recipe. Take half a glass at eight in the evening, adding 5 ml of tincture of peony and Befungin pharmacy.

The key to proper and effective treatment is the proper collection, storage and processing of raw materials. Collect the plant in late summer. Ready-made tinctures for the treatment of certain diseases can be purchased at the pharmacy, which greatly simplifies the treatment process. Before using a particular tool, be sure to consult a specialist.


Watch the video: Martin Root - They (July 2024).