What decorative and beautiful blooming flowers can be planted in the autumn in the country. Planting technology, names and photos of plants


With the advent of autumn, work in the garden does not end there. Now special attention needs to be paid to the flowerbed, because most flowers are planted in the fall. So the plants take root better, develop in spring faster and bloom in the same year. However, in different regions of the country, planting dates will vary, we give an approximate work plan and lists of suitable plants.

What perennial flowers to plant and transplant in the fall

As for perennial flowers, in the first half of autumn it is worthwhile to start planting plants with a two-year development cycle. These include:

• daisies;

• viola;

• forget-me-not;

• primrose;

• Turkish carnation.

These plants bloom in the second year of planting, in order to see their flowering in the spring of next year, seedlings need to be planted in the fall. Work is planned at the beginning of September so that the flowers take root well before the onset of frost and successfully wintered. Their flowering will begin in early spring, some will last until the end of summer.

In mid-September, you can plant and divide lupins, hosts, peonies, astilbe, irises, daylilies, delphiniums, clematis, euphorbia, roses. Rhizomes are carefully dug up and divided into several parts, slices are sprinkled with crushed coal. Plants transplanted in the fall will take root well, in the spring they will plant many new shoots.

Closer to the end of September and in the first ten days of October, you can plant and transplant lilies of the valley, panicled phlox, chrysanthemum and perennial aster. These flowers should be divided every three years, they grow rapidly.

Before the onset of stable frosts, all plantings are mulched so that the rhizomes do not freeze. Initially, plants are spudded, then covered with dry grass, foliage or sawdust. In regions with severe winters, the flower garden is additionally insulated with non-woven material and covered with snow.

Important! If thaws often occur in winter, then you do not need to cover the plantings strongly, they can start to grow and die from the temperature difference.

What perennials can be sown in autumn

Some perennial flowers multiply well by seeds that can be sown before winter so as not to mess with seedlings. In the natural environment, they winter well, in spring there will be friendly shoots, it remains only to thin out the seedlings.

The following frost-resistant perennials can be sown:

• lupine;

• aquilegia;

• lavender;

• gentian;

• delphinium;

• rudbeckia;

• poppies;

• heicher;

• bells;

• primrose;

• nemophile;

• viola;

• Buzulnik.

Work is planned for late October and early November, when frosty weather is already set. Sowing is carried out on frozen ground so that the seeds do not have time to germinate. Seeds are not embedded in the soil, but distributed over its surface. When the snow melts, they will independently retract to the desired depth. Shoots will appear in the spring when the weather is warm.

Advice! For autumn sowing, twice as many seeds are used, planting is made dense, as part of the seeds can die.

Is it possible to plant annual flowers in the open ground in autumn

The seeds of some annuals need natural stratification, without which they germinate tightly. It is these species that are preferable to sow in late autumn, then in early spring you can see strong shoots.

List of annual flowers for autumn sowing:

• alissum;

• calendula;

• godetia;

• Iberis;

• estholtius;

• asters;

• Snapdragon;

• cosmea;

• matiola;

• cornflowers;

• lobularia;

• scabiosis.

Work is planned for the month of November, well, if by that time the first snow has already fallen. The beds are prepared in advance, they are dug, fertilized, the topsoil is leveled and compacted. Shallow grooves form for some seeds. Sprinkle the seeds with dry peat or humus, sand.

Important! When planning an autumn seed planting, consider the height of the plants. Some of them do not like transplantation; they are sown immediately to a permanent place. Tall species are best sown near the fence, and stunted annuals along the edges of the flower beds.

How and when onion flowers are planted in autumn

At the very beginning of autumn, they begin to plant small-bulb plants, which are the first to bloom in the spring flowerbed. These include:

• crocuses;

• muscari;

• pushkiniya;

• scylla;

• chionodoxes;

• spells.

Work is planned at the end of August. Bulbs are embedded in the upper layers of the soil, otherwise they will germinate for a long time, which will affect flowering.

From mid-September to early October, you can plant tulip bulbs, daffodils, hyacinths. It is better to divide the plants by variety, first plant early flowering, then middle and late species. Thus, the flower bed will delight the eye from early spring until the very summer.

It is better to plant daffodils first, if their planting is moved to the end of the month, then the root system will not have time to develop. Such bulbs will freeze in the winter.

Planting tulips and hyacinths can be extended until mid-October. Hyacinths have a large onion, they close it to a depth of about 20 cm. In rainy autumn, the planting site is additionally covered with polyethylene so that the soil is not wet. Hyacinths are sensitive to soil moisture, can die.

Tulips are not afraid of dampness and take root faster. Their landing can be delayed until the end of the month. It was noticed that plants planted in October develop well and rarely suffer from viral diseases. Bulb depth depends on their size. Shallow close up by 5-10 cm, medium by 12-15 cm, the largest up to 20 cm. There is a rule that the depth of planting of bulbs corresponds to three bulb diameters.

Important! In November, no bulbs are planted or transplanted. Allowed only planting tulips, if for some reason they did not have time to plant earlier. However, it is worth looking at the weather, the air temperature should not be lower than + 5 ° C for two weeks. If the frost starts abruptly, then the flowers will simply die.


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